Grape Elegant very early

Grapes Elegant – a hybrid form of domestic selection. The variety is characterized by early maturation, resistance to diseases, drought and winter frosts. The berries have a sweet taste, and the clusters have a presentation. A site is prepared for planting plants, which is pre-fertilized with organic matter and minerals.

Botanical description

Grape varieties Elegant bred VNIIViV them. ME AND. Potapenko. Its ultra-early form is characterized by a short maturation period. Parent varieties – Delight and Frumoasa Albe.

Grape Elegant

The Elegant grape variety is characterized by early fruiting. The period from bud break to harvest takes 110 to 115 days. Berries have a table purpose.

Clusters in the form of a cone, medium density. The mass of the bunch is from 0,3 to 0,4 kg. According to the description of the variety, photos and reviews, Elegant grapes are characterized by an average growth force.

Features of Elegant berries:

  • size 20×30 mm;
  • weight 6-7 g;
  • oval shape;
  • green-white color;
  • harmonious taste.

The pulp of the berries is crispy with a nutmeg flavor. Vine maturation at a high level. The flowers are female, so the variety requires a pollinator. The number of fruitful shoots is from 75 to 95%. The variety is frost and disease resistant.

Clusters endure long transportation. Sometimes there is a burning of berries. Grapes are consumed fresh, used for making desserts, compotes, juices.

Grape Elegant very early

Grapes Elegant super early – a hybrid variety that ripens in 100-110 days. The hybrid got its name due to early ripening. Bushes are medium or low growing. The flowers are bisexual, planting a pollinator is optional.

Grapes bring large bunches weighing from 300 to 600 g, cylindrical shape and medium density.

Description of the variety and photo of grapes Elegant super early:

  • weight 5-6 g;
  • size 20×30 mm;
  • oval shape;
  • milky green;
  • pleasant taste with nutmeg notes.

Grape Elegant very early

Very early elegant grapes accumulate sugar well, which has a positive effect on its taste. Clusters are able to stay on the bushes for a long time. Ripening shoots at a high level. The variety is resistant to diseases and winter frosts.

Planting of grapes

The development and yield of grapes largely depend on the choice of a suitable place for growing crops. When arranging a vineyard, the level of illumination, the presence of wind, and the location of groundwater are taken into account. Plants are planted in prepared pits, which are fertilized with organic matter or minerals.

Site Selection

A plot located on a hill or in the central part of a slope is suitable for a vineyard. In the lowlands, moisture and cold air accumulate, which negatively affects the development of culture.

In regions with a cool climate, Elegant grapes are planted on the south or southwest side of the building. By reflecting the sun’s rays, the culture will receive more heat. The site should not be exposed to wind load.

The culture prefers light nutrient soil. Soils with high acidity are not suitable for planting, as they need liming. If the soil is low acidity, then peat or heather should be added.

Advice! The vineyard is broken away from shrubs and fruit trees, which cast a shadow and take a lot of nutrients from the soil.

The cultivation of green manure helps to enrich the soil. In the spring, the earth is dug up, after which legumes, lupins or mustard are planted. When the first inflorescences appear, green manure is removed and buried in the ground to a depth of 20 cm. In the fall, they start planting.

Grape Elegant very early

Order of work

Elegant grapes are planted in autumn or spring, when the snow melts and the soil warms up. Seedlings are purchased from reliable suppliers or contact nurseries.

Healthy plants do not have traces of damage, dark spots, growths on the roots. For planting, choose one-year-old grapes 40 cm high, shoots with a diameter of 5 mm and 3-4 buds.

The sequence of work on planting grapes:

  1. Preparation of a pit measuring 50×50 cm and a depth of 50 cm.
  2. At the bottom, a drainage layer of crushed stone or broken brick 10 cm thick is equipped.
  3. 2 buckets of humus, 400 g of superphosphate and 220 g of potassium salt are added to fertile soil.
  4. The substrate is poured into the pit and wait 3-4 weeks for the soil to settle.
  5. The day before planting, the roots of the grapes are lowered into clean water.
  6. The plant is planted in a hole, the roots are covered with earth.
  7. The seedling is watered abundantly.

Grapes Elegant grows well with the rootstock, but rooting takes more time. Fruiting begins 2-3 years after planting. Young plants are watered weekly. Moisture is brought under the root, after which the soil is mulched with humus or straw.

Variety care

Grapes of the Elegant variety bring a bountiful harvest with regular care. Plants are watered, fertilized, pruned in the fall. To protect plantings from diseases and pests, preventive spraying of plantings is performed.


Grapes younger than 3 years old need intensive watering. It is watered several times during the season: after cleaning the shelter in the spring, during flowering and ripening of berries. Adult bushes are able to independently extract water.

Advice! Under each bush of the Elegant variety, 4-6 liters of warm water are poured.

Bushes of any age need winter watering. Moisture is applied in late autumn to protect plantings from freezing.


The intake of nutrients ensures the development of bushes and the formation of the crop. For top dressing, both organic matter and minerals are used.

Grape feeding scheme Elegant:

  • spring when buds open;
  • 12 days after the appearance of the first inflorescences;
  • when berries ripen;
  • after the removal of the grapes.

For the first feeding, slurry or 30 g of ammonium nitrate are prepared. Bushes are watered with liquid fertilizer under the root, minerals are embedded in the soil. In the future, it is better to refuse the use of such fertilizers. Due to the high nitrogen content, top dressing stimulates the formation of shoots and leaves at the expense of yield.

During the flowering and fruiting of Elegant grapes, 140 g of superphosphate and 70 g of potassium sulfate are embedded in the soil. Root top dressing can be replaced by spraying. Substances are dissolved in water, after which the plants are processed leaf by leaf. For spraying choose a dry cloudy day or evening period.

After harvesting in the vineyard, they dig up the soil and fertilize it with humus. Fertilizing is necessary for plants to replenish the supply of nutrients after fruiting.


Elegant grapes are pruned annually in October. 5 shoots are left on the bush, weak branches are cut out. For the variety, long pruning is used, when 6-8 eyes are left on the shoot.

When flowering, excess ovaries are eliminated. In total, 1-2 bunches are enough for each shoot. The highest quality crop is obtained on branches with a large supply of wood.

In summer, some of the leaves are removed so that the berries are better illuminated by the sun. So the grapes will pick up sugar faster, and the taste of the berries will improve. In the summer, stepchildren must be removed.

Diseases and pests

Variety Elegant is not subject to mildew and gray rot. Subject to the rules of cultivation, the likelihood of developing diseases is significantly reduced.

To protect against diseases, preventive spraying of grapes with Ridomil, Topaz, Oxyhom or Horus is carried out. For processing, a solution is prepared, which is sprayed on the plants on the leaf. The procedure is carried out in the spring before flowering and in the fall after harvesting.

Grape Elegant very early

The vineyard is attacked by spider and leaf mites, aphids, leafworms, and beetles. To protect against pests, the vine is sprayed with a solution of Actellik or Karbofos. If sweet berries attract wasp swarms and birds, then the clusters should be covered with cloth bags.

Preparation for winter

Grapes of the Elegant variety can withstand frosts down to -25 ° С. For the winter, it is recommended to cover the vine to protect it from freezing. In autumn, the shoots are removed from the trellis and placed on the ground.

Plants spud and mulch with dry leaves. A wooden box or metal arcs are placed on top, then agrofibre is pulled. In the spring, the shelter is removed to prevent the grapes from drying out.

Reviews of gardeners

Elena, 38 years old, Kursk
I chose grapes Elegant super early according to the description of the variety and photo. The hybrid attracted by early ripening. Indeed, the harvest is formed in early August. Berries with dense pulp and pleasant nutmeg. In the sun, the fruits turn yellow, in the shade they remain green. A very productive variety, the berries tolerate transportation well. Clusters are not damaged by wasps, have a good presentation. One of the first varieties I send to the market for sale.
Boris, 52 years old, Moscow
Own-rooted grape variety Elegant super-early grows at the dacha. The variety has taken its rightful place on my site. The bush is medium in size, but this is offset by high yields and excellent taste of berries. Clusters hang for a long time after ripening, while the taste of the berries only improves. In order not to overload the grapes, no more than 2 ovaries are left on each shoot. I practice both short and long pruning. The method of pruning does not affect the yield. For the Moscow region, Elegant grapes are an ideal variety.
Mikhail, 45 years old, Volgograd
According to the description of the variety, reviews and photos, I chose Elegant grapes for cultivation. The variety was very early and sweet. The berries are crispy and turn amber in the sun. Clusters grow up to 700 g, some reach 1 kg. I leave 2 brushes on the vine. First, the lower one ripens, a little later – the upper one. At first, the bushes developed slowly, so I began to water them with mullein in the spring. The vine became more powerful and thicker.


Grape Elegant very early

Grapes Elegant – a variety of table destination. Clusters with large berries are formed on the bushes. Ripening of grapes occurs in the early stages. The Elegant variety is suitable for cultivation for sale and personal use. Grape care involves watering and fertilizing. In autumn, pruning of shoots is carried out and plants are prepared for winter. To prevent diseases, the shoots are sprayed with fungicides.

Grapes for beginners. Very early elegant.

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