Horse manure fertilizer in granules is one of the most effective types of top dressing. Summer residents often use it in their personal plots and gardens. It has been proven that granulated horse manure contains many useful substances, allows you to get a high yield, and is easy to use.

Granulated horse manure: instructions for use, reviews

Horse manure can be applied to almost any crop and on all types of soil

Composition and properties of granulated horse manure

Animal waste products have long been used as fertilizers. The results after applying horse manure to the beds are impressive. According to experts, he has the best performance. The waste product of horses has unique properties that similar fertilizers do not have. It is loose, able to retain moisture, contains a high concentration of liquid, warms the beds, does not affect the acidity of the earth. In an optimal ratio, it contains vitamins, phytohormones, amino acids, essential mineral and organic nutrients necessary for plant growth.

The content of important elements in manure:

  1. Calcium – promotes soil improvement, accelerates the germination process.
  2. Nitrogen – helps the formation of strong roots and vegetation.
  3. potassium – develops crop resistance to lack of moisture and temperature changes, organizes the correct protein metabolism.
  4. Phosphorus – accelerates growth and supports metabolic processes.

Fertilizer makes the environment for the vital activity of microorganisms that turn organic matter into nutrients favorable.

Advantages of using horse manure in granules

The dry granulated product is a completely natural fertilizer that does not differ from fresh manure in quality and composition.

Its main advantages are:

  • absence of unpleasant odor;
  • low acidity;
  • the ability to retain water in the ground;
  • good heat dissipation;
  • the absence of weed seeds and pathogenic microflora in the composition;
  • dryness, lightness, ease of use;
  • convenience of storage.
Comment! There is almost no chlorine in the granular mixture of horse manure.
Granulated horse manure: instructions for use, reviews

Horse manure is compact, easy to purchase and bring to the site

Impact on soil and plants

Granulated horse manure changes the composition of the soil for the better, loosens it, increases the humus content, improves nutritional value and saturates it with essential nutrients. Does not contribute to the oxidation of the earth, which is important for every plant. Improves quality and yield, carbon nutrition, makes plants resistant to insects, diseases and other negative factors.

Attention! Horse manure generates heat and is able to warm the beds for two months.

Types of fertilizers from horse manure in granules

Summer residents began to use granulated horse manure due to the shortage of its fresh counterpart. Dry mix began to be produced specifically for convenience and ease of use. Today, the most common types of granulated horse manure, which have earned many positive reviews, are Orgavit and Keva Organic. Manufacturers of these products have tried to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients in them and have done everything possible to ensure that fertilizers do not increase the toxicity of the soil when used.

During the manufacture of granules, a special technology is used. Fresh manure is heated at high temperatures, straw powder is added, after which the mass is pressed, dried and packaged in small packages.

Also on the shelves of specialized stores you can find a ready-made concentrate in liquid form.

Granulated horse manure: instructions for use, reviews

Horse manure in granules does not contain substances harmful to humans

Ways to use granulated horse manure

Granular fertilizer can be applied in two ways:

  • in dry form;
  • as a suspension.

When using dry pieces, they are dug up with the ground. To prepare a suspension, the drug is soaked in water and allowed to brew for several hours or days. Apply to plants grown in the garden, at home and in the garden.

Warning! An excess of nutrients, as well as their lack, can provoke the death of a culture.

How to use granulated horse manure

It is recommended to use horse manure in granules strictly according to the instructions. Most often, the product is filled with water, observing the proportions indicated by the manufacturer on the package. After complete dissolution, the resulting suspension is carried out by watering the plants under the root. It is necessary to infuse fertilizer for four or more hours. Some types of granular preparation need to be infused for 7-14 days. Before use, the suspension should be mixed well to avoid the appearance of a phosphorus precipitate.

In the spring, pieces of granular fertilizer can simply be spread over the garden, dug to a depth of 10 cm, and then watered abundantly. With this use, 1 kg of the mixture will be needed for 15 acre of land.

Advice! In dry areas, it is advisable to apply fertilizer to a depth of 10-20 cm.

When can horse manure pellets be used?

Granular solution is the best tool for seasonal top dressing, increasing soil fertility and reclamation. Horse manure is applied to sandy or sandy soil in May or June. For the reason that nutrients are quickly washed out of light soil.

In autumn, granulated horse manure is applied to heavy soil. During the winter, he will have time to saturate it with all the necessary elements.

For vegetable crops

For vegetables, a horse product is best applied at the time of planting or during the period when the first leaves appear. If you water the plant with a suspension during the growing season, then you should not expect a high effect.

Under carrots, potatoes, onions, beets, tomatoes, cabbage and other vegetable crops, it is necessary to apply 150-200 g of fertilizer per 1 square meter.

For fruit crops

Fruit trees and berry crops are best fertilized in June. Under the trees, bushes of strawberries, raspberries, currants, 200-300 g of solution per 1 sq. m. At the time of fruit formation, due to the high concentration of nitrogen, the procedure is contraindicated.

Granulated horse manure: instructions for use, reviews

Granular product can be used as mineral fertilizer

For garden flowers and ornamental shrubs

Flowering plants are fed in spring, perennials are allowed to be fertilized after the end of the flowering period (August-October). When using granulated horse manure for feeding perennial and annual flowers, ornamental shrubs, it is applied in the amount of 250 g per “square”.

For indoor plants and flowers

Horse manure is not often used to fertilize flowering and green indoor crops, although in granular form it will be very useful for flowers. For domestic plants, it is enough to make a single top dressing per year.

Comment! The soil, fertilized with horse droppings, retains high fertility for several years.

When not to use granulated horse manure

Despite the huge number of advantages, dry horse manure in granules has

some contraindications for use. It is undesirable to use it in areas with clay soil, as well as in beds with a fungal coating.

In addition, if you do not follow the rules for storing fertilizer, it will lose the bulk of the nutrients. And with prolonged contact with oxygen, the elements necessary for plants will completely disappear.

To prevent horse manure from becoming useless, it is stored in hermetically sealed containers or bags. From above, it is desirable to wrap with a cloth or cellophane in order to completely block the access of oxygen.

Granulated horse manure: instructions for use, reviews

After applying the fertilizer, green spaces become healthy and strong, bring a lot of crops.


Horse manure fertilizers in granules are the best nutrition for all types of plants. To ensure a good harvest, they are simply necessary for farmers and gardeners. Preparations in granular form are convenient to use, have low cost and do not require much storage space.

Feedback on the use of horse manure in granules

Krasnobelmova Maria, 42 years old, St. Petersburg
This year I discovered granulated horse manure for the first time. In its composition, the fertilizer does not differ from ordinary litter, it is freely available in garden stores, it does not have an unpleasant odor, it is easy to use. Thanks to him, I got rid of the problems of where to buy, what to bring and where to put a fresh dunghill. Now I have an excellent fertilizer, which not only helped to get an excellent summer harvest, but also saved me from unnecessary trouble.
Reshetnikov Kirill, 64 years old, Krasnoarmeysk
Every year I use a different type of fertilizer in the country, I buy some in the store, some I make on my own. I have been using granulated horse manure for the past three years. This is an excellent effective tool that enriches the soil with various useful elements. The main plus is compactness, 1000 g of granular product is equal to 4 kg of fresh fertilizer. Gone are the days when you had to shovel unprocessed feces with shovels. Now everything is easy, diluted the required amount of the component in water, waited a couple of hours, poured. Very good product, price and quality match.
Orgavit horse manure, granules, 2kg review O 0075 manufacturer Microbiosintez LLC (Our Country)

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