Good yields and resistance to fungal diseases have made Novoshakhtinsky Muscat grapes one of the most popular hybrids. The culture is recommended for cultivation in the southern regions and regions of central Our Country.

Grape variety Muscat Novoshakhtinsky: photo and description, reviews

Grapes Muscat Novoshakhtinsky has a marketable appearance and rich taste

History of breeding

Muscat Novoshakhtinsky grapes are a hybrid obtained by crossing two table varieties: Talisman and XVII-10-26.

It is interesting that the originator was not a professional breeder, but an ordinary miner from the city of Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov Region. Pavlovsky Evgeny Grigoryevich, engaged in viticulture in his spare time from his main job. In honor of the amateur’s hometown, the new hybrid was named “Muscat Novoshakhtinsky grapes.”

Grape variety Muscat Novoshakhtinsky: photo and description, reviews

Hybrid recommended for growing in temperate climates

Description of the grape variety Muscat Novoshakhtinsky

Muscat Novoshakhtinsky is a red grape with large sweet berries. The external description of the bushes is not much different from other table varieties of this crop.


One of the advantages of the culture is huge cone-shaped clusters weighing 500-800 g. The structure of the brushes is not very dense, signs of peas are insignificant.

Important! If stored in a cold place, the grapes retain their freshness and taste for two months.


Red-violet in the stage of full maturity, the berries are large, about 7-10 g each. The shape of the fruit is correct round, there are few seeds – 2-3 pcs.

Juicy tender pulp is covered with a thin skin, almost not felt in the process of eating grapes. Despite the not particularly dense structure, the berries do not crack even in the rainy season.

Attention! Muscat Novoshakhtinsky is characterized by uneven ripening of berries, so the harvest period can stretch until autumn.


Fruit grapes Muscat Novoshakhtinsky is a tall plant with a strong flexible vine covered with five-lobed slightly dissected dark green leaves.

The growth rate of shoots is assessed as high, maturation is excellent along the entire length of the plant.

Considering that the vine tends to quickly take root upon contact with the soil, it is raised to vertical supports to prevent unwanted rooting.

The flowers are bisexual, which makes pollination possible without the participation of pollinating crops, in this case other grape varieties.

Grape variety Muscat Novoshakhtinsky: photo and description, reviews

Muscat Novoshakhtinsky is a tall weaving plant


Muscat Novoshakhtinsky is a high-yielding table grape with excellent taste. Cold resistance and early ripening make it possible to grow it in many regions of the country.

Ripening period of grapes Muscat Novoshakhtinsky

Muscat Novoshakhtinsky is characterized as an early ripe hybrid, the ripening period of which begins 115 days after bud opening. In the regions of the middle zone, including the Moscow region, grapes are harvested in mid-late August; in the south, ripe berries appear already at the beginning of the last month of summer.

The yield of grapes Muscat Novoshakhtinsky

The yield of the hybrid is estimated by winegrowers as high. Subject to the rules of cultivation, 15-20 kg of ripe berries are harvested from one adult bush.

Attention! Mature bushes give a harvest in the second year after transplanting to a new place.
Grape variety Muscat Novoshakhtinsky: photo and description, reviews

More than 1 centners of grapes are harvested from 100 hectare


The taste of grapes is harmonious, nutmeg, with pleasant caramel notes. A high percentage of sugar and low acidity make the berries ideal for fresh consumption.

Growing regions

Basically, Muscat Novoshakhtinsky grapes are grown in the south of the country and in the regions of the middle zone, including in the Moscow region. Siberian gardeners who want to plant this hybrid on their site will have to take good care of its protection from frost.

Frost resistance

This is a frost-resistant hybrid that can withstand temperatures down to -23 ° C. In the southern regions with warm winters, Muscat Novoshakhtinsky can not be covered from frost. In all other areas without shelter, the vine can freeze.

Grape variety Muscat Novoshakhtinsky: photo and description, reviews

For shelter use agrofabric or spunbond

Drought tolerance

Like many other varieties, this grape has a deep root system that goes deep into the soil, which allows it to extract water even in dry summers. However, gardeners do not recommend abusing this property and advise watering the plant at least once a month during a drought.

Disease and pest resistance

Muscat Novoshakhtinsky viticulturists characterize as relatively resistant to disease. Tolerance to mildew and odium (downy and powdery mildew) is three points. This hybrid is rarely attacked by wasps, but the spider mite can cause a lot of trouble.

Methods of Use

One of the advantages of grapes of this variety is the versatility of its application.

Muscat Novoshakhtinsky is used for:

  • use in fresh and dried form;
  • production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages;
  • preparation of second courses and desserts.
Attention! Grape seed oil is used in cooking and cosmetics.

Advantages and disadvantages

Muscat Novoshakhtinsky has very few shortcomings. But there are enough advantages.

Grape variety Muscat Novoshakhtinsky: photo and description, reviews

Muscat Novoshakhtinsky is used for the production of red wine


  • large clusters;
  • excellent taste;
  • low content of bones;
  • precocity
  • high yield;
  • extended period of fruiting;
  • frost resistance and drought resistance;
  • good survival after transplantation;
  • versatility of use;
  • long shelf life and the possibility of transportation over long distances.


  • the need for winter shelter;
  • slight pea.

A large number of positive qualities make Muscat Novoshakhtinsky grapes popular among gardeners in the country.

Rules of landing

In order for the grapes to develop normally and give a good harvest, you need to choose high-quality planting material. Healthy cuttings and seedlings should be resilient, without mechanical damage and signs of disease.

For growing this crop, it is recommended to choose a flat, well-lit and draft-protected area. Excess moisture can cause rotting of the root system, so places with shallow groundwater will not work. Grapes grow well on chernozem, stony and loamy soils.

The seedlings are placed in the center of a hole previously dug, half-filled with drainage and fertile soil mixture so that the roots are free, and covered with soil. The soil in the root zone is lightly tamped and watered.

The distance between plantings is left at least 1 m, and between rows – 1.5 m.

Warning! Seedlings are buried to the point of growth.
Grape variety Muscat Novoshakhtinsky: photo and description, reviews

A long vine after planting grapes is immediately tied to a support

Features of care

Despite the fact that the Novoshakhtinsky Muscat grape is considered an unpretentious plant, it will still have to provide some care.

In the list of events:

  1. Watering. This is a drought-resistant crop, so it is often not necessary to moisten the bushes. It is recommended to irrigate the soil only during the dry season. In addition, spring watering is mandatory. Mulching the root zone will help keep water in the soil longer.
  2. Top dressing. For the first time, the plant is fertilized with organic compounds that are added to the hole during planting. Then the grapes are fed two more times. During flowering with nitrogen fertilizers and during the fruiting period with special complex fertilizers.
  3. Loosening the soil and removing weeds. This helps provide oxygen to the root system, which will benefit the grapes. Ideally, do this after every watering. Weeds should be removed as they appear.
  4. Every spring, before the start of sap flow, sanitary pruning is performed, during which damaged and dry branches are removed, and forming, in which the shoots are cut into 6-8 eyes.
  5. To prevent fungal diseases, grapes are sprayed twice a year with an aqueous solution of fungicides. First, immediately after bud break, and then after flowering, when the berries are the size of a pea.
Advice! In drought, grapes are watered after harvest.

To prevent the appearance of pests with the arrival of spring heat, the old bark in which they often winter should be removed from the vine.

Grape variety Muscat Novoshakhtinsky: photo and description, reviews

Pruning grapes will help improve yields


Grape Muscat Novoshakhtinsky is an unpretentious plant that does not require complex care. By planting it on your site, you can get a good harvest of juicy sweet berries every year.

Reviews about grapes Muscat Novoshakhtinsky

Kolisnichenko Kira, Nizhny Novgorod
I have been growing Muscat Novoshakhtinsky for several years. It’s a little annoying that every autumn you have to take it off the supports and cover it, but it’s worth it. The harvest is always good, and the berries are tasty and juicy.
Leonid Ivashkin, g. Moscow
Muscat Novoshakhtinsky planted three years ago. Already in the first year there were several bunches, and in the second year they collected 5 kg from a bush. Hope there will be more to come.
Borjomi flavored water with notes of berries, herbs and fruits

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