Grape variety kishmish radiant: description with photo

The grape variety Kishmish Radiant was bred by a group of researchers from the Moldavian NIIViV when crossing such grape varieties as Kishmish Pink and Cardinal. And although this is a relatively young variety, but over the twenty years since the variety testing, it has earned an exceptionally positive review among winegrowers.

Variety description

Grapes Kishmish Radiant belongs to high-quality seedless varieties, with an average ripening period of 120-135 days. The bushes are mostly very tall with satisfactory maturation of the shoots. The leaves are five-lobed, medium or large in size, rounded, medium or strongly dissected. Smooth and shiny on the upper side, light green or deep green. The petiolate notch is open, lancet, there is no omission on the lower part of the leaf. The lower lateral notches are shallow, with a lumen in the form of a reentrant angle, the upper ones are vaulted, closed or open, with an oblong elliptical lumen. In the special literature you can find a detailed description of the Kishmish Radiant grapes.

Grape variety kishmish radiant: description with photo

The flower is bisexual. Clusters are large up to 35-45 cm, weighing 450-650 g, expanded at the ends, cylindrical and conical in shape, loose or medium density. The berries are medium-large, weighing 4-5 g, elongated oval, reddish-pink. The pulp is fleshy, dense, juicy, with a sweet taste, slight sourness and a delicate nutmeg aroma.

Kishmish Radiant is one of the best achievements in the selection of seedless varieties. This high-yielding variety is distinguished by long, beautiful clusters of high commercial quality and good taste characteristics, with a pleasant nutmeg flavor. It has a positive response, both among professionals and among amateurs.

Features of agricultural technology

Because of the massive and large clusters, Kishmish Radiant grapes are prone to overload, so the yield should be regulated, leaving a moderate load, no more than 18-23 shoots per adult bush. It is necessary to carry out pruning of fruit vines in time for at least 5-7 eyes. Kishmish Radiant has low frost resistance and is able to withstand temperatures down to -15-18 C. Therefore, grapes must be covered for the winter. This variety has an average resistance to a number of diseases, such as oidium or mildew, but is susceptible to root phylloxera. Be sure to carry out chemical treatment of grapes in the spring.

Grape variety kishmish radiant: description with photo

The use of gibberellin allows you to increase the size of the berries and get clusters up to 1,5-2 kg. Kishmish Radiant is responsive to drip irrigation and needs moderate watering. However, 12-15 days before the planned harvest, watering is stopped, irrigating little by little only the aisles and the ground near the plantings, to increase air humidity. To increase the growth of green mass, grapes are fertilized with nitrogenous preparations. The first top dressing is carried out when 2-3 true leaves appear, then before flowering, I use the plantofol preparation, and with the appearance of ovaries. Fertilizer application is combined with chemical treatment.

It should be borne in mind that this variety reacts sharply to excess fertilizer, the flowering period may be delayed, and the formation of ovaries will not be good enough.

Video “Grapes Kishmish Radiant – the best seedless variety”

This video describes the grapes Kishmish Radiant, what size are the clusters, how ripe berries are colored, the approximate yield from a young bush.

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