Even in ancient times, people knew that grapes are not only tasty, but also healthy. However, in addition to fruits, vine leaves also have therapeutic properties. Since ancient times, this part of the plant has been used as food and for the treatment of various diseases.
Grape leaves: what are
Not all grape leaves are the same. Depending on the variety, they may differ in color, density and even shape. Most often, the color of fresh grape leaves varies between light green and gray-green hues, although golden or wine hues are clearly visible on the leaves of some varieties. Also, leaf blades in different varieties can be smooth or with a slight “fluff”, and the contour can be from round with almost even edges to ovoid with openwork edges.
Chemical composition and nutritional value
If grapes are a real storehouse of useful components, then it is easy to guess that the vine that “spawned” these berries is no less rich. Grape greens are a very good source of fiber, vitamins A, B, C and K, iron, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, sodium, copper and calcium, tannins, organic acids, glycosides and alkaloids. By the way, 5-6 grape leaves contain the daily requirement of vitamin A. Grape leaves are a low-calorie product. There are only about 5 calories in 14 leaves.
Useful Properties
And although grape greens were rarely used in our culinary tradition, our ancestors knew something about the beneficial properties of these leaves. For example, in folk medicine, grape leaves are known to stop bleeding and have anti-inflammatory properties. But this is only a small fraction of what this green healer is actually capable of.
In the Mediterranean and in some Asian countries, infusions and decoctions of grape leaves are known as a tonic, tonic and analgesic. Back in the XNUMXth century, women were advised to drink tinctures from this greenery in case of diseases of the reproductive system, as well as to stop heavy menstrual bleeding. The natives of North America used grape leaf tea as a remedy for fever. In addition, the Indians noticed that such a drink helps relieve pain, treats indigestion, and also relieves the symptoms of rheumatism. And I must say, many of these folk methods of treatment have found scientific confirmation over time.
An excellent source of vitamin A, grape leaves have powerful antioxidant properties. This means that this greenery is useful for strengthening immunity, protecting the body in conditions of poor ecology, and also for slowing down the aging process. In addition, grape greens are good for the eyes, nervous system, hair and skin.
Some folk healers advise chewing grape leaves to get rid of caries. The researchers tested this fact and confirmed its rationality. The organic acids contained in the leaves will destroy the pathogenic flora, clean the teeth from plaque and prevent the occurrence of periodontal disease. For prevention and treatment, it is enough to chew 1 small leaf per day. If more, you risk damaging the structure of the enamel.
For many, this may come as a surprise, but scientists have found omega-3 fatty acids in grape leaves (the same ones that are found in abundance in fish and seafood). And these substances are known in the scientific world as an effective remedy against joint diseases, heart rhythm disturbances, and even as protection against malignant tumors.
Traditional healers in different countries of the world guessed about the anti-inflammatory properties of grape leaves several centuries ago. Modern researchers have much more information on this subject. Scientific experiments have confirmed that grapevine greens are useful for treating inflammation in the organs of the digestive tract, damage to the mucous membranes and skin.
The results of some studies indicate that grape leaves (particularly the Amur variety) may be beneficial for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, the young leaves and shoots of the vine contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the body with edema and vascular diseases.
Use in folk medicine
Folk healers used grape leaves to treat hypertension, tonsillitis, bronchitis. To get rid of a severe headache, it was advised to apply a previously mashed grape leaf to the forehead and temples. The same remedy was used when it was necessary to eliminate the burning sensation in the eyes – the leaf was applied to the eyelids. Gruel from young green grapes was used to treat varicose veins (applied to sore spots according to the principle of a compress).
The people considered the juice obtained from grape greens to be useful. It was used to treat diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and men used it to increase potency. And when used externally, the juice is useful for getting rid of warts, freckles, lichen, it helps to strengthen hair and accelerate their growth.
Various diseases of the bladder, kidneys and thyroid gland were also treated by the people with grapes. But in this case, alcohol tincture was used. A decoction of the leaves is advised to drink to increase appetite, with gout or kidney stones, as well as to eliminate a hangover. Cold water infusion (3 g of greens are taken for 350 liters of cold water and infused for 3 days) were drunk for rheumatism and visual acuity disorders.
Dry powdered leaves have also been used in folk medicine. People who are prone to nosebleeds may benefit from inhaling this powder from time to time. In addition, grape powder was used as an antiseptic (festered wounds were sprinkled on them).
grape green tea
This drink is very popular in folk medicine. It is useful to use it as an external agent – for washing purulent wounds and ulcers.
It is also good to drink this remedy as herbal tea. In this case, it can be useful for circulatory disorders, edema, heavy and painful menstruation in women. It is useful to use the drink to strengthen the immune system, with hepatitis, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, as well as with candidiasis. The same tea can be used to gargle with sore throat. It is not difficult to prepare this miracle remedy. All you need is 10 g of dry crushed grape leaves, which should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 5-10 minutes.
Hazardous properties
Sour grape leaves are a forbidden product for people with gastritis, ulcers and some other diseases of the digestive organs, especially in the acute period. In addition, it is advised to refrain from consuming this product for people with diabetes, obesity, and heart failure. Also, with caution, grape leaves should be treated by women in the last months of pregnancy.
Use in cooking
If for us, grape leaves on a plate as a main course are exotic, then for Armenians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Arabs, Vietnamese, and Turkish people, such dishes are a national culinary treasure. In the Caucasus, for example, they cook dolma, in Greece – dolmades (something similar to cabbage rolls, but grape greens are used instead of cabbage). And even in Ukrainian Transcarpathia, similar dishes have been prepared since ancient times.
For cooking, only young leaves are taken. In addition, gourmets are advised to give preference to greens from white grape varieties, as dark leaves are tougher. The most delicious are the leaves collected during the flowering period of the vine. At this time, they are the most juicy, tender and with a pleasant sourness.
As a rule, grape leaves should be cooked right on the day of harvest. But if necessary, they can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. If you think that you can enjoy dishes from grape leaves only in spring or summer, then you are deeply mistaken. This greens perfectly lends itself to freezing, salting, pickling. Although, after salting, there are fewer nutritional components in the product than in fresh or frozen ones. By the way, in order for the leaves to retain their appearance and the necessary density, culinary specialists advise them to defrost by immersing them in cold water.
If many fruits and vegetables taste worse after heat treatment, then grape leaves, on the contrary, open their “bouquet” under the influence of temperature. Therefore, boiling, frying, baking and stewing is an ideal way to prepare these greens. In addition, during the cooking process, the leaves perfectly absorb the aroma of other products, which, in turn, are given a pleasant refreshing sourness.
Best of all, grape greens are combined with fatty meat, smoked meats. From vegetables, legumes, such as lentils, chickpeas, beans, are well suited to them.
It is good to add tender young grape leaves to sweet pilaf (sour greens are in perfect harmony with dried fruits and honey).
For dolma (and other dishes), grape leaves are not boiled, but only blanched. Stuffing is wrapped in such a way that the glossy side of the sheet “looks” outward. By the way, traditionally leaves stuffed with meat are served as a hot dish, and grape greens with cereals are served as an appetizer. By the way, fillings from minced meat and cereals are not the only way to use grape leaves. Quail carcasses or pieces of lamb can be wrapped in a sheet plate, then everything is covered with filo dough and baked in the oven. You can also use fish as a filling.
Salmon in grapes
Chop the salmon fillet into small cubes and marinate in a mixture of olive oil, chopped garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper. Drain the liquid, add chopped herbs and mix everything thoroughly. Grease a grape leaf (blanched or harvested for the winter) with a layer of cream cheese, on which lay the minced fish. Roll up in the same way as the cabbage rolls. Put in a heat-resistant dish, on the bottom of which pour a little salted water. Bake in the oven for approximately 10-15 minutes.
Vine leaves for the winter
The leaves prepared according to this recipe are considered the most useful, since vinegar, salt or other not the most useful components are not used in the salting process. For harvesting for the winter, it is best to take juicy young greens collected in the morning. For about an hour, the product is poured with cold water (it is possible with ice cubes), after which each leaf is washed and cleaned of thick veins at the base. Then twist the leaves into dense rolls (each contains about 10 pieces), which are thickly placed in sterile jars. Pour boiling water over the filled vessels, cover with lids and leave for 15 minutes, then drain all the water. After that, pour the leaves with boiling tomato juice (preferably freshly squeezed), roll up, wrap in a warm blanket and leave to cool completely. Leaves harvested in this way do not require additional heat treatment, and tomato juice can be used to make sauce in winter.
Used in cosmetics
Tannins, organic acids and essential oils, vitamins, minerals – these are the components due to which cosmetologists also paid attention to grape greens. Masks and tonics prepared on the basis of green grapes are used to rejuvenate the skin, tighten pores, smooth wrinkles and improve facial contours.
At home, it is easy to prepare a face mask from flower honey and crushed grape leaves. It is useful to apply this gruel 1-2 times a week. The result is soft and smooth facial skin.
Grapes in our latitudes are not exotic. But if almost everyone eats the berries harvested from the vine, then many frankly ignore the greens of this culture. But now that you know about the beneficial properties of grape leaves, you can also please your loved ones with a delicious original dish of sour greens.