In the process of combining Karinka with white grapes Frumoas albe, an early ripe variety of Galbena Nou was obtained. Because of the amber color of ripe berries, the culture has acquired another name – New Yellow. In the people, the grape variety is most often called Zolotinka. They will help to learn more about the description of the Galbena Nou grape variety, photos, reviews of gardeners.

The main features of the variety

Grape Galbena Nou (Golden)

The early Galbena Nou grape is famous for its decorative effect. Due to the rapid growth of bindweeds, bushes are planted near gazebos and other recreational areas. The vine quickly braids the trellises, forming a beautiful wall of rounded small leaves and beautiful golden tassels.

Important! Variety Galbena Nou took all the best features from both parents.

Due to its tolerance to low winter temperatures, Galbena Nou grapes are grown in southern and northern regions. The crop ripens massively in about 120 days from the moment the buds awaken. The first berries can be tasted after 100 days. Early ripening allows in the northern regions to have time to harvest the entire crop. Vigorous grape variety Galbena Nou requires a lot of free space. Bushes are planted at a distance of at least 2–3 m. The row spacing is made up to 3 m. There are no special requirements for the composition of the soil in the Galbena Nou variety.

Zolotinka boasts a good survival rate of cuttings. If the bush is initially formed correctly, the first clusters can be obtained in the second or third year. Cuttings quickly take root by grafting due to good compatibility with other varieties. The Galbena Nou grape vine has time to fully mature in a season. For one bush, the maximum load is 45 eyes. During pruning, the vines leave shoots with 8 eyes, but can be reduced to 4-5 pieces.

Variety Galbena throws bisexual flowers. Self-pollination occurs even in cold weather with a weak flight of bees. The grape vine survives at temperatures down to -24оC. Can withstand surges down to -26оC, but it is better not to allow it to a critical minimum. In cold regions, the Galbena Nou vine is covered in autumn.

The variety is resistant to dangerous diseases: gray rot and mildew. However, grapes can infect oidium, which is a weak point of Zolotinka.

Important! The early berries of Galben Nou are very sweet and tender. Wasps with birds love to feast on grapes. To save the crop, you will need to hang traps and shelters from the net.

Considering the Zolotinka grapes, variety description, photos, reviews, it is worth knowing the shortcomings. For mass cultivation and commercial purposes, the culture is not suitable. Berries of the Galbena variety are rich in aroma, sweet and tender, but do not have a presentation. The clusters are loose, and the rounded shape of the fruit attracts the buyer less than the grapes elongated in the form of a finger.

Description of fruits

Grape Galbena Nou (Golden)

The pulp of the Galbena Nou grape variety is rich in juice, sugar, nutmeg flavor. Slightly acidic taste. The aroma is felt not only when eating berries. The pleasant smell of nutmeg stands on a plantation near bushes with ripe clusters.

Brushes of Zolotinka grow small, weighing approximately 400–700 g. The berries are loosely pressed together. The shape of the brush is conical with branching. Most berries grow round. Less common are fruits with a slightly pronounced oval. The average size of a berry is 24×23 mm. Fruit weight about 8 g.

Attention! The size of Galbena Nou grapes depends on the load of the bush. The more clusters left, the smaller the fruits.

The color of Galben Nou berries is light green with a white tint. When mature, the skin acquires a golden color. In the sun, the barrels of berries are painted with a creamy tan. Sugar juicy pulp is gaining just before ripening. The absence of seeds, tender skin, a large amount of juice made Galbena Nou grapes the best delicacy for children. However, from excess moisture or overripe, the berries crack.

Clusters plucked at the stage of technical maturity can be stored in a cool place. Grapes are consumed fresh, juices, liqueurs, wines are prepared. The absence of seeds allows you to get high-quality raisins from berries.

The video talks about Galbena Nou grapes:

Grape Galbena Nou

Planting of seedlings

Grape Galbena Nou (Golden)

The variety of early grapes Zolotina is easily bred with seedlings. For planting choose a sunny area without drafts. If the bushes are planted around a gazebo, near a canopy or other structure for decorative purposes, the grapes are provided with good ventilation. A small supply of fresh air depresses the grapes, increases the risk of diseases, and reduces yields. Near the buildings, the bushes of Zolotinka are planted on the south side.

There are no special requirements for the soil, but the groundwater on the site should lie deeper than 2 m. In the south, the Galbena grape variety is planted with seedlings in the spring after a constant heat is established or in the fall a month before the onset of the expected frost. For the northern regions, spring landing is preferable. After a short summer, the cold sets in sharply, and the Zolotinka seedling simply does not have time to take root.

For grapes, dig a hole 80 cm deep and of the same diameter. Half of the pit is covered with a mixture of fertile soil with humus or compost. With high acidity of the soil, add a little chalk. At the bottom, drainage is necessarily made of stones with sand. After planting, the Zolotinka grape seedling is watered abundantly, covered with a thick layer of peat or sawdust mulch on top. If there is a threat of cooling at night, the grapes are covered with agrofibre before rooting.

Vineyard care

Grape Galbena Nou (Golden)

Continuing the review of the photo, description of the Zolotinka grape variety, we need to pay a little attention to the care of the culture. Watering is required moderate as the soil dries. It should be noted that the berries of the Zolotinka variety are prone to cracking. It is impossible to flood strongly, but drought will not bring any benefit either. Bushes must be watered:

  • in early spring;
  • before flowering;
  • while pouring berries;
  • after harvest;
  • late autumn.

Of the top dressings, the Zolotinka variety prefers organic matter. Mineral complexes are introduced in spring and autumn. Top dressing is usually carried out simultaneously with watering. It is possible, after absorbing water, instead of mulch, to fill the ground with a thick layer of dry, rotted manure. Organics will prevent the evaporation of moisture, plus at the same time it will become top dressing.

Of the mandatory procedures, periodic weeding is required. Under the bushes of the Zolotinka grapes, weeds should not grow. Additionally, the soil is loosened after each watering. The resulting crust prevents the passage of oxygen to the roots.

Pruning vines

Grape Galbena Nou (Golden)

Painless pruning of the vine is done in the fall. An adult bush of the Zolotinka variety should consist of a maximum of 45 eyes. After the suspension of sap flow, the pagons are cut off, leaving 4–8 buds. The vine is tied with a rope and prepared for wintering. A shield is laid out on the ground from boards, straw or thick cardboard. A vine is laid on top, covered with dense material and covered with earth. In the spring, an overwintered bush is inspected. Broken and frozen shoots are pruned.

Grape Galbena Nou (Golden)

Variety Zolotinka requires even summer pruning. It consists in removing excess inflorescences. However, underload or overload of a grape bush will have to be determined only empirically. If you leave a lot of inflorescences, the berries will be small. The vine will grow thin by autumn and will not have time to mature. A small number of inflorescences is also not in favor of the Zolotinka grapes. Clusters with berries will grow large, but the vine itself will fatten. By autumn, thick, too long lashes will appear. The number of inflorescences left depends on the size and age of the bush and is selected individually by the gardener.

Prevention and control of pests

Grape Galbena Nou (Golden)

Variety Zolotinka needs protection from oidium. Subject to the conditions of agricultural technology, the disease is rare. It is difficult to cure the affected Zolotinka grape variety. It is better to take preventive measures. The onset of the disease is recognized by the foliage. The plate becomes curly, gradually covered with a white coating of mold. Over time, signs appear on flowers, young vines and berries. Affected inflorescences dry and crumble. Fruits in dry weather crack, dry or begin to rot in high humidity.

It is possible to prevent the spread of the disease throughout the Zolotinka grape bush at the initial stage. On a non-hot dry day, colloidal sulfur is sprayed. Good results show fungicides.

Of the preventive measures, Zolotinka grapes require proper care. Firstly, the bushes provide good ventilation. Proper pruning of the vine, as well as the removal of excess inflorescences, allows you to avoid thickening. In order for the wind to freely walk under the bushes, they do not allow overgrowing with grass. Timely feeding increases the immunity of grapes.

Grape Galbena Nou (Golden)

Wasps, flies and birds love to eat the juicy berries of Zolotinka. Clusters are protected from feathered guests by stretching nets. Insects are more difficult. It is impossible to spray ripe berries with chemicals. Traps from bottles filled with sweet syrup can help. Sometimes gardeners practice immersing bunches in gauze bags. The method is effective when the material does not lean against the berries. If the gauze is in contact with the skin of the fetus, the wasps will still gnaw through it and draw out the juice.


Fans leave a lot of reviews about Galbena Nou grapes regarding the characteristics of the berries, and also share their experiences.

Nikolay Evgenievich
Two bushes of the early Zolotinka variety grow on the site. I keep it for the kids. Berries ripen early, tasty. Once I even tried drying raisins. Of course you have to take care of it. There is no end to wasps, but I am trying to save the crop with traps and gauze.
I planted one bush of Galbena Nou grapes, more is not required. Early berries are enough for the whole family. The vine grows strongly. You have to prune a lot in the fall. In the summer I remove excess inflorescences and pagons.

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