Grape varieties with large berries

Grapes with large berries are no longer uncommon. In recent years, many of these varieties have been bred, and growers are enthusiastic about planting seedlings on their plots.

The most appreciated varieties are those with large fruits. Brushes with large, identical berries look great.

You can’t take your eyes off such a beautiful and large grape.

Among the popular varieties are the following:

  • Demeter. The berries weigh from 12 to 15 g. Although the ovary crumbles heavily even on pinched inflorescences, even the remaining berries are enough to form a large cluster from 800 to 15 000 g. The flesh is tender, the skin is a little thick. From one bush, you can collect about 7 clusters weighing more than 1 kg each;
  • “Cockle white”. The mass of berries is 13-14 g, especially large ones weigh 18-20 g. The bunches are rather loose, weighing 300-400 g, but they have all the berries as a selection, there are no small ones. The pulp resembles marmalade, the skin is thin. Well transported;
  • “Harold”. The white oval berries ripen early. In good weather conditions, you can feast on the first bunches already in mid-July. Disease resistant;
  • “Laura”. White-green fruits can be up to 4 cm in diameter. It has a pleasant sweet taste. Transportable grade;
  • “Sphinx”. The round and large berries have a deep dark blue color. The standard weight of one brush is 700-750 g. It has a good survival rate due to its powerful root system;
  • Augustine. Late-ripening variety. The white berries are surprisingly sweet. It bears fruit well even in lean years. Differs in unpretentiousness in care and excellent frost resistance;
  • Bagotyanovsky. Hybrid. Berries weigh 20 g or more. The standard weight of one hand is 1 kg, and this is not the limit. Small peas are acceptable. Soft berries with a golden sheen are juicy.

These varieties will beautify every vineyard.

A photo of large grapes will not leave anyone indifferent. But do not rush to buy the variety you like right away. Each has its own disadvantages and advantages. When choosing, you should be guided by simple rules:

  • consider the climate and growing conditions. Cold-tolerant varieties are unlikely to take root well in hot regions, as well as thermophilic ones in northern ones. If it rains frequently, choose varieties that are not prone to cracking;
  • choose proven varieties. No need to chase new products. It is better to grow a few bushes of proven varieties, and then try something new. This is especially true for novice winegrowers;
  • think about where the grapes will grow. Much depends on the correct location.

In order for the grapes to produce a good harvest, they need to be looked after. Timely pruning, removal of excess ovaries, abundant watering are all important.

Proper care and following all recommendations will help you get delicious grapes.

Also interesting: red grape varieties

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