If you are looking for one of the best table grape varieties to plant in your garden, we advise you to pay attention to the wonderful Moldova grape variety. It is perfect for growing in regions with a cold climate, as it has a medium to late ripening period. What are the obvious advantages and disadvantages of this type of grape, and how should it be planted and cared for properly?
Characteristic of the variety
Moldova grapes are fully capable of ripening closer to mid-September, the full ripening period is about 155 – 160 days. If we talk about its description, then it is characterized by the presence of medium and large-sized clusters, which together can weigh from 400 to 600 grams. The bushes are vigorous, they tend to enter the fruiting phase early. Flowers are bisexual. Clusters, subject to normal care, are able to grow very large in size, have an average degree of density, are cylindrical or conical.
If we talk about the description and properties of berries, they also grow very large, they can be about 25 by 19 mm in size, and their weight is about 5-6 grams. The fruits have a beautiful dark purple color, as well as a regular oval shape, and a wax coating is visualized on the surface. This grape variety is characterized by tasty and rather fleshy pulp. Also, the fruits have a dense and durable skin. They have a sugar content of about 17 – 18%, as well as a degree of acidity of about 7 – 10 grams per liter. Another important property of this variety can be called the fact that such grapes are in great need of normalization of the crop. It also has a fairly simple, but at the same time very refined taste, and for this property it is also loved by most gardeners in our country. When tasting by experts for its excellent characteristics and properties, it was highly rated 8 points.
Also, this type of grape has a good ripening of shoots, does not tolerate thickening. It is recommended for him to make a long-sleeve formation, which in turn is characterized by a free distribution of shoots. Pruning is advised to carry out in such a way that about 4 – 6 eyes remain. Moldova grapes prefer soil that is well hydrated, as well as nutritious and has enough moisture for its full growth and development. It also has a fairly high yield, amounting to about 150 – 200 centners per hectare. If we talk about arbors and large molds that have a supply of perennial wood, then in them bushes that are already 10 years old are able to please their owners with a harvest of up to 150 kg. Grapes tend to grow intensively, so you can wait for the first fruits already in the second year of his life. Given the presence of about 70% of fruitful bushes in your garden plot, you can expect the appearance of about 1 clusters.
If we talk about the obvious advantages of growing this grape variety, then there are a lot of them, and they all say that it is worth buying and planting this beautiful type of fruit in your garden. So, what is good about this grape? Its crop, although it appears quite late, is very high, and is also able to be well stored and normally endure transportation over long distances. In addition, the clusters are able to stay on the bush for a long time and feel great. As practice shows, at home, grapes can lie from 160 to 180 days. This species does not require special care conditions, it also tends to self-pollinate.
Moldova shows a high degree of immunity to such infections as gray rot and mildew, and can also avoid a root disease called phylloxera, so this plant is quite realistic to plant on its roots. Grapes can be used both fresh and in canned and frozen form. Since the berries have a late ripening term, they are not particularly liked by wasps, which therefore will not harm this crop. Grapes of this variety are able to spend the winter in the southern regions with little or no special shelter.
The only harm to wood is possible if the temperature is below -22 degrees. When cutting and the appearance of possible mechanical damage, it is able to quickly and efficiently recover.
Among the minor disadvantages of this variety are such as the possibility of falling ill with a dangerous disease – oidium or powdery mildew. In order to prevent this grape variety, it is recommended to spray it with special modern preparations several times per season. Although ripe berries are able to stay on the bush for a long time, it is still best to cut them off at the scheduled time, because if this is not done, then the time of its subsequent storage and the preservation of its normal appearance during transportation can be greatly reduced. It is also necessary to control the load of berries on the bush, as it can adversely affect the quality of the future grape harvest in your garden.
Video “Moldova – ripe variety”
Landing and Care Tips
It is important not only to plant the stalk correctly, but also to make a competent choice of soil for it. For this type of grapes, it is advised to choose a light soil rich in useful fertilizers and minerals. It is advised to use a drainage system on the site, you can not plant grapes where groundwater is close to the surface. For its cultivation, it is recommended to choose sunny windless areas of the garden, and the south side is also preferable. Spring is considered the best time of the year for planting, it is then that the grapes are able to adapt well to new conditions.
When planting, it is customary to use a scheme that suggests planting a crop at the rate of 5 by 4 meters. You can plant a plant both on its own roots, and graft on an existing stock. Immediately before being placed in the ground, the stalk must be kept in water until it takes white roots. A cutting is planted in a prepared hole, at the bottom of which there are already organic top dressings mixed with the soil. For grafting, it must be cut at the bottom, giving the shape of a wedge, and then grafted onto the old stock, and then securely fasten the bole using fabric for this purpose.
Before planting, the presence of grape cuttings in the Humate solution has proven itself well. If you still decide to plant a cutting in the fall, it should be covered with paraffin so that the plant can survive the winter with honor. After planting, the cuttings need to be watered, for which they take about three buckets of water. Remember to make a solid support that will help the vine to grow normally in the right direction.
This grape variety needs care, which involves the formation of bushes, timely pruning, watering and fertilizer. When growing such a plant, it will be necessary to control the soil moisture. One watering before and after flowering is not enough for such a crop, and during the drought period, the frequency of watering increases even more. As a mulch, which will help not only the harmonious growth of the culture, but also provide it with good protection in the winter season, it is advised to use stubborn humus, which must be placed around a trunk one and a half meters in diameter. You should also provide shelter for the bush, using hay or film for this purpose. Pruning the bush should be carried out annually, you can do it in early spring or late autumn. In the spring, you need to pay attention not only to the number of shoots, but also to the number of clusters formed.
In addition to the organic top dressing that the bush receives during the creation of the mulch, it is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers to the soil. During digging, the addition of potassium-phosphorus supplements has proven itself well. No need to wait until your favorite grapes are affected by powdery mildew. It is better to prevent trouble than to carry out a grueling struggle with it later, therefore, for prevention, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying of the crop several times a year. It is advised to carry out such processing before and after flowering. The well-known Bordeaux liquid is well suited for these purposes.
Video “What are the features of the variety”
From a short review of a successful grower, you will find out why this Moldova variety is so good.