Grape variety Lily of the valley

The grape variety “Lily of the valley” is a novelty in the horticultural market. The first information about him appeared only in 2012, when the Ukrainian breeder V.V. Zagorulko presented his “brainchild” to the public. Due to the lack of proper testing and the high cost of seedlings, the culture did not immediately gain popularity among winegrowers. But over time, it became known that in addition to excellent external qualities and a unique taste, grapes have good resistance to diseases, pests, and adverse weather conditions. Remarkable characteristics and positive growing experience became the basis for the wide distribution of grapes. For those who are still unfamiliar with this culture, we will provide in our article a photo, a description of the Lily of the Valley grape variety, reviews of experienced gardeners about it.

Grape variety Lily of the valley

Progenitors of the variety

Many breeders use the Talisman variety as a progenitor to obtain new types of grapes. It is distinguished by its large-fruited, resistance to adverse external factors. “Talisman” forms functionally female flowers. It was Talisman that became the basis for obtaining a new variety called Lily of the Valley. It was decided to supplement “Talisman” with a variety with well-developed male flowers. “Kish-Mish radiant” was used as a pollinator. This variety was reflected not only in the yield of “Lily of the valley”, but also in its taste and color.

Grape variety Lily of the valley

Thus, by crossing “Talisman” and “Kish-Mish radiant”, it was possible to obtain a new variety with unique qualities. Its characteristics truly surprise even experienced winegrowers. Taste connoisseurs say that having tasted the berry of this variety, it is impossible to forget the nutmeg taste with the aroma of lily of the valley and white acacia. 

Varietal characteristics

Before planting a grape seedling on your site, you should get acquainted with its main characteristics in order to know what to expect from this crop. The size and taste of berries, crop yield during cultivation should match the proposed description of the Lily of the Valley grapes. Significant deviations from the provided characteristics may be a sign of a violation of the cultivation rules.

Description of berries

It is the characteristics of the fruit that are of most interest to winegrowers when choosing a new variety. Berries of the “Lily of the Valley” variety in this sense occupy a winning position, since they combine not only excellent external qualities, but also a unique aroma.

Large grapes of the “Lily of the valley” variety have an oval, elongated shape, sometimes resembling a heart. Fruit color is yellow. Looking at the berries, you might think that they have absorbed the heat of the sun, so they have acquired such a bright, attractive color of ripeness. On average, each fruit weighs 10, and sometimes 16 g.

Grape variety Lily of the valley

The pulp of the Lily of the Valley grape deserves special attention. It is very tender and juicy, sweet and fragrant. Light sourness and pronounced freshness make tasters vied with each other to “shower” the variety with compliments. To appreciate the harmonious balance of nutmeg sweet and sour taste, you need to try the Lily of the Valley grape variety at least once.

When describing the grapes “Lily of the valley” it is worth noting the quality of the skin of the berries. It is quite dense in order to withstand the effects of bees, wasps and other insects. For all its strength, the skin is very tender, which can be appreciated by biting into it.

Important! With prolonged storage, the grapes of the Lily of the Valley variety become slightly watery.

bunches of grapes

Grapes “Lily of the Valley” forms fairly large and lush clusters. Their weight can vary from 800 g to 1,5 kg. The shape of the clusters is cylindrical, the density is medium. The quality of the product is excellent.

Unfortunately, speaking of bunches, one drawback should be noted: in rainy weather, grape flowers can partially crumble, which will negatively affect the yield and appearance of the bunches. You can resist bad weather with the help of timely pinching of shoots or the use of special biological preparations.

Grape variety Lily of the valley

Terms of maturation

Grapes of the “Lily of the Valley” variety are recommended to be grown in favorable climatic conditions of Ukraine, Moldova and southern Our Country. At the same time, the experience of breeders shows that it is possible to successfully cultivate a variety and get a good harvest of grapes in the conditions of the Moscow region. At the same time, the climate of the region will affect in a certain way the period of ripening of berries.

The variety “Lily of the valley” of medium ripening in a warm climate yields a crop in 130 days, after spring bud break. This period in the south of Our Country falls on the second decade of August. In slightly cooler climates, grapes ripen in early September.

Features of the vine

Variety “Lily of the Valley” has vigorous bushes, up to 4 m high, which need proper formation. Already in the first years of cultivation, it is necessary to cut the vine. A possible option for the formation of a vine of this variety is shown in the picture below:

Grape variety Lily of the valley

Important! Vine varieties “Lily of the Valley” even in the conditions of central Our Country ripens satisfactorily.

It is generally accepted that the stepchildren of the Lily of the Valley variety develop poorly and will waste the strength and energy of the vine in vain. However, in practice there were cases when, after freezing of mature shoots, it was possible to harvest a good harvest from actively growing stepchildren.


Gardeners who have Lily-of-the-Valley grapes on their plot note its high and stable yield. Only prolonged rains during the flowering period and late spring frosts can reduce the level of fruiting.

Clusters of grapes after ripening can be kept on the vine for a long time. At the same time, the grape bush eventually begins to exude a bright and alluring aroma of blooming lily of the valley. The elasticity of the berries themselves is lost, the fruits become watery.

Important! For successful, long-term storage of grapes, it is necessary to provide certain temperature and humidity conditions.

Grape variety Lily of the valley

Variety resistance

The practice of growing grapes “Lily of the Valley” showed its high resistance to adverse external factors. At the genetic level, grapes are well protected from oidium and some other diseases dangerous for the culture.

Important! Despite the high level of disease resistance, it is recommended to treat the vine with antifungal drugs three times per season: twice before flowering and once after harvesting.

The frost resistance of the variety is good. Without problems, the vineyard can withstand temperatures down to -210C. According to some reviews, the temperature indicator is -250C is also not harmful to the plant.

Grape variety Lily of the valley

Important! When growing the “Lily of the Valley” variety in the central region of Our Country, it is recommended to securely cover the vine for the winter.


The “Lily of the Valley” grapes propagate successfully not only by seedlings, but also by cuttings, branches. Grapevine cuttings take root well and quickly. It is necessary to grow a plant on a drained piece of land on the south side of the site. The seat should be a pit, 1 m wide.

Grape variety Lily of the valley

When using seedlings, care must be taken to ensure that the grafting site remains above the ground when falling asleep. Grapes love loose nutrient soil, which can be prepared by applying mineral complex fertilizers to the soil. For rooting, planting material should be watered regularly and plentifully. In favorable conditions, already 2-4 years after planting, the vine will give the first grapes.

Important! When planting the “Lily of the Valley” vineyard, it is necessary to maintain a distance between rows of at least 3 m.

You can see the grapes of the Lily of the Valley variety in the video:


The video perfectly reflects the abundance and quality of the harvest obtained in the second year of growing the seedling in favorable conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on the characteristics and reviews of the Lily of the Valley grapes, the following advantages of the variety can be distinguished:

  • unique taste and aroma of berries;
  • high level of productivity;
  • long shelf life of grapes in cool conditions (until the middle of winter);
  • good resistance to extremely low temperatures;
  • the ability to reproduce by branches, cuttings;
  • good resistance to many diseases.

Among the shortcomings of the variety, only two main criteria can be distinguished:

  • tendency to shed flowers under the influence of rains;
  • deterioration in the consistency of the pulp of berries during long-term storage of grapes on a bush.

Many winegrowers, having tried the Lily of the Valley berries, are ready to forgive all the existing shortcomings of this variety, because the amazing taste is really worth it to invest their efforts in growing the crop.

Grape variety Lily of the valley


Today it is difficult to find a grower who has not heard about the Lily of the Valley variety. This young culture has become famous in just a few years, thanks to its amazing taste and external qualities of berries. This grape is relatively unpretentious and can grow even in cool climates. Its abundant clusters and lush vine will not only please you with a delicious harvest, but also decorate the garden. Thus, the variety “Lily of the valley” will bring taste and aesthetic pleasure, requiring a minimum of care in return.


Alla Zemina, 45 years old, Obninsk
I was with a friend at the dacha and she joked: “Let’s go, try the lily of the valley.” I immediately thought that she was joking, but it turned out that “Lily of the valley” is the name of the grape. When I tried it, I was amazed by its taste. Very juicy, fragrant, sweet berries. After the tasting, I myself wanted to have such a “beautiful yummy” on my site. A friend promised to select a cutting in the spring, I hope it will take root.
Efim Orlov, 38 years old, Crimea
Last spring, I planted 10 seedlings of the Lily of the Valley grapes on the site. One of them died immediately, and the rest already this year gave a good harvest. From each plant it was possible to collect 3-4 kg of grapes. Next year I plan to dilute the culture with branches.

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