Grape Minsk pink (Minsk Rozowy) is a unique variety of culture, the berries of which, in comparison with others, have the maximum amount of nutrients and dietary properties. The variety is resistant to cold and many diseases, unpretentious, has a pleasant taste and aroma. It is in demand not only among gardeners, but also among farmers.

Grape variety Minsk pink: description, photos, reviews

The sugar content of grapes can reach 26%

History of occurrence

Minsk pink was bred by Belarusian scientists in 1952. Specialists obtained a variety by crossing several hybrids of the Metallic table variety. In 2005, this grape was included in the State Register.

Description of grapes Minsk pink

Thanks to the development, the variety turned out to be tasty, beautiful and healthy. Its bushes are vigorous, large, can reach three meters in height.

Attention! The variety requires the installation of a strong support and proper formation.

The foliage of the grapes is medium-sized, rounded, with jagged edges (three-lobed), the surface is hilly on the outside, inside with a slight whitish bloom. A plentiful crop of culture is ensured due to the fact that its flowers are bisexual. On one shoot there are from one to three inflorescences, so sometimes the bushes can be overloaded.


Minsk pink has medium-sized clusters in the shape of a cylinder. They are dense, filled evenly. The mass of each brush is about 300 g, they are all almost the same size.


The berries of the variety grow to large sizes, the weight of each when fully ripe ranges from 2,5 to 3 g, which is very good for this type of crop. In shape, they are round or oval, pink-lilac in color, they fit snugly against each other, which is why they are sometimes deformed. The pulp of the berries is slimy and quite juicy, covered with a thin skin, which is freely removed entirely. Inside the grapes contains 3-4 seeds.

Grape variety Minsk pink: description, photos, reviews

The fruits of this variety of culture are useful for blood vessels and the heart.


Vines variety Minsk pink forms long and beautiful, some gardeners consider them decorative. Often the plant is used by landscape designers and with its help decorate arches, walls, arbors.

They mature well. Every second vine bears fruit.

Characteristics of grapes Minsk pink

The variety is characterized by early ripening and a fairly good yield. Most often, due to its ability to tolerate frost favorably, it is grown in the middle lane and northern regions. It is versatile in use, but completely unsuitable for transportation. During transportation, juicy berries crumple and rot.

The ripening period of grapes Minsk pink

This variety of grapes is characterized by an early degree of ripening. In favorable conditions, the harvest begins to be harvested 3,5 months after the first leaves appear on the branches. In cool climates, this period can be shifted by 1-2 weeks.

Comment! Usually, by the beginning of September, the grapes are ready to eat.


The fruiting of the variety Minsk pink is approximately 60%. Productivity is characterized as high, from one bush it is possible to collect up to 4 kg of ripe grapes. After the berries ripen, they are cut off from the bush immediately, otherwise they quickly overripe. It is worth noting that the Minsk pink can exceed the yield norms, and this negatively affects its vines. Therefore, the number of clusters on each should be regulated. If this is not done, the berries will ripen unevenly, begin to shrink and deform.

Grape variety Minsk pink: description, photos, reviews

In a plucked form, under favorable conditions, the Minsk pink grape harvest is stored for up to a month


The variety has an unusual taste, in which a strawberry aftertaste is felt. The berries are juicy and soft. The skin is pleasantly crunchy on the teeth.

Growing regions

Minsk pink grapes can be planted in almost any region. It is excellent for northern latitudes, grows quietly and winters in the Urals and Siberia, Novgorod, Pskov, Leningrad regions. Also, its cultivation is carried out by winegrowers of the Middle Strip.

Frost resistance

According to the originators of the Minsk pink variety, it easily withstands temperatures as low as -30 ° C. That is why it is often found in areas with a cold climate.

Important! In cities where there is little snow in winter or the temperature drops below -25 ° C, it is advisable to cover its bushes for the winter.

Drought tolerance

Minsky pink needs frequent watering and is not highly drought tolerant. The soil under the plant should always be slightly damp, but without stagnant water. In September, the bushes are watered for the last time with a large volume of liquid.

Grape variety Minsk pink: description, photos, reviews

The variety brings the first harvest three years after planting.

Disease and pest resistance

Minsk pink grapes show high resistance (three points) to fungal diseases, have good immunity to such common crop ailments as oidium and mildew, but can sometimes be susceptible to gray rot. It needs preventive treatments, which are desirable to be performed at least three times per season:

  • during the growing season;
  • before flowering;
  • during berry ripening.

The bushes are most often sprayed with soda solution or Antrakol. If the grapes are already infected, then the treatment is carried out with Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate or fungicides.

As far as insects are concerned, because of the intense sweet aroma Minsk pink grapes are of great interest to bees, wasps and birds. To combat them, gardeners place sweet baits with poison near the bushes or pull nets (gauze) around them.


The variety is ideal for fresh consumption, thanks to the beautiful shape of the clusters it can be served at the festive table. It is also used by winemakers to make sweet varieties of this alcoholic drink. Grapes Minsk pink are widely used in the confectionery industry. Marmalade, jelly, confiture are prepared from them. Mistresses spin delicious compotes and juices from the variety for the winter.

Advantages and disadvantages

Against the background of numerous advantages, Minsk pink grapes also have several disadvantages that it is advisable to take into account before planting it.

Grape variety Minsk pink: description, photos, reviews

The variety is grown in many vineyards in Our Country and neighboring countries


  • early ripening;
  • resistance to severe cold;
  • unusual taste;
  • high immunity;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • good survival.


  • medium resistance to gray rot;
  • unsuitability for transportation;
  • the need for systematic pruning.

Planting grapes Minsk pink

Usually grapes are planted in fertile soil (chernozem), but it is able to grow and develop normally in any other land if organic fertilizers are applied to it before planting. Work is allowed to be carried out both in spring and autumn. The site is selected sunny, calm, soil moisture should be moderate.

Before planting, grape cuttings are treated with a growth stimulator, then placed in the center of a pre-prepared hole, covered with soil, watered and mulched.

Grape care Minsk pink

The plant gives an excellent harvest, subject to a minimum of growing rules, which consist in elementary procedures:

  1. In the first four months after planting, Minsk pink grape bushes are regularly (at least once a week) watered with warm water. After moistening, the earth is loosened, removing weeds.
  2. After a couple of years, they begin to fertilize the culture. For this, organic and mineral compounds are added about three times a year.
  3. Disease prevention is carried out several times a season.
  4. Cut the variety in the form of a horizontal cordon. The vines are cut so that no more than seven eyes remain on one shoot, and a maximum of 55 on a bush.
  5. Since the grapes are frost-resistant, in growing areas where temperate climatic conditions prevail, they do not need winter shelter. But if Minsk pink grows in northern latitudes, then its bushes are insulated with the advent of autumn. To do this, the vines are removed from the supports, tied, laid on the ground and covered with leaves or covered with spruce branches (burlap). With the advent of spring, the shelter is removed, and the frozen and dry branches are cut off.
Important! Soil shoots of Minsk pink grapes are not sprinkled.

In addition to all of the above, while caring for a variety, its bushes are tied to a support and their workload is monitored.


Grapes Minsk pink favorably differs from other varieties of culture in its unpretentiousness. Its berries are very tasty, suitable for fresh consumption and processing. Many housewives prepare preparations for the winter from them, and men note that excellent homemade wine is obtained from the variety.

Reviews of grapes Minsk pink

Ignatiev Vladimir, St. Petersburg
First of all, I fell in love with Minsk pink grapes because in order to harvest its rich harvest, you need to follow a minimum of agricultural technology rules. I did not expect that in nature there are unpretentious varieties of culture to such an extent. I grow it to make wine. The drink turns out wonderful, and most importantly – without chemistry.
Yermoshina Ekaterina, Tambov
Minsk pink is a good grape that is easy to care for. Clusters are large, berries are sweet. Bushes grow very strongly, you have to cut often.
Belyakova Daria, Ufa
I really like the Minsk pink grape variety. It has a great taste, fragrant, suitable for rolling compotes. The only drawback is that the bunches are problematic to transport. The children could not bring the crop in a normal condition to the city, all the berries were crushed.
Grapes Minsk pink on August 23, 2016

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