Grand Yerevan

Grand Yerevan is a young cognac brand owned by the large Armenian wine producer Armenia Wine and positioned as a premium segment product. The main specialization of the company is the production of sparkling, still and fruit wines, the portfolio also includes Armenia vodka and Old Armenia Wine cognac. The annual production capacity is 3,9 million bottles of wine and 1,4 million bottles of cognac. The company’s products are exported to Russia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Israel, Bulgaria, Canada, USA.

Historical information

The relatively young company Armenia Wine, which started operations in 2008, is today recognized as one of the largest wine producers in Armenia. The family business was originally focused on the production of red and white still wines, which could repeat the glory of the famous Armenian cognacs and open up the country’s winemaking to the world from a new perspective. For this purpose, extensive vineyards were planted in the Aragatsotn, Ararat, Armavir and Vayots Dzor regions.

The next stage was the construction of a winery in the village of Sasunik – it is located between the three iconic mountains of Armenia: Ararat, Ara and Aragats. The complex of buildings is designed in the style of national architecture and from the outside it resembles an old mountain fortress lined with red tuff. At the same time, the technological equipment of the enterprise is the most modern, supplied from Italy, France and Germany.

In 2013, the construction of workshops for the initial production of cognac spirit, distillation of cognac and brandy was completed. For aging, the company uses Limousin oak barrels purchased in France. 5 international experts have been invited as consultants, including oenologist Jean Baptiste Sula, who founded the French wine association, and cellar master Lauber Leauté.

In 2016, the assortment portfolio of the plant was expanded by bringing to the market a full line of Grand Yerevan cognac – three-, five- and seven-year aging. The company was guided by an ambitious goal – to create a product that could compete with the famous Ararat brand. The design of the trademark was developed by the Russian agency Runway Branding. Brand recognition is designed to provide a bottle of the original teardrop shape, decorated with a relief pattern in the form of a grapevine.


Competition “Person of the Year”:

  • 2010 – Armenia Wine Company won the Best Winemaker of the Year nomination.

Interesting Facts

In addition to increasing production and increasing the area of ​​vineyards, the company intends to actively invest in such activities as the development of wine tourism. The company’s plans include the construction of a tourist complex with a wine spa, the opening of a museum of winemaking in Armenia – from ancient times to the present. It is planned to hold wine and gastronomic tours on the territory of the plant, during which guests will be able to get acquainted with the intricacies of local winemaking, take part in wine and cognac tasting, learn the rules for combining national dishes and spirits.

Types of cognac Grand Yerevan

Grand Yerevan 3-year-old, 40%

Produced by blending distillates obtained from white grapes, aged in oak barrels imported from France. The drink has an amber color with a hint of gold, obtained as a result of aging, and not the addition of dyes. The aroma is intense, with notes of dried fruits, summer herbs, vanilla sweetness. On the palate, there is a peppery audacity characteristic of young cognac, which is balanced by tones of red apple, muffin, and young walnut.

Grand Yerevan 5-year-old, 40%

The blend uses cognac distillates aged for at least 5 years. Alcohols are obtained from grapes harvested on the company’s own plantations in the Ararat Valley. From the glass, cognac breathes a cocktail of fruity and floral notes: peach, prunes, passion fruit, grassy stems. In the first taste sensations there are tones of red apple, apricot, almond, mixed with nuances of young oak. In development, the taste shifts to white plum, cherry plum, exotic spices. A good accompaniment for a friendly feast.

Grand Yerevan Knar 7-year-old, 40%

The youngest spirit in the blend is 7 years old. The drink has a deep chestnut-brown color with a golden sheen. The fragrance is active immediately after opening the bottle and then continues to gradually unfold in the snifter. The bouquet is based on distinct tones of old oak, mixed nut, oriental spices, vanilla. The soft, warm taste feels like a real feast for the palate: the alcohol is obvious, but perfectly balanced with notes of dried fruit on a chocolate background. The best way to appreciate the entire flavor range as a whole is to serve cognac as a digestif.

Grand Yerevan

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