Grape seed oil for hair. Video reviews
In pursuit of luxurious and healthy hair, it does not always make sense to buy up all the variety of factory-made cosmetics, when there is such a proven substance as grape seed essential oil on the guard of beauty. Its effectiveness has been tested for centuries, and a great many problems can be solved with its help.
The beneficial properties of grape seed oil
This essential substance contains a number of acids that have a beneficial effect not only on the hair, but also on the scalp. Thanks to this, grape seed oil for hair can be used not only to treat dandruff and hair loss, but also to stimulate hair growth. It also gives the curls a healthy shine, restores them after dyeing and applying a perm.
For hair treatment, oil is used as part of masks, which must be done in courses of at least two procedures per week
5 drops of grape seed essential oil must be dissolved in a tablespoon of rose oil, then rub the composition into the roots of the head for at least half an hour. As a base oil for dissolving essential components, you can use not only expensive rose oil, but also ordinary vegetable oil. Masks work with him no less effectively.
Mix 5 drops of this essential oil with the same amount of ylang-ylang essential extract and peppermint oil, add a tablespoon of honey to the composition and apply to hair. Oils based on oil are washed off with the usual shampoo.
In order to completely rid your hair of traces of oil, you will have to wash your hair twice.
A nourishing hair mask is made with two tablespoons of peach oil and a teaspoon of grape seed. It is universally good for all types, but is especially suitable for dry hair.
As an additional means to revitalize hair, a rinse is used, consisting of a liter of water with the addition of a tablespoon of vinegar and a few drops of oil. It is used after washing and is not washed off the hair.
To eliminate the effect of excessive dryness of hair, you can drip oil on a wooden comb and carefully comb the curls with it along the entire length
Healing masks with grape seed oil for hair
To stimulate hair growth, grape oil is dissolved in burdock and dry mustard powder is dissolved in the resulting composition. The sensations from a similar composition applied to the skin are not very pleasant, but it is the burning sensation that stimulates blood flow to the hair and improves its nutrition, accelerating growth.
To combat dandruff, grape seed oil should be rubbed into the scalp, but this should be done after a tolerance test. Essential substances in their pure form can cause allergic reactions.