Many gardeners grow grapes on their plots. When choosing a variety, you need to take into account the features of the use of berries. To get a harvest of juicy grapes, you need to choose the right variety. You can plant Pinot Grigio grapes (French Pinot Gris or Italian Pinot Grigio) on the plot. From the berries of this variety, fragrant white wine is obtained, according to connoisseurs, the most delicious in the world.

In France, Italy and America, the Pinot Gris grape variety is especially popular.
History of occurrence
Pinot Grigio grapes are a technical variety that is grown specifically for making wine. The vine was first planted in France in the 16th century; it was used to make a delicious invigorating drink for Emperor Charles IV. Then they began to grow grapes in Hungary, Germany, Italy and America.
Pinot Grigio came to the Soviet Union in the second half of the 20th century. But first, breeders P. P. Blagonravovy, E. B. Ivanov and P. V. Gorobets worked with him. Thanks to their research, productivity has increased.
Description of Pinot Grigio grapes
Pinot Grigio grapes are a Western European late variety. The name is translated from French as “gray bump”. The vine has a developed and powerful root system, therefore it is quite tall itself. Young shoots are lowered, they have many shortened internodes. Saturated green leaves are medium with three or five deeply dissected lobes.
Pinot Gris grapes can be distinguished by their unusually shaped clusters. It is in the form of a cylindrical cone or just a cylinder. The berries in the brush are quite dense, so much so that the grapes are deformed inside. The stem on which the bunch is attached is short but strong, it can withstand a weight of 80-150 g.
The honey aroma of berries attracts insects and birds. To protect the harvest, they stretch a metal mesh or hide the bunches in special bags.

When viewed from the side, it seems that large cones have grown on Pinot Grigio grapes
Pinot Gris got its name from the color of the berries. The delicate skin is pinkish-gray. The flesh, unlike the skin, is completely colorless, it is not even visible. The juice from which white wine is obtained will also be colorless. Acids in fruits are approximately 4,5-7 g / dm³. Sugars are contained up to – 250 g / dm³.
The berries are small in size, their diameter is 7-15 mm. Most often, grape varieties are round, but, as already noted, due to the density of the clusters, they can be deformed.

In recent years, clones of Pinot Gris grapes with pinkish-yellow berries have appeared.
Young one-year-old shoots have a light brown tint. Then the tone acquires pink blotches.
Characteristics of Pinot Grigio grapes
When choosing a variety, growers pay attention not only to the external description of the vine, but also to the characteristics. It is important to know when the berries ripen, what is the yield, whether it can be grown in a particular area and other parameters.
Maturation period
From the beginning of flowering to harvest, it takes about 130-150 days, since the Pinot Gris grape variety has an average ripening time. This setting is weather dependent.
Pinot Grigio grapes are a medium-yielding variety. On each bush, as a rule, 50% of the shoots bear fruit. The variety is grown not only in summer cottages, but also on an industrial scale for the production of wine. Up to 1 tons of fragrant berries are harvested from 9 ha. But growers do not refuse the variety, despite the fact that the yield is low, but the wine turns out to be excellent.
The taste of Pinot Grigio has delicate fruity notes. They remain in white wine.
Where does Pinot Grigio grow?
The most successful grapes are obtained on the territory of the North Caucasus, Crimea, Krasnodar Territory. In other regions, the vine may die due to spring frosts. And the winter cold (where the temperature is below -20 ° C) does not tolerate Pinot Grigio grapes well, even with good shelter.
Frost resistance
If in the regions the mercury column drops to -20 ° C, the Pinot Grigio vine needs to be covered. To do this, they dig trenches in which grapes are laid. Before this, sanitary pruning is carried out, not only damaged shoots are removed, but also dry leaves. Then they carry out preventive treatment of the vine from diseases and pests. Covering material is thrown onto the prepared bushes, and sprinkled with earth on top.
Drought tolerance
The Pinot Grigio vine can withstand short-term drought. But it should be understood that this reduces the yield of grapes and worsens the taste of berries.
Disease and pest resistance
Pinot Grigio is a very old variety. But with immunity, he is not all right. Every year, it is “attacked” not only by pests, but also by diseases.

Berries and leaves are usually affected by fungal diseases.
To prevent mildew, oidium and other fungal diseases, the vine must be sprayed with Bordeaux liquid, iron or copper sulphate, preparations with sulfur, as well as Topaz, Horus, Strobi. The main thing is to have time until the berries begin to pour.
Proper agricultural practices allow avoiding diseases: planting, pruning, caring for grapes.
Pinot Grigio grapes are rarely consumed fresh. Usually table and sparkling wines, champagne are prepared from it.
Advantages and disadvantages
Each culture has its own advantages and disadvantages. Pinot Grigio grapes are no exception.
Grade advantages:
- bunches with tasty and fragrant berries;
- the possibility of obtaining wine not only in industrial, but also at home;
- unpretentious care;
- attractive appearance.
Cons of Pinot Grigio:
- low productivity;
- low immunity, which makes the culture sick and attacked by pests;
- berries are not subject to long-term storage;
- needs to be covered for the winter.
Features of landing
Pinot Grigio should be planted in sunny, open areas, preferably southwest or south facing. This variety can be propagated by cuttings, it is not only effective, but also does not require special material costs.
A pit for a seedling is prepared in advance so that the soil has time to settle. The bottom is drained with pieces of brick, gravel. Then soil is poured, 5 kg of wood ash, 500 g of azofoska. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
Pinot Grigio seedlings should be placed in the planting hole immediately after purchase, so as not to dry out the roots. Before planting, cut the roots and shoots into 3-4 buds. The roots are dipped in a mash of clay and planted in a hole. Fill the hole with soil and water.

Bushes are planted at a distance of 80 cm, between rows of at least 1 m
Care instructions
Young bushes up to the age of three require special care. It includes:
- pruning and forming fans on the bushes;
- be sure to cover the bushes in regions with a cold climate;
- you need to open the Pinot Grigio vine after the spring frosts recede;
- the soil should be loosened, weeds should be removed at the same time;
- in the spring, small roots are cut and soil is poured under the bare stem.
In the future, you need to regularly trim to give a fan, cordon or standard crown shape.
Regular watering is one of the important procedures for caring for Pinot Grigio grapes: a bucket of water per bush

Experienced growers over rows with vines recommend installing drip irrigation
The grapes are fed three times during the season: during budding, flowering during the setting of berries. Organic and mineral fertilizers are used for feeding. Urea (90 g), superphosphate (60 g), potassium sulfate (30 g) are added under the root. With regards to organic matter, up to 30 l / 1 m² must be added under each bush.
The Pinot Grigio grape has been known since the 16th century. But the variety has not lost its popularity. Delicious white or rosé table and sparkling wine, as well as champagne, are obtained from the berries.