Grape Furor

Among the table varieties, blue grapes occupy a special place. In terms of saturation with vitamins and nutrients, there is a clear superiority over white and pink berries. Blue fruits are in demand by winemakers, as well as juice lovers. One of the popular representatives of this group is the Furor grape, a description of the variety, a photo, reviews of which we will now consider.

Variety description

Grape Furor

Overview of the description of the Furor grape variety, let’s start the photo with a review of the general characteristics. In terms of fruit ripening, the culture is considered early. Clusters of grapes are ready for use 105 days after the awakening of the buds on the vine. Harvesting falls on the first days of August. The optimal growing conditions for Furor are the southern regions. Grapes have adapted well in the middle lane, as well as in colder northern regions, but the vine has to be covered for the winter.

Bushes withstand temperatures down to -25оC, which is considered a good indicator for a table variety. Furor grapes are resistant to fungal attack, as well as the appearance of rot. The variety has excellent immunity, protecting against the most common diseases: oidium and mildew.

Attention! On the bushes of the Furor variety, bisexual inflorescences are formed. Pollination can occur with minimal insect participation. For single-sex crops, the Furor variety is an excellent pollinator.

The planted cuttings of grapes take root well, grow quickly. Bushes grow large. Ripening of the vine begins early. By the onset of cold weather, a full-fledged bush is formed. A large number of large clusters are tied on the vine. Under the weight of the harvest, the whips are able to fall to the ground and break. You can save the vine by frequent tying, but it is better to unload the bush with timely pruning and rationing of the beds.

Description of fruits

Grape Furor

Winegrowers fell in love with the Furor variety because of the large purple berries with excellent taste. Cylindrical, elongated fruits grow up to 4 cm long and up to 2,8 cm thick. A bunch of Furor grapes with a loose arrangement of berries grows up to 25 cm long. In fully ripe fruits, the purple skin color becomes black. Grapes are characterized by fleshy, highly saturated juice pulp. When the grapes ripen, a pronounced nutmeg aroma appears.

The strong skin protects the juicy pulp of Furor from wasps and other harmful insects, but when the berry is eaten, it is practically not felt. Each fruit contains from 1 to 3 seeds. The pulp contains a large amount of sugar. In a mature berry, saturation reaches 23%. Acid is felt weakly, since its indicator does not exceed 7 g / l. Ripe clusters of Furor are able to remain on the vine for a long time, but it is better to unload the bush in time.

Growers often use the Furor grape variety commercially. Clusters during transportation, as well as long-term storage, do not lose their presentation and taste. At home, grapes are simply eaten and used to decorate salads. The excess crop is processed into wine or juice.

Advantages of the variety

Grape Furor

In the description of Furor grapes, you can find many positive qualities, and all of them are confirmed by the reviews of growers:

  • planted grape seedling Furora quickly takes root and gives a strong increase;
  • clusters for a long time retain their presentation on the bush, during storage and transportation;
  • the excellent taste of sweet pulp emphasizes the nutmeg aroma of Furor;
  • an early grape variety is easily propagated by cuttings and grafting;
  • strong skin prevents wasps from eating ripe fruits;
  • bushes can withstand frosts down to -25оWITH;
  • Furor is resistant to viral and fungal diseases.

The advantages of the variety are confirmed by the popularity of Furor among private growers and owners of large vineyards.


Grape Furor

High yield is an advantage and at the same time a big disadvantage of the Furor variety. The oversaturation of the bush with fruits leads to the breaking of the vine, and the clusters themselves become smaller. During the entire growing season, grapes need constant care: remove weak extra shoots, get rid of dense foliage, regulate the amount of ovary by thinning the clusters.

The disadvantages include the need to shelter the vines for the winter. However, almost all cultivated grapes cannot be grown in cold regions without these procedures.

Drop off location

Grape Furor

Despite frost resistance, Furor grapes are thermophilic. For planting seedlings choose a sunny place, closed from the north winds. It is optimal to plant an early grape variety on the south side of the plot, and from the north, so that there is a barrier from the cold and drafts.

Important! Furor is able to take root even in heavy soil, but the bush will grow slowly. Grapes are better than black soil and organic top dressing.

The optimal time for planting seedlings is spring. March or April depending on weather conditions. In cold regions, it is better to postpone the landing of Furor until the May warm days. In autumn, seedlings take root poorly. There is a possibility of freezing of unrooted grapes. If the choice fell on autumn, then Furor seedlings are planted on a sunny day before frost.

Features of planting seedlings

Grape Furor

Furor grape bushes are vigorous. This nuance is taken into account when calculating the distance between the holes. It is optimal to maintain a step of about 3 m. Planting grape seedlings occurs according to the standard scheme:

  • Pits for Furor seedlings are prepared a month before planting. Holes are dug 80 cm deep. Similar parameters for width and length. Large dimensions are due to the need to arrange drainage and fill with a fertile mixture.

    Grape Furor

  • The bottom of the pit is covered with a layer of fine stone with sand for drainage. A fertile mixture of black soil with humus is poured on top. You can cover the components in layers and pour abundantly. A month before planting a grape seedling, the soil with humus will settle, and earthworms will dig it.

    Grape Furor

  • Before planting a seedling in a hole, a mound is made from the soil. In the ground, you can add 1 tbsp. l. mineral fertilizer. Furor grape seedlings are placed on a mound, bending the root system to the side, and covered with soil up to 25 cm thick.

    Grape Furor

Grapes are watered with 2-3 buckets of warm water. If the nights are cold, the first days after planting, the seedling is snatched away until it takes root.

Care of grapes

There are different reviews about Furor grapes, but there are no special complaints about the care. The culture requires a standard approach, like any other variety of cultural origin.


Grape Furor

Any grape requires intensive watering in autumn and spring. Furor refers to early varieties. To obtain an optimal charge of moisture, the bushes must be abundantly poured twice in the fall before frost and in early June.

Important! In regions with a dry climate, the amount of watering is increased.

With the advent of inflorescences, all watering is stopped. Excess moisture will not bring any benefit, and the buds will begin to crumble. Resume watering during the growth and maturation of brushes. The amount of moisture is controlled. Strong oversaturation threatens to crack watery berries.


Grape Furor

To increase productivity and better development of the Furor bush, they are fed with mineral fertilizers. One-component preparations are suitable, but it is better to give preference to complex compositions: Kemira, Florovit, Mortar and others.

Grape Furor

In addition to mineral supplements, grapes need organic matter. Once a year, a trench 50 cm deep is dug around the trunk. One and a half buckets of compost or humus are poured into the bottom and covered with soil from above. Organics, along with rain or irrigation water, will slowly flow to the roots of the grapes.

A good top dressing is bird droppings. The solution is prepared in advance. One part of the litter is diluted with four parts of water. After infusion, the mixture is again diluted with water, adhering to a ratio of 1:10. The finished solution is poured under a bush in an amount of 0,5 liters.

Pruning vines and loosening the soil

Grape Furor

The optimal time for pruning is autumn. The sap flow stops at the grapes and the process is painless for the bush. The vine is cut into 6-8 eyes. Remove all old and dry lashes. Up to 40 eyes are usually left on a bush.

After each watering, the soil is loosened so that a film does not form on top that blocks the access of oxygen to the roots. Additionally, weeding may be required if weeds grow intensively around the bush.

Disease Prevention

Grape Furor

The table grape variety Furor is resistant to diseases, but preventive spraying is mandatory. Fungicides will protect the crop from oidium and mildew when an epidemic occurs. Of the popular drugs, colloidal sulfur, Bordeaux liquid, Kuprozam are used. The entire bush is sprayed with a preventive solution 6 to 8 times per season.

Stretched nets will help protect the crop from birds. Wasps with the skin will not cope, but when the berries crack, they are able to eat the entire crop. Homemade traps made from hanging plastic bottles will help get rid of harmful insects. A sweet liquid is poured inside the traps with the addition of a pesticide.

On the video review of Furor grapes:



They better help to learn about the description of the Furor grape variety by photos, videos, reviews left on the forums by winegrowers.

After receiving the first harvest, I understood why the variety was called Furor. Huge brushes with large tasty berries liked the whole family. I consider my greed to be a mistake. It was necessary to regulate the number of clusters, and I heavily loaded the bush. The second year turned out to be less fruitful, but then he did everything according to the rules. The vine began to grow and ripened well by autumn. I look forward to the harvest in the third year.
Anna Vladimirovna
We have warm winters, so I never cover the grapes. Furor will give birth well. I spray with Bordeaux liquid. I constantly regulate the load of the bush by removing extra clusters. The berries are delicious, and ripe fruit makes good wine.

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