Grain bread

Bread and bakery products have been present in the diet of most nationalities for many centuries. Everyone knows that flour products are necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the body. However, not all types of bread are created equal. Moreover, the lion’s share of the modern assortment of bread departments of supermarkets is inferior in its useful qualities to the bread that was present on the menu of our distant ancestors.

The thing is that earlier, first-ground flour was used for baking bread – there was simply no other due to the lack of technical capabilities for more delicate processing of grain. Also included were bran. Today, most types of bread are made from the so-called “high grade” flour. However, the problem is that the highest grade in this case is an assessment solely of the nutritional value of the flour, and not its health benefits. Yes, there are really a lot of calories in it, but the biological value tends to zero. As you know, modern high technologies make it possible to carry out the finest possible grinding, as well as carefully screen out all impurities. But it is in them that the bulk of vitamins, valuable proteins and minerals are contained.

Therefore, in recent years, nutritionists are increasingly recommending the use of grain bread, which is prepared from flour obtained as a result of a single grinding of grain.

What is grain bread

The raw material for the preparation of grain bread is the so-called unrefined flour. This characteristic means that before grinding the grains, they do not remove the outer layer – a shell containing dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals.

In addition, bran and grain germs are not screened out. In other words, everything that is obtained during the first grinding of grain will go into the dough. Therefore, the particle size of such flour can reach 1,5 mm. In comparison, a premium grain product has a particle size of only 0,05 mm.

Flour for grain bread

Theoretically, any type of grain can be used to make grain baked goods. However, the fact is that wheat flour has a rather specific taste, with a well-marked bitterness. Therefore, rye flour is more often used for baking this kind.

Whole grain rye flour is darker in color than wheat flour. She’s also a little rougher. Grain rye bread outwardly seems “knocked down” and is distinguished by a grayish-creamy tint of the crumb. It is noteworthy that it retains freshness longer than regular wheat bread. When cutting, it practically does not crumble; the only thing that is allowed is the presence of small sticky crumbs on the knife.

How useful is the product

As noted above, the main characteristic of grain bread is the presence of coarse particles of grain in it. Therefore, in such baking, all the vitamins and trace elements present in the shell of the grains are preserved. We will tell you in detail about the chemical composition and nutritional value of grain bread a little lower, but for now we will list the main useful substances that it contains. These are vitamins A, E, and group B, macro- and microelements: phosphorus, potassium, molybdenum, zinc, selenium, iodine, iron, calcium and sodium.

However, the very main positive characteristic of grain bread is the high concentration of dietary fiber in it, which has an extremely beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. They are endowed with the ability to normalize the intestinal microflora, absorbing and removing pathogenic microorganisms like a sponge. In addition, dietary fiber effectively binds bile acids that have atherogenic activity (i.e., provoke an increase in “bad” cholesterol in the blood). As a result, the risk of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels is reduced.

Fiber also has a positive effect on human metabolism, accelerating metabolic processes.

Unlike ordinary wheat bread, a grain product can give a feeling of satiety for a long time. This is achieved due to the property of fiber to significantly increase the secretion of the salivary glands, and also due to the presence of a large amount of complex carbohydrates in grain bread. They are absorbed by the stomach for a longer time, resulting in a gradual saturation of the body with energy. Thus, the use of grain bread helps to control weight for people prone to gaining extra pounds.

Many of those who decide to go on a diet make the same mistake – they completely remove bread from the diet. In fact, you should not take such a step – just use pastries from first-milling flour in limited quantities.

Moreover, grain bread is a real lifesaver for people whose mood is spoiled due to voluntary food restrictions. The thing is that this product contains a high volume of the B-group involved in the synthesis of endorphins – the so-called “happiness hormones”. As a result, weight loss will do without mood swings and nervous breakdowns.

Caloric content and nutritional value

The calorie content of grain bread is due to its composition and the exact ratio of auxiliary components. On average, it is about 230 kcal / 100 g.

Proteins in 100 g of the product – 9,6 g, carbohydrates – 45 g, and the fat rate is very modest – 1,4 g.

The grain flour product is rich in carbohydrates: it contains 0,03 g of sucrose, 1,07 g of glucose, 2,21 g of fructose, 0,01 g of lactose, 1 g of maltose (hereinafter, the content of substances per 02 g of product is given) . Starch in grain bread contains 100 g.

Minerals (per 100 g of product)
Calcium (Ca)161 mg
Iron (Fe)2,47 mg
Magnesium (Mg)75 mg
Potassium (K)254 mg
Zinc (Zn)1,77 mg
Copper (Cu)0,227 mg
Manganese (Mn)2,174 mg
Selenium (Se)25,7 μg
Phosphorus (P)212 mg
Sodium (Na)455 mg
Vitamins (in 100 g of grain bread)
Thiamine (V1)0,394 mg
Niacin (B3)4,438 mg
Pyridoxine (V6)0,215 mg
Folic acid (B9)42 μg
Beta-carotene2 μg
Riboflavin (V2)0,167 mg
Pantothenic Acid (B5)0,646 mg
Betaine126,5 mg
Vitamin A, IU3 ME
Tocopherol (E)2,66 mg
Vitamin K7,8 μg

How to choose grain bread

To date, on the shelves of supermarkets and shops there are many varieties of bread, which are positioned as cereals. How to choose a product that will not only not disappoint with its taste, but also boast all the properties that are beneficial for the body?

First of all, pay attention to the color of the product. The product from the first grinding flour can be recognized by its characteristic shade – grayish-brown, reminiscent of coffee heavily diluted with milk. Examine the crumb. In its structure, bran should be clearly visible.

Compared to bread made from regular wheat flour, the grain product is significantly heavier in weight. It does not happen to be airy and “fluffy”.

Examine the crust carefully. It should be even, smooth and “dark” – otherwise the bread is underbaked. Breaks, cracks and dents are not allowed.

Read the information on the label. The name of the product must necessarily include the words “grain” or “whole grain”.

The information about the product must necessarily indicate what kind of grain the bread is made from: wheat, rye, oats, etc.

And yet, despite the wide assortment on the shelves, many people prefer to bake grain bread at home. Here are just a few of the recipes.

Hercules grain bread recipe

Grain bread “Hercules” is popular due to its taste. In addition, it is relatively easy to prepare.

So, you will need: milk (one glass); Hercules flakes (one glass); honey (one and a half tablespoons); whole grain rye flour (two cups); butter (1 tablespoon); salt (half tsp); slaked soda (2 tsp), bran (2 tbsp.). If you wish, you can also diversify the taste of future baking by adding spices and sunflower seeds to it.

Rub honey and butter as thoroughly as possible. Pour in the milk and stir until completely dissolved. Then you can add a glass of flour, baking powder and oatmeal. At this stage, we also add seasonings if you want to give the bread a spicier taste.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Start kneading the dough, while gradually adding the remaining flour. Add bran. Knead the dough until you can form a round loaf with your hands.

Place the bread on a baking sheet and place in the oven preheated to 220°C. You can pre-sprinkle oatmeal flakes on top.

Bake for about half an hour. Before taking the bread out of the oven, check it for readiness with a match.

A recipe for yeast-free sourdough grain bread

You will need: rye flour (300 g), wheat flour (200 g), rye sourdough (150 g), salt (teaspoon), honey (tablespoon), boiled water (300 ml), spice mixture (to taste) ). You can use pre-ground cumin, rosemary, coriander and nutmeg.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Please note that if you are not using a mixer or blender, stir with a wooden spoon. As a result, you will get a very thick dough, which is suitable for kneading by hand. Knead the dough for at least a few minutes until it starts to stick to your hands.

Place the finished dough in a bowl, cover with a film or natural cloth. It should rise in a warm place for two to three hours. Then knead the dough again, form a loaf. It can be rolled in oatmeal. Place the bread in a tin lined with parchment paper at the bottom. Leave it in a warm place again – it will come up in about an hour.

When the dough stops rising, heat the oven to 220°C. To prevent baked goods from being too dry, place a bowl of preheated water in the oven next to the bread. Bake bread for ten minutes. Reduce the temperature to 200°C, after which your loaf will bake for about 50 more minutes. Ready-made pastries will retain their amazing taste and nutritional properties for a week.

Yeasted grain bread in the oven

Recipe 1

You need: half a kilogram of flour of the first grinding; dry yeast (8 g); warm water (340 ml); salt (1 tablespoon); sugar (1 tsp), favorite spices and seeds to taste.

Mix flour with yeast. Pour in the rest of the ingredients. Start kneading the dough by slowly adding water.

Please note that the resulting dough should be significantly loose. Let it brew warm for sixty minutes. Then place it in a mold, which should be oiled beforehand. Here it should rise for another half an hour.

Preheat oven to 220°C. Put the mold in the oven, after five minutes, lower the temperature to 200 degrees. The bread baking process will take about an hour.

Recipe 2nd thought

You will need: rye flour of the first grinding (450 g); water (350 g); fresh yeast (35 g); sugar (20 g); vegetable oil (1 tablespoon); pumpkin seeds (2 tablespoons); white flaxseed (15 g); salt (1 tsp); oat bran (50 g).

Pour preheated water into a deep container. Dissolve the yeast in it. Pour salt, sugar into the container and add sunflower oil. Stir until sugar and salt are completely dissolved. Add bran, seeds and flour and knead the dough. Knead it for about five minutes, then leave it to rise in a warm place for two hours.

Knock down the finished dough and give it the desired shape. Let the future bread rest for a quarter of an hour, then put it in an oven preheated to a temperature of 180 degrees. This bread should be baked for 20 to 40 minutes. After removing the finished bread from the oven, let it “rest” under a towel for 20 minutes.

Cereal bread in a bread machine

You can bake grain bread not only in the oven, but also in a bread machine. Moreover, it makes the process of its preparation much more comfortable.

You will need the following ingredients: water (290 ml); salt (one and a half tsp); granulated sugar (10 g); wheat flour of the first grinding (200 g); rye flour of the first grinding (300 g); vegetable oil (10 g); dry yeast (5 g); pumpkin seeds (2 tablespoons).

Heat water to 30°C. Pour it into the bowl of the bread machine, then add salt. Also, add sugar to the mixture and pour in vegetable oil.

Mix regular and whole grain flour. Sift it through a sieve directly into the bowl of the bread machine. Pour in dry yeast. Place the bowl, secure it and select the home baker program with the deepest doneness. The baking process will take about three hours.

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