Grape cache: description
Grape “Kesha” has many advantages, among which are high yield and resistance to temperature extremes. It is easy to grow. However, the variety has features that are important to consider when planting and nursing.
Description of Kesha grapes
The bushes of the plant are capable of growing very quickly. The flowers are bisexual and self-pollinate. Rounded bunches. The berries are large. The fruits can stay on the bushes for a long time if the harvest is late. The berries are fleshy, do not crack. The grapes ripen early.
Kesha grape bushes need rationing
The main digital characteristics include:
- bunch weight – 700 g;
- bunch length – 22 cm;
- berry weight – 12 g;
- ripening period – 110 days.
The variety is able to withstand frosts down to –23 ° C. Disease resistant. With good care, he is able to cope with diseases on his own. The variety is not afraid of frost and easily survives temperature changes.
It is better to grow grapes in a sunny, windless place. To prevent root rot, grapes should not be planted on clay soils. Rooting should be planned for the end of spring. It is necessary to plant a plant interspersed with other varieties, since grapes do not always self-pollinate.
During landing, use the following algorithm:
- Prepare the pit.
- Fill a third of it with soil mixed with humus.
- Lower the seedling into the hole so that the root collar rises above the ground.
- Secure the support and fill the hole.
After the procedure, moisten each bush with two buckets of water.
The quality of the grape harvest depends on the regularity of watering. The variety needs moisture from the onset of spring until the end of flowering. It is important to avoid excess moisture. Otherwise, the plant may undergo rotting and fungal attack.
In order for the grapes to grow well, you should regularly feed them. Organic and mineral fertilizers are suitable. Compositions containing nitrogen must be excluded, as they infect the roots
In spring and autumn, it is necessary to cut the shoots, removing dried and diseased branches and giving the desired shape. Despite the plant’s frost resistance, the grapes must be covered before the onset of winter. To do this, the bushes are pressed to the ground and covered with straw.
The Kesha grape variety has many advantages. However, in order not to be disappointed, you should adhere to the growing rules described above.