Granuloma of the mammary gland

A granuloma of the mammary gland is a neoformational process in the tissues of the mammary gland of an inflammatory nature. It manifests itself in the form of proliferation of connective tissue cells, forming small nodules.

First of all, the walls of blood and lymphatic vessels are affected, and then a granuloma develops from local tissue elements. Distinguish granulomas infectious, non-infectious and unclear etiology.

Causes of the development of breast granuloma

Breast granuloma can develop for various reasons, and one of them is the long-term wearing of silicone implants. Over time, silicone necessarily seeps out of its shell with the formation of nodules.

The mechanism of their formation is as follows: if it is impossible to remove the damaging agent with the help of phagocytes, macrophages gather around it. Where the foreign body is located, necrosis processes begin to develop with the formation of scar tissue. Often a powerful fibrous capsule with calcareous deposits is formed, as a result of which the woman begins to feel pain in the chest. Most often, the development of granulomas occurs when wearing silicone implants for more than 12 years.

Breast granuloma can also develop with actinomycosis. The clinical picture of the disease in this case is expressed by the formation of small separate nodules, followed by accumulation of pus in them. After the opening of the abscesses, long-term non-healing fistulas are formed.

Actinomycosis refers to mycoses conditionally, due to the similarity of the causative agent of this disease with a fungal infection and a similar course of the disease. In practice, it is quite rare, accounting for no more than 0,1% of all cases of inflammatory diseases of the mammary gland.

Multiple noncaseating granulomas in the breast may also be found in sarcoidosis, a multisystem disease that affects the breast parenchyma. Doctors know quite a bit about this disease, but you can be sure that it is not cancer and not an infectious disease. Often the disease goes away without any treatment within 2-3 years and the person may not even suspect that he had something. But even if sarcoidosis lasts longer, most patients continue to lead a normal life.


Any of the seals in the mammary gland may indicate pathological changes in the tissues, so it is not recommended to postpone a visit to the doctor. In a medical facility, you will be diagnosed correctly after breast palpation, ultrasound, mammography, ductography (injection of contrast agents into the breast streams), fine needle biopsy (if necessary). If actinomycosis is suspected, a discharge fistula is examined.


Depending on the cause of the development of breast granuloma, the treatment prescribed by the doctor will also depend. This can be surgery in the form of resection (excision) of the affected area, taking actinolysates, penicillin, immunomodulators and vitamins.

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