Gout is an acute arthritis that tends to recur. See what causes gout and how to prevent gout attacks.
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1/ 8 What is gout?
Gout, also known as gout, is an inflammation of the joints that develops as a result of uric acid precipitation. Its crystals most often accumulate in the joints of the feet or hands and create characteristic, painful swellings and thickenings.
2/8 Symptomy podagry
The first symptom of a gout attack is acute pain, most often located in the foot. It is accompanied by a feeling of warmth, and then swelling appears. The disease can also affect other joints, such as the elbows or the joints in the hands. In people with gout, attacks unfortunately tend to recur.
3/ 8 Who is at risk
Gout most often affects the elderly – after the age of 75. Mostly men get sick. In the last few decades, a significant increase in the incidence has been observed and now even 2% of gout may be affected. population. The reasons for such a state of affairs are believed to be the increasing life expectancy and changes in its style.
4/ 8 Factors contributing to the development of the disease
In most cases, genetic factors are responsible for the tendency to persistently elevated uric acid levels in the blood. However, the lifestyle is also important. Obesity significantly increases the risk of gout. In addition, the disease is favored by hypertension, consumption of large amounts of meat and fructose drinks.
5/ 8 What does gout look like?
The disease most often affects the joint at the big toe, which may make it look a bit like hallux. It happens, however, that it is located in other joints, then characteristic nodules appear, often red and swollen.
6/8 Diagnosis
Joint puncture is necessary when gout is suspected. During it, fluid is taken from it and then its composition is examined. If the patient is really sick with gout, uric acid crystals are present.
7/ 8 How to prevent attacks?
Gout patients have to drastically change their lifestyle. Adequate hydration is very important, so that the uric acid present in the body is diluted and does not precipitate.
8/ 8 How to prevent attacks?
In addition, changes in nutrition are necessary. You should limit the consumption of meat and seafood, as well as highly processed products. If you are overweight, it is necessary to lose weight.