- History of breeding
- Description of the grape variety Lady’s fingers
- Grape characteristics Ladyfingers
- The composition and calorie content of grapes Ladies’ fingers
- The benefits and harms of grapes Ladyfingers
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Planting grapes Ladyfingers
- Grape care Ladyfingers
- Conclusion
- Reviews of grapes Ladyfingers
Grapes Ladyfingers – an old variety, one of the most popular and “recognizable”. It is valued for its outstanding taste and presentability of berries, but is extremely demanding in terms of cultivation conditions and agricultural practices. This variety is definitely not suitable for a novice grower; it is unsuitable for growing in most of Our Country.
History of breeding
The scientific name of the grape variety known to everyone as Ladyfingers is Husayne Kelin Barmak. It is of Central Asian origin, where it has been cultivated for over 500 years. From there, at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, the variety came to the Black Sea region, where it “took root” relatively successfully.
The informal name of the grape variety Lady’s fingers is easily explained by the characteristic shape of the berries. They are elongated, in length quite comparable to the female little finger.
It has not yet been possible to reliably establish the “ancestors” of the variety. According to one version, he was bred in Samarkand, during the reign of Husain (or Hussein) Boykaro from the dynasty founded by Timur. In his honor, the variety was named.

Husayne – an old variety of “folk selection”
Description of the grape variety Lady’s fingers
Grapes Ladyfingers (scientifically, “Husayne” or “Husayni”) will be unmistakably recognized by anyone who has seen him. In addition to a memorable taste, the berries are distinguished by their large size and typical shape.
Clusters 20-30 cm long weigh 0,5-0,6 g each. Larger brushes are often formed – up to 1,5 kg. They are quite loose, the shape is from cone-shaped to cylindrical.
The berries weigh 5-7 g. Their length reaches 3-4 cm. In “white” grapes, the skin tone varies from salad green to amber-yellow, sometimes with a pinkish “blush”. In black grapes Lady’s fingers, it is inky purple, in pink it is burgundy-raspberry. The skin is elastic, very thin.
The vines are powerful, vigorous, with thick shoots, need support. Without pruning, they can stretch 5-6 m.

Shoots are densely leafy, leaves of a typical size and shape for grapes
Grape characteristics Ladyfingers
Variety Lady fingers is definitely not suitable for a novice grower. This becomes clear immediately after studying its main characteristics.
Terms of maturation and fruiting
In terms of maturation, Lady’s fingers are a medium-late or even late variety. The process takes 130-155 days. Even at home, in Central Asia, the crop is harvested in the first half of September.
For the first time, ladies’ fingers grapes bear fruit four years after planting in open ground, fully – for the next season. The yield is potentially high (up to 40 tons per hectare), but unstable. The indicators sharply decrease with any errors in agricultural technology and deviations of growing conditions from ideal ones.

Amateur gardeners remove up to 10 kg of berries from an adult vine
Taste of grapes Ladyfingers
The berries are very sweet and juicy. The pulp is transparent green, jelly consistency. The taste is very balanced – the high sugar content of Ladyfingers grapes (approximately 17%) is “balanced” by the content of fruit acids (4-5 g/l). It is estimated by professional tasters at 8,5 points.
Growing regions
Grapes Ladyfingers are still grown mainly in Asia (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan). In Our Country, only the climate of the North Caucasus region, Crimea, and the Black Sea region is suitable for its cultivation.
Frost resistance
The limited habitat of Lady’s fingers grapes is due to its low frost resistance. The vines die at a temperature of -10-15 ° C. The roots will not tolerate freezing of the soil down to -5-7 ° C.
Drought tolerance
Grapes Ladyfingers react very negatively to drought – buds and flowers crumble, berries “wrinkle”. Waterlogging for a variety is no less dangerous than water deficiency – rot and other fungal diseases develop rapidly.

Regular watering is the main condition for the abundant fruiting of grapes. Lady’s fingers
Disease and pest resistance
Resistance to pathogenic microflora in grapes Ladyfingers is extremely low. Experts rate it at 1-1,5 points out of ten possible. The vines are susceptible to almost all fungal diseases typical of the culture, primarily mildew and oidium. Pests also do not bypass this variety.
Methods of Use
Berries are mostly eaten fresh. However, this variety is also very well suited for making raisins. In the process of drying, the beneficial properties of Lady’s fingers grapes are mostly preserved. Berries are also used as “raw materials” for making homemade wines and preparations.
The composition and calorie content of grapes Ladies’ fingers
In terms of benefits, this variety is practically no different from the rest. Grapes Ladyfingers are rich in vitamins (C, E, K, H, A, P group B). It also contains:
- cellulose;
- organic acids;
- pectin;
- tannins and flavonoids;
- amino acids, including
From macro- and microelements, the presence of:
- potassium;
- magnesium;
- manganese;
- nickel;
- chromium;
- wrinkle;
- zinc;
- cobalt
The specific calorie content of berries depends on the cultivation conditions. The average figure is 60 kcal per 100 g. Such a number of calories in Ladyfingers grapes clearly excludes it from the list of dietary products.
The benefits and harms of grapes Ladyfingers
The benefits of grapes Ladyfingers (green, pink or black) for the body are “multifaceted”:
- general beneficial effect on the digestive system, kidneys, liver;
- “help” in cleansing from toxins and toxins;
- normalization of acid-base balance;
- improving the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
- “inhibition” of aging processes, neutralization of the negative effects of free radicals;
- prevention of the development of tumors, including malignant ones;
- strengthening immunity;
- stimulation of brain activity;
- lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood, normalizing its composition;
- restoration of healthy sleep, strength and peace of mind after stress, depression, chronic fatigue.
We must not forget that Lady’s fingers grapes are not only beneficial, but also potential harm to the body. It is excluded from the menu if there are contraindications:
- diabetes mellitus of any type;
- chronic gastritis, colitis, gastric or duodenal ulcer;
- acute heart failure;
- hypertension, “jumps” in blood pressure;
- frequent bouts of diarrhea;
- acute form of tuberculosis;
- significant overweight or obesity;
- allergic reaction.

“Market appearance” and taste of berries – the main advantages of grapes Lady’s fingers
Advantages and disadvantages
The “competitiveness” of the Lady’s fingers grapes is due to its undoubted and significant advantages:
- potentially high yield;
- self-pollination;
- very good keeping quality and transportability for grapes;
- good preservation of bunches on the vine;
- lack of a tendency to pea;
- presentable and “massive” brushes;
- excellent taste qualities of berries, their large size;
- lack of seeds, very thin but strong skin;
- suitability for making raisins;
There are also significant disadvantages:
- frost resistance, insufficient for most regions;
- very low resistance to diseases and pests;
- exactingness to cultivation conditions;
- low fertility.
The main disadvantages of ladies’ fingers grapes are those only for gardeners. In the homeland of the variety, the local climate partially “levels” them.
Planting grapes Ladyfingers
The landing site must meet the following criteria:
- Good illumination.
- The presence of a “barrier” that protects the planting from cold drafts and sharp gusts of the north wind. But she should not shade them.
- Nutritious, but at the same time light substrate, well breathable and not allowing water to stagnate. Acid-base balance is neutral.
- Deep groundwater.

The development of vines and the ripening of grapes Lady fingers are strongly “slowed down” even in light penumbra
“Sleeping” seedlings and cuttings are planted in spring or autumn. Those with leaves are in May or early June.
When planting between adjacent specimens, a minimum of 3 m is left. The row spacing is 4,5-5 m. It is also necessary to provide a place for support.
The depth of the landing pit is 80-90 cm, the diameter is 60-70 cm. Any drainage material is poured into the bottom in a thick layer. On top of it, about a third of the hole is filled with nutrient soil mixture. The pit should “stand” for at least two weeks. For grapes Ladyfingers, planted in early spring, it is generally dug in the fall.
Before planting, the soil at the bottom of the pit must be loosened, moistened well and collected in a “slide”. It is covered with soil gradually, in small portions, periodically shaking the seedling and compacting the substrate with your hands so that there are no air “pockets” left.

Immediately after planting, the grapes Lady’s fingers are abundantly watered, mulched, tied to a support
Grape care Ladyfingers
A gardener who wants to grow Ladyfingers grapes must first study all the important nuances of caring for him:
- Watering. Four plentiful (70-80 liters per adult plant) moisture are required at the beginning of the active growing season, before flowering and immediately after it, about a month after harvest. During the season, the soil is irrigated weekly, spending 35-40 liters of water. After the formation of the ovaries, the rate is slightly reduced, otherwise the taste of the berries will not be saturated.
- Application of fertilizers. At the beginning of the active growing season, vines need mineral nitrogen compounds to build up green mass. Every 3-4 years, humus is introduced to maintain soil fertility. During the season, once every 2,5-3 weeks, complex store-bought products for grapes are used, alternating root and foliar top dressing. Mandatory fertilization at the stage of budding, the formation of fruit ovaries and about two weeks before harvest.
- Pruning. Grapes Lady fingers are distinguished by a small number of fruit-bearing shoots. Brushes on them are formed after the seventh “eye”. Therefore, they practice “long” pruning, shortening the shoots by 4-10 “eyes”.
- Shelter for the winter. For several days spend abundant watering. The vines are removed from the support, the shoots are tied up, wrapped in several layers of covering material, laid on the ground on a “litter” of spruce branches or thin boards.
- Prevention of diseases and pest attacks. Two treatments with insecticides and fungicides are required at the beginning and at the end of the growing season. During the summer, they are repeated as needed in “series” 2-3 times with an interval of 10-12 days. We must not forget about the fight against wasps and birds.

Before sheltering for the winter, the garden bed is cleaned of debris, loosened, and the mulch layer is completely renewed.
Grapes Ladyfingers are rightly considered one of the best table varieties. It has been cultivated for more than 500 years, and a worthy modern analogue has not yet appeared. Therefore, despite the capricious care and requirements for conditions during the vegetative season, growers continue to cultivate this variety, believing that the outstanding taste of the berries is worth the effort.