Grafting an apple tree in autumn: how to graft on an old tree

Grafting is one of the most effective ways to improve the marketability and taste of a fruit crop. However, many novice gardeners are afraid to plant fruit trees on the eve of winter. Today we will tell you how the apple tree is grafted in the fall.

Optimal time for the procedure

Grafting an apple tree in autumn: how to graft on an old tree

Grafting an apple tree can significantly increase the yield of a tree, improve the taste and presentation of fruits, and save space in the garden. Sometimes grafting is the only way to save a fruit tree that has become ill with a dangerous infectious or fungal disease.

Most gardeners try to perform the procedure in the spring, when nature wakes up and active sap flow begins. But if, due to some circumstances, it was not possible to graft a tree in the spring, you should not postpone this event for a whole year – graft in the fall.

Autumn vaccination is carried out in a short time. So, the budding of fruit plants is carried out in August-September. By mid-autumn, all work on the reproduction of fruit crops grown in the garden should be completed.

When choosing the optimal period for this procedure, you should focus on the weather conditions and climatic features of a particular region. To prevent the scion from freezing during the first frost, carefully insulate the junction with the stock.

Video “Grafting fruit trees”

In this video, a specialist will talk about a simple and effective way to graft apple trees and other fruit trees.


Requirements for stock and scion

You need to start preparing for grafting fruit crops with the choice of scion and rootstock.

A rootstock is a plant to which a cutting or bud is grafted. The stalk of a varietal apple tree takes root well with a wild fruit crop. The game is distinguished by its endurance and resistance to cold, even in severe frosts the wild tree will not freeze.

As a rootstock, you can use a young seedling of an apple tree. The age of the seedling at the time of vaccination is 2-3 years.

Grafting an apple tree in autumn: how to graft on an old tree

Many gardeners recommend grafting cuttings to old fruit crops. An adult tree is adapted to the weather conditions and climate of the growing region. Accordingly, the probability of success of the operation to propagate the apple tree increases significantly.

As an experiment, you can try to plant an apple tree on third-party seedlings:

  • varietal or wild pear;
  • quince;
  • viburnum;
  • chokeberry or ordinary mountain ash;
  • hawthorn.

However, be prepared for unpleasant surprises in the form of poor survival of the scion, a short fruiting period, and a deterioration in the commercial qualities of the fruit.

A graft is a stalk of a varietal apple tree. The tree from which the cuttings are cut must be completely healthy.

The optimal length of the cutting is 25-30 cm, width – 1-1,3 cm. There should be 4-5 healthy buds on a young shoot. It is not recommended to cut the branches in advance, since in the fall the cuttings of the apple tree are not subject to long-term storage. Prepare as many cuttings as you can use in one day.

Grafting an apple tree in autumn: how to graft on an old tree

The main methods of vaccination

So, let’s look at the main ways to plant an apple tree in the fall on an old tree or a young seedling.

Grafting an apple tree in autumn: how to graft on an old tree


The method of budding, commonly called budding, is considered the most common.

You can graft an apple tree with a healthy bud in spring or early autumn. The weather should be warm but not hot. It is also not recommended to bud fruit crops in the rain or in cloudy weather.

  1. On an annual seedling, select a healthy bud. You need to cut the kidney with a small layer of wood and bark.
  2. Choose a rootstock. The thickness of the scion and rootstock should be the same.
  3. Make a T-shaped incision in the bark on the rootstock. Carefully, so as not to injure the tree, push the bark apart.
  4. Insert the scion into the formed incision so that the kidney “looks” up.
  5. Secure the joint with plastic wrap.

Split and half split

Grafting of apple trees into semi-split and split is used in the cultivation of multi-varietal fruit crops.

The split method differs from semi-split grafting in that in the first variant a complete longitudinal incision is formed. A skeletal branch or tree trunk is cleaned of bark and a shallow depression (split) is made with a knife. The scion with an oblique cut is inserted into the formed “hole” and fixed with a bandage made of polyethylene film.

On bark

Now let’s talk about how to properly graft a varietal apple tree by the bark. An old apple tree is used as a rootstock. Stem branches are cut at a distance of 50–70 cm from the tree trunk. Remember to leave 2-3 branches for sap flow.

On the bark of the upper part of the stock, you need to make a vertical incision 4-6 cm long. At the same time, try not to touch the wood. The lower part of the scion is cut obliquely. The graft is inserted behind the rootstock bark with an oblique cut, the grafting site is fixed with electrical tape and treated with garden pitch.

Further Care

A grafted tree requires proper care. Timely watering, fertilizing the soil and protecting against pests will help the scion and rootstock grow together faster.

Approaching frosts oblige the gardener to pay due attention to the warming of the garden. The trunk circle is mulched with fallen leaves or coniferous branches, and the grafting site is insulated with any breathable material. The bandage should be tight enough so that harmful insects do not get under it. At the same time, a bandage that is too tight can squeeze the branches, interfering with the normal life of the plant. Do not forget to make protection against rodents, which love to feast on the bark of fruit crops in winter.

With the advent of spring, when the frosts completely recede, you can loosen the bandage. During the period of active sap flow, the scion will come to life and give the first shoots. A grafted seedling needs additional support and tying of branches. A young tree may break under the weight of the resulting shoots.

Carefully inspect the young branches and prune, leaving the strongest shoots.

If there is a suspicion that the scion has not taken root, carefully cut off the bandage, remove the shield or stalk. The wound formed on the trunk of an apple tree must be treated with garden pitch.

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