Grape variety Livadia Black: description, cultivation and care

Many people who are not very connected with viticulture like to make homemade wine. They learn from familiar winemakers the technology of making wine, which varieties to choose and other nuances. If you also decide to try your own homemade wine, but don’t know where to start, start by choosing the right grape variety. Choosing the right variety is already half the battle, and our advice to you is to make wine from Livadia black grapes. Why exactly from this? In this article we will talk about the features of this grape variety.

Variety description

Livadia black belongs to the technical varieties of grapes, ripens in medium early terms (130-140 days from bud break). Clusters are formed of medium size, they have a cylindrical shape, cylindrical-conical ones are less common. The clusters are moderately dense, on average, the weight of one is 200-250 g. The clusters consist of medium-sized berries, weighing 1,5-2 g each, of a characteristic dark color, almost black, round or slightly oval in shape. It is also worth noting that the berries are thin-skinned, very juicy, pleasant in taste, with a slight nutmeg aroma. When fully ripe, they are easily separated from the stem. Grape bushes of medium vigor with good maturation of the vine, bisexual flower.

Grape variety Livadia Black: description, cultivation and care

To other characteristics: the sugar content of Black Livadia is 20-25%, the acidity is 7-10 g / l, when fully ripe it gradually decreases, so it is better not to delay harvesting. By the way, the yield is not bad – 120-150 kg. In winter, the plant is able to withstand frosts up to 25-27 degrees (frost resistance has been tested in practice by gardeners from many countries).

But this grape is not only resistant to cold – there is immunity to certain diseases, in particular to phylloxera, oidium and gray rot. The plant is sensitive to some substances found in the soil, especially magnesium. Preferably grown for the production of light dessert wines (the wines from Livadia black grapes are very high quality, have almost the maximum tasting score). Sometimes it is used to make environmentally friendly wine (this is in the event that chemical treatment for fungal diseases has not been carried out).

Grape variety Livadia Black: description, cultivation and care

Peculiarities of growing

When growing Livadia black, first of all, you need to follow the same rules as for ordinary grape varieties: choose the right place for planting, because these plants are very sensitive to soil. Since grapes are a sun-loving plant, it is undesirable to plant it in the shade, be sure to come up with a support for it. Constantly check for the presence of diseases and pests, if necessary, promptly and correctly eliminate problems. Also, do other operations in time – top dressing, normalization, pruning. And here, too, everything must be done to scrupulousness for sure, because after an incorrectly performed pruning, the plant may die (this is especially true for pruning carried out before winter). Another very useful tip: do not let all the bunches ripen, remove the worst ones, otherwise it will have a bad effect on the future harvest. The older the vine, the more clusters can be left, that is, on a two- and three-year-old vine there should be fewer of them than on a four-year-old. Also remove bad leaves, so you open up more sun for the fruit.

There are many varieties of grapes from which wine is made, suitable for growing in our area with our climatic conditions, but if you still stop at Livadia Black, you will not regret it.

Video “Livadia black grapes”

The video shows the harvest of Livadiysky black grapes, and also gives a brief description of the variety.

Livadia black

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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