Grape variety Izyuminka: advantages and disadvantages of growing

The grape itself is a very tasty fruit, but it takes a long way to achieve an unforgettable taste. There are many varieties, but it is the raisin grape that has an unforgettable taste and is worth the effort.


This variety belongs to the table. Its ripening period is quite early, although many gardeners have to wait several years for the first normal harvest. Although, after a good care, the owner of a vineyard of this variety will be able to see huge berries, and the average weight of one, at the same time, reaches twelve grams.

As for the bunch, its description is as follows – it is incredibly large (as the owner of the vineyard would say, waiting for the harvest for the first time) and weighs up to about eight hundred grams. We can say that the zest completely compensates for the not very high yield with its fruit mass.

Grape variety Izyuminka: advantages and disadvantages of growing

As for the clusters themselves, compared to other varieties, they are more of a medium size than a large one. Their type of shape refers to wide-conical, and the density of fruits within one bunch is medium. The color of the berries themselves includes a whole range of all burgundy-pink shades.

When fully ripe, the grapes are painted in a dark and red wine color. It can hang on the bushes for quite a long period of time, and then wither without damage.

As for the shape of the berries themselves, it looks like “fingers” – elongated. Often they reach one and a half centimeters in diameter and twice as long. In size, they are all aligned, so the raisin is very beautiful in clusters.

The pulp of this grape is very tasty, crispy and dense. It contains almost no acids, which cannot be said about sugars. His growth starts from medium, ending with strong.

Advantages and disadvantages

Grapes Raisin has many advantages, but it could not do without negative aspects. Its disadvantages include:

  • Weak resistance to fungal diseases, therefore, needs regular prevention;
  • High demands on the quality of the soil and its top dressing. Requires fertile soil and potassium fertilizers, without which the yield will not increase with the age of the grapes;
  • Weaker growth on poor soil, resulting in smaller leaves;
  • Requires an auxiliary variety, the flowering period of which is early, for subsequent pollination. Therefore, the raisin variety is female, due to the peculiarities of the formation;

The cons are more likely to be excessive whims, but since the flower itself is feminine, elegant and beautiful, and the fruits are very tasty, they can certainly be forgiven, but the fact that its description is replenished with the item “capriciousness” is for sure. The supply of perennial wood is also very important, and pruning should be done as long as possible.

Grape variety Izyuminka: advantages and disadvantages of growing

This grape is able to withstand frosts down to -12 C. The variety is very tender and resistant to diseases, which makes it necessary to look after it more carefully. The first harvest will appear no earlier than in a couple of years or even three years. One bush on average will weigh up to 5 kg, and one bunch – up to 0,5 kg. In six years, the grapes will gain momentum in yields.

One of the features is excessive growth at first, and no matter how much the bushes are cut, they will try to grow with double strength. If you do not take the situation into your own hands, then he can stop fruiting altogether. Therefore, the description of the variety is as follows – it is very stubborn. That’s why wood and shoots. They will help stop growth after a maximum of two years.

Grape variety Izyuminka: advantages and disadvantages of growing

The advantages include:

  • Extraordinarily tasty fruits;
  • Weightiness of bunches;
  • Gradual increase in yield;
  • Irresistible look.

However, the effort is clearly worth it and it is difficult to leave a negative review about this variety, which can only be given by those who lack patience.

Video “Zest”

Video about the features of this grape variety. 

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