Grape variety Krasen: description, photo, reviews, video

Grape Krasen is a hybrid of generative selection, intended for industrial cultivation and cultivation in the private sector. A variety of medium ripening, unpretentious, frost-resistant. Berries of universal application, are characterized by a high content of sugars. The hybrid Krasen is early, gives single bunches the next year after planting. Peak fruiting reaches the age of three years.

The story of

The grapes were created on the basis of the Crimean Research Institute “Magarach”, which specializes in breeding new varieties for the development of viticulture and winemaking. Antey Magarachsky (Magarach No. 70/71/52) and ultra-early white Magarach previously obtained by generative hybridization were taken as a basis. As a result, a table-technical seedless variety Krasen was obtained with good yield and frost resistance. In 2008, the institute introduced a new hybrid, the grape was awarded patent number 06285.

Description of the grape variety Krasen

The variety was created for cultivation on an industrial scale. Grape kishmish (seedless) Red mixed type. It is classified as a technical variety and is widely used for making wines.

Grape variety Krasen: description, photo, reviews, video

Due to its high nutritional value and taste, the variety is closer to table varieties.


Fruit clusters of Krasen grapes of medium density. The shape is conical with a side wing, pointed downwards. The main formation is noted on the tops of perennial and current season shoots. Weight depends on weather conditions and growing method. Cultivation in a protected way is less productive, bunches of Krasen grapes weigh 400-600 g. In open areas they can reach 1 kg. The average length of the fruit brush is 15-20 cm, diameter is up to 18 cm.


What do the fruits of Krasen grapes look like:

  • the shape is round, slightly elongated, the berries are tightly fixed on the stem, do not crumble after ripening;
  • color dark blue closer to black;
  • weight – 3-4 g;
  • diameter – 12 mm;
  • the peel is elastic, thin, with a waxy matte coating, does not crack;
  • the pulp is dark red, the juice is burgundy;
  • seeds in the form of rudiments are not even found in all fruits.
Grape variety Krasen: description, photo, reviews, video

Krasen grapes are not prone to peas, all berries are of even shape and the same weight


The variety is tall, the crown is dense with numerous foliage and side shoots. Without length correction, the vine of the Krasen variety grows up to 3-4 m per season, the fruits are formed on stems of the first and second order.

Important! Without an additional garter, the shoots can withstand no more than three fruit brushes.

External description:

  • perennial vine is thick, with a lignified structure;
  • the bark is dark brown, partially exfoliating, hard, with a rough surface;
  • young shoots are dark green, smooth, thin;
  • leaves are five-segmented, large, slightly dissected, with carved edges, located on short petioles.
Grape variety Krasen: description, photo, reviews, video

The Krasen variety is self-pollinating, therefore it is famous for its good yield.


Grapes borrowed the best qualities from their predecessors. All buds are characterized by good blooming. In case of damage to the stems, Krasen bears fruit even on replacement shoots, so the yield is always stable.

A stress-resistant plant calmly tolerates sudden temperature changes, does not require increased attention. Agrotechnics for the variety is standard. The self-pollinating hybrid Krasen is grown in an open and closed way. It is suitable for cold climate areas.

The ripening period of grapes Krasen

The variety is mid-season, the harvest time depends on the region. In the honeycomb characteristic of the Krasen grapes, it is indicated that the biological ripeness of the berries is reached in 140 days. This is provided that the grapes grow in a warm climate. Fruits are harvested in the southern regions in the second half of August. In a temperate climate, the Krasen grapes ripen later, harvesting occurs at the end of September.

Advice! If the goal is wine production, fully ripe grapes are left on the vine for another 14 days to increase must yield.


Full fruiting is possible only with a sufficient amount of heat and light. In closed structures, the necessary indicators are artificially created. On farm fields, the yield is 180-185 centners per 1 ha.

Grape variety Krasen: description, photo, reviews, video

A good harvest is possible only if the requirements of agricultural technology are observed.

Sugar content of Krasen grapes

According to its taste characteristics, the Krasen hybrid is not inferior to dessert varieties. The taste is rich, with a slight hint of nutmeg. The concentration of sugars depends on how warm and sunny the season was. The average figure is 35 g / 100 m3. In winemaking, the must yield is 80-85%.

Growing regions

The most comfortable conditions for the growth of Krasen grapes are the Krasnodar, Stavropol Territories, the southern part of the Rostov Region, Crimea. The variety is cultivated in open ground without additional shelter of the vine for the winter. Krasen feels good in unheated greenhouses in the Urals and Siberia (Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tyumen), provided that the covering material is removed when the temperature is stable at +15 0C. With additional protection against recurrent frosts in an open area, the hybrid grows and gives a good harvest in the Moscow region, Voronezh, Cherkassy, ​​Tambov, Kursk regions.

Frost resistance

Vegetation begins when the soil warms up to +100 C, if an adult plant is damaged by possible frosts, then the grapes quickly form a replacement. But it is better not to allow this, because the yield will be lower, and ripening later. For a heat-loving southern culture, Krasen is quite frost-resistant. Without additional insulation of the vine and root system, an adult plant can withstand up to -26 0C. Young grapes are less stable, their rate reaches -18-20 0C.

Drought tolerance

Krasen grapes are a drought-resistant crop. A large amount of moisture is required by the plant at the beginning of sap flow and at the end of the season. The root system is powerful, deepened up to 5 m, completely provides the plant with water. The hybrid has enough seasonal rainfall. In dry summers, the norm is 60 liters for 20 days.

Disease and pest resistance

The hybrid is genetically based on high resistance to infections. In wet and cold summers, infection with the following diseases is possible:

  1. Gray rot. The plant is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid and the problem brushes are removed.

    Grape variety Krasen: description, photo, reviews, video

  2. Mildew (downy mildew) affects the fruits and crown, manifests itself as yellow, then red spots on the leaves. In order to prevent the disease, in the spring they treat the bush with copper sulphate. At the first sign, Bordeaux liquid is used.

    Grape variety Krasen: description, photo, reviews, video

  3. Anthracnose is localized first on the leaves. The infection is determined by red raised areas, in place of which holes subsequently appear. From a fungal infection, remedies based on copper oxychloride are effective.

    Grape variety Krasen: description, photo, reviews, video

Of the pests on the Krasen grapes, only the bunch leafworm parasitizes.

Grape variety Krasen: description, photo, reviews, video

Destroy the larvae with the means “Proklam” or “Match”

Methods of Use

Variety Krasen is universal. In addition to winemaking, it is used to make juice. Harvested for the winter in the form of compote, jam, jam or jam.

Advice! Krasen grapes lose their nutritional value eight days after harvest, so it is recommended to use it freshly picked.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any variety has its own merits, for which gardeners love it. Before planting a crop, it is necessary to identify its strengths and weaknesses.

Grape variety Krasen: description, photo, reviews, video

The main positive quality of Krasen grapes is a high concentration of sugars, which allows the crop to be used for winemaking.


  • stable fruiting;
  • good taste;
  • frost resistance and drought resistance;
  • berries do not crack;
  • the hybrid is not attacked by wasps;
  • immunity to diseases;
  • the possibility of growing indoors and outdoors.

The disadvantages include a short shelf life, the need for trimming and fixing to the trellis.

Features of landing

For Krasen grapes, southern slopes with aerated soil are assigned. Planting is carried out in April, when the soil warms up to + 8-10 0C.

Sequence of work:

  1. In advance, they dig a hole 90-100 cm deep, 10-15 cm wide more than the volume of the root.
  2. The bottom is covered with a drainage cushion.
  3. Organics, topsoil, peat or sand are mixed, superphosphate and ash are added.
  4. Pour ½ of the nutrient substrate to the bottom.
  5. Krasen grape seedling is disinfected in a solution of manganese, placed in the center. Fall asleep with the rest of the mixture.
  6. Cut grapes Krasen to the fourth fruit bud.
  7. Install the trellis.
Grape variety Krasen: description, photo, reviews, video

With linear planting, the interval between seedlings of Krasen grapes is 3,5-4 m

Care instructions

High yields can be achieved only if the rules of agricultural technology are observed.

Basic requirements for the care of culture:

  1. In the first year, a young plant is watered once a week with a volume of water of 5-10 liters. An adult bush has enough rainfall. In autumn, water-charging irrigation is carried out.
  2. Constantly loosen the root circle, remove weeds.
  3. The first two years of vegetation do not give grapes top dressing. In the subsequent time, before flowering, nitrogen-containing agents are introduced, during the formation of berries – saltpeter, at the time of ripening – potassium, phosphorus. Liquid organics are used without limitation.
  4. For the third growth season, formative pruning is carried out, the Krasen grape vine is tied to the trellis.

In autumn, the stems are removed from the support, dry shoots are cut off. Boards are placed near the bush, grapes tied in a bunch are placed on them. Arcs are installed, covering material is pulled, covered with spruce branches or snow.

Grape variety Krasen: description, photo, reviews, video

The structure is erected after the temperature drops to -5 0C, until this time the seedling must undergo natural hardening


Grapes Krasen – table-technical seedless variety. It was created for cultivation not only in the south, but also in regions with a temperate climate. The hybrid is characterized by strong immunity, drought resistance, standard agricultural technology.

Reviews about Krasen grapes

Stanislav Rozhkov, 55 years old, Barnaul
The Krasen hybrid has been growing in the summer cottage for the sixth year. In the second spring after planting, the grapes bloomed. I didn’t even think that the ovaries would ripen. I like the unpretentiousness of the variety for care, resistance to infections. During the growth, Krasen did not get sick, on average I collect 18-20 kg of berries from a bush.
Maria Dolmatova, 44 years old, Krasnodar
I have several varieties of grapes of different ripening on the site. We pick the brushes of the Krasen hybrid in mid-August. The taste is sweet, pitted berries, juicy, fragrant. The yield is always stable. So that Krasen does not get sick, in the spring I process with copper sulphate. From the harvest I make wine, I process it into juice.
Grapes Kishmish Krasen. Harvest and variety features

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