Grapes of Catalonia – a new hybrid form of culture. Despite the fact that the variety appeared only a few years ago, many gardeners have already been able to appreciate it. The grapes of Catalonia are characterized by early and abundant fruiting, high consumer qualities, which explains the increased demand for the crop during the sale. The growing popularity of the hybrid is also facilitated by its relative resistance to common crop diseases. But for successful cultivation, it is necessary to take into account the main characteristics of the species.

Grape variety Catalonia: description, photo, reviews, video

According to the creator of the Catalonia grape belongs to the table varieties

History of breeding

Catalonia is the result of the work of a national breeder from Ukraine Alexander Burdak. The goal was to produce an ultra-early, dark-colored grape variety that is capable of showing high productivity with minimal maintenance. And its creator succeeded. However, an application for a variety test of Catalonia has not yet been filed, which explains its absence in the State Register.

The basis for the grapes was the large-fruited well-known variety Talisman and the hybrid Kraynova Burgundy mantle. Thanks to this, the resulting species retained the large size of the berries, increased resistance to diseases from the maternal form, as well as a rich dark shade and early ripeness from the paternal form.

Description of the Catalonia grape variety

This grape is characterized by great vitality. Due to this, it begins to bear fruit in the first year after planting. In addition, it has other distinctive features that you should pay attention to.


Catalonia has large, wide-conical clusters. However, their size increases as the vine matures and the accumulation of perennial wood. But the weight of even signal bunches is much larger than that of other varieties. It is 400-500 g, and after a couple of years it doubles. The density of the clusters of Catalonia is medium. Thanks to this, the berries are well ventilated, which reduces the likelihood of them being affected by fungal diseases. The bunches are 18-20 cm long and 15 cm wide.

The combs of this grape are elongated, strong. They have a bright green tint with a slightly pinkish tint in some places.

Important! This hybrid is able to re-crop on stepchildren, but in this case, the clusters will be smaller.


The fruits of Catalonia are oval in shape. The grapes are large, reaching a length of 38 mm, a width of about 15 mm. The average weight of each is 12-15 g. As they ripen, the berries acquire a rich dark purple hue. And the surface of the grapes is covered with a thick gray coating of a protective spring. Their skin is thin, when eaten it is not felt. At the same time, it is durable and highly resistant to damage.

When harvested early, the skin has astringency, but after ripening, it completely disappears. Each grape has 2-3 seeds, but when consumed, they are not felt. Therefore, the taste does not spoil. The pulp is dense, crispy.

Grape variety Catalonia: description, photo, reviews, video

Berries in Catalonia grapes do not touch during growth


The hybrid forms many young shoots annually. Moreover, they fully ripen during the season and acquire a reddish-brown hue.

The leaves of Catalonia are large, rounded, consisting of five segments, characterized by strong indentation. The plates are smooth, dark green in color, with pronounced light veins. The notches at the base are open. Petioles are elongated, green with anthocyanin sheen. The teeth along the edge of the plates are large, saw-shaped or triangular, on the sides it is pointed, and the tip of the leaves is rounded.

Characteristics of Catalonia grapes

To get a complete picture of this hybrid, you need to study its characteristics. This information will help determine the most favorable conditions for its cultivation and avoid serious care errors.

Ripening time for Catalonia grapes

Grapes Catalonia belongs to the early ripening types of culture. Clusters ripen in 90-100 days from the moment the buds open. But this is possible if the sum of active temperatures during this period is 21-22 °C.

If conditions are favorable, harvesting can be carried out as early as the end of July. But the grapes reach their maximum taste by the end of the first decade of August.


Catalonia bears fruit regularly. The seedling forms clusters already in the first season, but fully begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting. The hybrid needs load rationing. The yield of the variety is 35-40 kg per vine.

Important! The maximum allowable number of eyes per bush is 35-40 pieces, otherwise the berries become smaller.

Taste of Catalonia grapes

The tasting score of the variety is 8,9 points out of a possible ten. The good taste of Catalonia is also noted by gardeners. The grapes of the hybrid are sweet, with a moderate aroma. After eating, there is a taste reminiscent of cherries.

Growing regions

The hybrid is recommended to be grown in the southern regions without shelter. And also Catalonia grapes are suitable for the central regions, but with mandatory warming for the winter.

Frost resistance

The hybrid has an average level of frost resistance. It withstands temperatures as low as -23°C. However, in the event of freezing, the vine is able to quickly recover.

Drought tolerance

Catalonia tolerates short-term drought well. But the hybrid does not respond well to waterlogging. Therefore, watering should be carried out dosed.

Grape variety Catalonia: description, photo, reviews, video

Catalonia grapes cannot be planted in lowlands and swampy areas

Disease resistance

This variety has medium resistance to common crop diseases. If the growing conditions do not match, Catalonia suffers from gray rot, chlorosis. Therefore, preventive treatments with fungicides should not be neglected.

keeping quality

The collected bunches of Catalonia are suitable for transportation. At the same time, they fully retain their commercial qualities. Harvest can be stored fresh for 2-3 months in a cool room, but for this it must be removed from the vine at the stage of technical maturity.

Advantages and disadvantages

Catalonia has many virtues, which explains the growth in popularity of this grape in such a short time. But also the hybrid has certain disadvantages that cannot be ignored.

Grape variety Catalonia: description, photo, reviews, video

Catalonia is resistant to peas

Main advantages:

  • excellent commercial qualities;
  • good taste;
  • early fruiting;
  • large-fruited;
  • suitability for transportation;
  • the possibility of long-term storage;
  • simultaneous ripening of bunches;
  • high survival rate;
  • excellent rooting of cuttings.


  • exactingness to the composition of the soil;
  • intolerance to stagnant moisture;
  • sensitivity of roots to frost.

Peculiarities of growing

Planting seedlings of Catalonia is recommended in the spring so that they can get stronger before winter. For a hybrid, you should choose a well-lit area on a hill. In this case, the groundwater level should be at least 1,5 m.

Catalonia grapes perform well on sandy and loamy soils with neutral acidity. It is necessary to place seedlings, taking into account the fact that each requires at least 5 square meters. m of free space. Only in this case they will be able to fully develop and not compete for food.

Important! Catalonia seedlings should be planted in a row at a distance of 1,2-1,5 m from each other.

After planting, during the first months, you need to constantly monitor the soil moisture. Initially, the seedling should be watered regularly as the topsoil dries up. And after rooting, moisturizing should be carried out 1-2 times a month. Adult vines should be watered only in the absence of seasonal rains during bud break, before flowering and in autumn.

Catalonia responds well to top dressing. You need to start fertilizing the grapes in early spring. During this period, organic matter should be used. With the advent of summer, the liana needs to be fed with superphosphate (40 g) and potassium sulfide (35 g) per bucket of water. Repeat the procedure once a month.

This hybrid needs regular pruning. Annually, its shoots should be shortened to 5-8 buds. It is also necessary to clean the vine from broken and damaged shoots in the spring in order to improve the ventilation of the vine.

Grape variety Catalonia: description, photo, reviews, video

The hybrid crop is not damaged by wasps


Catalonia grapes are a new promising type of culture that deserves the attention of experienced and novice gardeners. After all, there are not so many early dark varieties, and in comparison they are inferior in terms of commercial qualities to this hybrid. And the early fruiting of Catalonia allows you to get the first harvest much earlier than other species.

Reviews of grapes Catalonia

Irina Stepnova, 45 years old, Rylsk
I bought this grape variety by chance two years ago. Although the seedling was small when purchased, it grew significantly in the first year. For the winter, it was well spudded with earth, and the upper part was wrapped with agrofiber in several layers. The hybrid endured the winter well, and already in the second year it formed two bunches, which surprised me very much. The berries are large, beautiful dark purple. Grapes in Catalonia are sweetish, with a pleasant aftertaste.
Igor Karamzin, 54, Bryansk
I have been growing this variety for three years. I can say that Catalonia is distinguished by its great strength of growth. Now the vine is well developed and has been bearing fruit for two years now. For the first time, she formed bunches of 400 g, and for the second season, the harvest doubled. The taste of berries is good, with a moderate aroma. The pulp is crispy, dense. Clusters ripen at the same time, and at the same time, the berries keep for a long time, do not crumble.
Grapes – Catalonia.

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