For over 40 years, Relines Pink Seedlis has been one of the most popular hybrid crops in many countries around the world. Excellent taste qualities and the almost complete absence of seeds make it possible to use the berries for the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as for fresh and dried consumption.

Grape variety Relines Pink Sidlis: photo and description, reviews

Grapes Relines Pink Sidlis are very beautiful and tasty

The story of 

In the middle of the last century, American breeders were given the task of developing frost-resistant grapes with excellent taste. Scientists successfully coped with this, providing in 1964 a new hybrid called Reline Pink Seedlis, which was obtained by crossing Ontario and Suffolk Red varieties.

The originator of the hybrid was Arkansas State University in the USA.

As a result of observations of the crop, which were carried out in experimental vineyards in different regions, it was found that the plant can withstand temperatures as low as -34 ° C, which is very important for growing Reline Pink Sidlis in cold regions.

Grape variety Relines Pink Sidlis: photo and description, reviews

Sortu Relines Pink Seedlis is not afraid of the cold

Description of grape varieties Relines Pink Sidlis

The Relines Pink Seedlis grape is a tall plant with a strong vine that requires a garter. The hybrid is intended for cultivation in uncovered form.


Cylindrical-conical bunches of Rilines Pink Seedlis grapes are dense and quite large. According to the authors, the weight of one bunch is on average 300 g. According to gardeners, the fruit bunch weighs about 200 g.

Grape variety Relines Pink Sidlis: photo and description, reviews

Clusters of the hybrid are compact, dense


Small (about 1,5 g) dense berries during the ripening period acquire a white-pink or intense pink color and a pleasant strawberry aroma.

The pulp is juicy, tender, practically does not contain seeds. The peel is also soft, but durable, removed with a bag. When using fresh berries, the skin is well chewed and does not spoil the taste of the grapes.

Attention! Bones are sometimes found in the fruits, but they are almost invisible.


Rilines Pink Seedlis grape bushes are powerful, tall, requiring the construction of special supports – trellises, arbors, etc. The growth rate of the vine is defined as high, therefore, to prevent excessive growth, the bushes have to be pruned annually.

The five-lobed, slightly dissected leaves of the plant have a different shade – in the lower part of the bush they are darker, and in the upper part they are light.

Small flowers are bisexual, which eliminates the need for other varieties for pollination. Moreover, it is this grape that is often used as a pollinator plant.

Grape variety Relines Pink Sidlis: photo and description, reviews

Vine Pink Seedlis is fixed on supports


Hybrid Rilines Pink Sidlis has a good survival rate and growth rate. Already in the fourth year after planting, you can harvest a full-fledged grape harvest.

The ripening period of grapes Relines Pink Seedlis

Relines Pink Seedlis is a super early variety, the fruiting period of which begins 110 days after bud break. In the southern regions of the country, berries ripen in early August, and in the regions of the middle zone – in September.

Grape yield Reline Pink Seedlis

The Rilines Pink Seedlis hybrid is characterized as high-yielding. Under favorable weather conditions and compliance with the rules of agricultural technology, it is possible to collect 1-120 centners or 150-8 kg from one bush per 10 hectare.

Grape variety Relines Pink Sidlis: photo and description, reviews

The yield of Relines Pink Seedlis is pleasantly impressive


The taste of Relines Pink Sidlis grapes is labrus-like, with subtle notes of strawberry and light bitterness. The high sugar content (24%) and low acidity (6-7 g/l) make it possible to consume this grape fresh.

The tasting assessment of the taste qualities of fresh grapes was 7,4 points, dried – 7,6 points.

Growing regions

The hybrid is grown in almost all areas of the country, except for the coldest. When cultivated in the cool Siberian region, the vine is covered for the winter from the cold to avoid freezing.

Frost resistance

Grape Rilines Pink Seedlis was presented by American breeders as a frost-resistant hybrid that can withstand temperatures as low as -34 ° C and is recommended for cultivation in cold regions of the country.

But given the fact that the northern states of America are located south of the capital of the Federation, the cold resistance of culture for the colder regions of Our Country is not too high. Therefore, in Siberia, where frosts often exceed the permissible limit, grapes have to be covered for the winter. When growing in the middle lane, this is not necessary.

Grape variety Relines Pink Sidlis: photo and description, reviews

In warm regions, Rilines Pink Seedlis is not sheltered for the winter

Drought tolerance

A powerful root system of grapes allows you to get water from deep layers of the soil, so this crop is not afraid of drought. Moreover, too high soil moisture often causes root rot and the subsequent death of the entire bush. Therefore, it is recommended to water the grapes only during the dry season. With periodic precipitation of moisture, the plant will be more than enough.

Disease and pest resistance

Rilines Pink Seedlis grapes have good resistance to fungal infections and pests common to this crop.

The possibility of infection with mildew and odium remains, so every spring it is recommended to carry out preventive treatment of the vine with fungicidal preparations.

Methods of Use

The almost absolute absence of seeds makes Rilines Pink Seedlis Kishmish grapes an ideal raw material for the manufacture of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

Attention! Berries are eaten fresh and dried.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Relines Pink Seedlis grape has many virtues. It also has two small flaws.


  • good taste;
  • high yield;
  • fast growth and good survival;
  • frost resistance and drought resistance;
  • precocity;
  • versatility of use;
  • self-pollination;
  • resistance to diseases and pests.


  • short shelf life;
  • the tendency of berries to crack in the rainy season.

The predominance of advantages over disadvantages makes this hybrid popular with growers from different regions.

Rules of landing

The full development of grape bushes and crop yields largely depend on the quality of planting material. Healthy cuttings and seedlings should be elastic, without swelling, growths and mechanical damage.

For growing grapes, it is desirable to choose flat, sunny and wind-protected areas. This culture does not like excess moisture, so the soil should be light permeable. Ideally, plant grapes in loose rocky, black earth, carbonate or slightly carbonate soil. But calcareous soil for its cultivation is definitely not suitable.

In the process of planting grapes, pre-prepared planting holes are approximately 1/3 filled with drainage and black soil (or other fertile soil, which, if necessary, can be acidified with organic matter). The seedling is placed in the center of the hole so that its root system fits freely, and covered with the remaining soil.

The distance between the bushes should be at least 80 cm, and between the rows – 100-120 cm.

Attention! Seedlings and cuttings are buried in the soil to the point of growth.

You can plant grapes in open soil in the spring, when stable warm weather is established and the earth warms up to +10 ° C. In the middle lane, in particular, in the Moscow region, this is the end of April, the beginning of May, and in Siberia – the second half of May. In the south of the country, grapes can be planted in the first half of April. In autumn, it is planted in late September or early October.

Attention! In the spring, it is imperative to perform water-charging watering.
Grape variety Relines Pink Sidlis: photo and description, reviews

Planting hole for grapes should be wide enough

Features of care

For normal development and fruiting, Relines Pink Seedlis grapes need proper care, which includes:

  1. Watering. Given the good drought resistance of grapes, it is recommended to irrigate it only during the dry season. At the same time, clay soils and chernozem require rare and abundant watering, while sandy and stony soils require frequent and non-intensive watering. In drought, the soil in the root zone is moistened even after harvesting. Mulching with sawdust or chopped dry grass without seeds will help retain moisture.
  2. Top dressing. Organic matter is introduced into the soil for the first time when grapes are planted. In the future, every spring the plant is fed with nitrogen fertilizers, and during the fruiting period – with special complex fertilizers.
  3. Loosening the soil and removing weeds. It is recommended to loosen the soil in the root zone after each watering (if there is no mulch), weeds are removed as they appear.
  4. Preparing for winter. The hybrid Rilines Pinsk Sidlis tolerates a decrease in temperature without problems, therefore, in the southern regions and central Our Country, for example, in the Moscow region, it is not necessary to cover the bushes. But the inhabitants of Siberia should take care of protecting the vine from the cold. The most common is the so-called dry shelter, when the plants are insulated with agro-fabric, spunbond or ordinary straw, and then covered with plastic wrap, creating an air bubble in the bush area.
  5. Pruning. Before shelter for the winter, the shoots are cut into six eyes. Dry and damaged branches are also subject to removal.
  6. Prevention and treatment of diseases. Relines Pink Sidlis can become an object of infection with fungal diseases such as mildew, oidium, powdery mildew, rust, etc. Treating the vines and leaves with fungicidal preparations will help to cope with the trouble. You can get rid of pests with the help of insecticides.
Advice! Bottles with a mixture of sweet water and an insecticidal agent will help resist the attack of wasps during the fruiting period.
Grape variety Relines Pink Sidlis: photo and description, reviews

A vine of any grape is pruned every spring


Rilines Pink Seedlis grapes are an unpretentious and frost-resistant hybrid suitable for cultivation in almost all regions of the country, except for the coldest. The pleasant taste of berries and good yields make it possible to provide your family with vitamins for several months.

Reviews of grapes Relines Pink Sidlis

Ivanchenko Vadim, Bryansk
I was very pleased with the yield of Relines Pink Sidlis grapes. Never regretted putting him in. I will grow more.
Kashirina Tatiana, Domodedovo
I planted this hybrid in my dacha. Of course, I had to tinker with illnesses out of ignorance, but I managed. The taste of the berries is sweet, juicy, I liked it very much.
Borjomi flavored water with notes of berries, herbs and fruits

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