Syn.: Granuloma multiforme, choroba Nkanu-Mkara.
Def .: A unit similar to granuloma annulare or annular elastolytic giant cell granuloma.
Epid .: A rare disease. Occurs in Central Africa.
Lok .: Face, arms, torso.
Clinical: Large size annular lesions. In the center of the hypopigmentation focus.
Hist .: Necrobiosis, histiocytic infiltrates, giant cells.
Year: Chronic disease.
Lit.: [1] Garret A.S.: Granuloma multiforme (called Nkanu disease in the 1940’s and Mkar disease in 1964). Int J Lepr other Mycobact Dis 1999, 67(2); 172-174. [2] Sandhu K., Saraswat A., Shukla R., Handa S.: Granuloma multiforme. Int J Dermat 2004, 43(6); 441-443.
Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House