Grape Bogatyr belongs to table varieties, has a unique taste. The characteristics of the hybrid form have not been fully studied, they require clarification, the author of the selection V.M. Kalugin. The rich man is unpretentious. When growing it, it is enough to adhere to the standard scheme.

History of occurrence

The Bogatyr grape appeared as a result of the selection work of the national breeder Viktor Mikhailovich Kalugin. In the author’s collection (he has the largest selection area in Ukraine), this hybrid is the most promising of the large-fruited black berry varieties.

Grape variety Bogatyr: photo and description, reviews

The white Talisman and Velika became the parents of the Bogatyr grape variety.

Kalugin has been growing grapes for over 30 years. He brought out more than one hybrid form, which is in demand among amateur winegrowers.

Description of the grape variety Bogatyr

Hybrid Bogatyr appeared on the market a few years ago. But it has already come to the attention of experienced gardeners.


The brushes are large, cylindrical in shape. Clusters loose, folded loosely. The weight of the bunch ranges from 700 to 1200 g.


The fruits of this variety of grapes are oval in shape, at the stage of full maturity they are black in color. The size of the berries reaches 30×48 mm, weight – up to 30 g. The pulp is dense, sweet, very crunchy. The berries hold tightly on the stalk, the fruits do not crack from excess moisture.

Grape variety Bogatyr: photo and description, reviews

Pea in the hybrid Bogatyr is practically absent, but there are smaller berries


The strength of the growth of lashes is average. The bush in the first year requires pruning and shaping. So that the plants do not shade each other, it is recommended to plant them at a distance of 1,75 m. The leaves are five-lobed, large, dark green in color.

Characteristics of grapes Bogatyr

The grape variety Bogatyr has bisexual flowers, it does not need pollinators. On one shoot 2-3 inflorescences are formed.

The ripening period of grapes Bogatyr

Grapes Bogatyr – a variety of early ripening. In the northern regions of Ukraine, full maturity occurs on August 25-30.


The yield of the bush is estimated as average. When cultivated in the open air, 4-6 kg of berries are obtained from a bush. The author of the variety recommends growing Bogatyr grapes in a greenhouse.

Grape variety Bogatyr: photo and description, reviews

Under the film, the yield of Bogatyr grapes ranges from 7 to 9 kg

The taste of grapes Bogatyr

Taste is highly valued. The peel on the berries is soft, invisible when eaten. Fleshy fruits have a harmonious taste, the acid in them is balanced, the accumulation of sugar is high.

Growing regions

It is best to cultivate the Bogatyr hybrid according to the method recommended by the author, i.e. under film cover. Then the territory of central Our Country, the southern regions is ideal for growing.

Attention! The variety is suitable for zoning in the Ukrainian and Belarusian climate.

Frost resistance

The frost resistance of the culture is being studied. It has been established that Bogatyr can withstand temperatures down to -22ᵒС. The author of the variety recommends growing grapes in a covering form.

If the plant grows in the open air, with the onset of stable cold weather, the vine is removed from the trellis, laid on the ground, covered. In the southern regions, it is enough to cover with spruce branches.

In the regions of central Our Country, such shelter will not be enough. On top of pine or spruce branches, slate, boards or ground should be laid.

Important! The use of polyethylene film as a covering material is not recommended. During the thaw, diaper rash will appear on the vine.

Grapes grown in greenhouse conditions are also covered with spruce branches, slate or roofing material. In the spring, the shelter is removed earlier than on the street. At a temperature of +10 ᵒС, the buds begin to bloom.

Drought tolerance

Bogatyr showed high resistance to drought. But during the ripening period of berries, the hybrid needs watering. The lack of moisture negatively affects the yield.

Disease and pest resistance

Disease resistance is high. The hybrid form Bogatyr has good immunity to diseases. Timely preventive treatment of bushes with a solution of copper sulfate will increase their capacity.

Pests are a little worse. Wasps and aphids are not indifferent to the hybrid. They are controlled with insecticides. For striped insects, who do not miss the opportunity to feast on a sweet berry, they arrange containers with syrup with the addition of pesticides. Some growers, in order to protect the crop from stinging robbers, recommend putting a net on the bunches.

Methods of Use

Bogatyr belongs to varieties of commercial use, tolerates transportation well, cut clusters retain their presentation for a long time. Berries are suitable for fresh consumption.

In order for the grapes to stay fresh longer, several rules must be observed: they must be stored completely dry, the room must be ventilated, darkened, and free of foreign odors. The temperature in the pantry is from +1 to +5ᵒС.

Advantages and disadvantages

The author of the hybrid form continues to study its characteristics. He shares his observations on thematic forums.

Grape variety Bogatyr: photo and description, reviews

Due to the rapid growth of the shoots, the grapes enter the fruiting phase early


  • excellent taste;
  • transportability;
  • long shelf life of berries;
  • high commercial qualities;
  • bisexual flowers on a shrub.


  • low frost resistance, which is why it is recommended to grow a variety in a covering form;
  • the complexity of the formation of bushes due to the high rate of their growth.

Features of landing

Grape variety Bogatyr: photo and description, reviews

Before planting, it is necessary to determine a place suitable for growing a hybrid.

It is recommended to choose a site on the south side of the site. If the grapes lack sunlight, the berries will turn out unsweetened. In addition, the place should not be blown through through winds. It is better to plant bushes along the fence or walls. If this condition cannot be met, then a support should be built in the form of an arch 1,8-2 m high.

Planting of seedlings is carried out in early spring (before bud break) or in autumn, providing the bush with a reliable shelter for the winter. A pit for the plant is prepared in advance. Its dimensions are 85x85x75 (length, width, depth).

Algorithm for planting a seedling of Bogatyr grapes:

  1. At the bottom of the pit, lay a mixture of humus with earth (height up to 25 cm), compact.
  2. Fill the next layer, consisting of 3 liters of wood ash, 300 g of potash and superphosphate fertilizers. Compact with soil to a height of 10 cm.
  3. Line the hole with clean soil 5 cm high.
  4. In the center of the recess, make a tubercle, a notch in it, plant a seedling.

The next step is watering the bush. After planting under the grapes, it is recommended to pour 30 liters of water. When the soil dries, it must be loosened shallowly (up to 10 cm). Then, at intervals of two weeks, repeat the manipulations with irrigation and saturation of the soil with oxygen several times.

Care instructions

Bushes begin to bear fruit in two years. The variety resists the vagaries of nature, normally tolerates drought.


Bogatyr requires moderate but regular irrigation. Watering is especially necessary during the growth of fruits, as well as before winter. Three weeks before harvesting, irrigation is stopped, otherwise the berries will turn out to be watery and not sweet enough.


Top dressing is recommended to be applied in early spring, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. Also, immediately after flowering, you can spray the leaves with a weak solution of complex compounds.


Pruning is an important procedure when growing Bogatyr grapes. The variety needs to remove broken, sick, frostbitten lashes.

Grape variety Bogatyr: photo and description, reviews

Pruning increases yields, is a preventive measure for the appearance of diseases, pests

It is recommended to carry out the procedure with a sharply sharpened tool. The cuts should be even, made at an angle of 90ᵒ. Then the wounds on the bushes heal faster. Fruiting shoots are carefully removed.


Grape Bogatyr is the result of Ukrainian selection. The culture is resistant to diseases that affect berry bushes. The author included it in the TOP-10 best varieties of his own production, as the hybrid turned out to be unpretentious, undemanding in care.

Reviews of grapes Bogatyr

Vyacheslav Ivanko, 43 years old, Odessa
I knew that the Bogatyr variety appeared relatively recently, but I decided to try it anyway. Since our winters are not very cold, I do not cultivate grapes in a greenhouse. Just in the fall I remove the vine from the lashes, I cover it. The yield of the hybrid is not very high, but the taste and appearance do not let you pass by. The variety is unpretentious, so even novice gardeners can handle its cultivation.
Anatoly Rabuzkin, 54 years old, Rostov-on-Don
Variety Bogatyr planted last spring. I cannot boast of a large harvest, there is nothing to bring to the market yet. The vine grew, but the result was not impressive. There were a few bunches, but small ones. True, Bogatyr’s berries turned out to be really large and tasty. Suitable for juice and wine, as well as for long-term storage.
Maxim Petunin, 35 years old, Pskov
The Bogatyr grape variety is not actually affected by the disease. The culture is characterized by high immunity. If signs of mildew appeared on other bushes, then the Bogatyr passed this fate. I left two inflorescences per branch, the berries came out large, approximately 20 g each. The clusters turned out to be within 1 kg. Very happy with the hybrid. Recommended to relatives and friends.
Grape Bogatyr 2019 (Panchenko)

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