
Delicate taste with a spicy note. Mosaic structure. An old and beautiful creation story. Cheese, made thanks to love. It’s all about him. Gorgonzola – the famous Italian cheese with a mysterious history, rich taste and great popularity among lovers of healthy food. For the right to be called the historic birthplace of the famous cheese and now there are disputes between several cities in Italy. But what matters is not where it is cooked, but how! Gorgonzola will decorate the table not only on a cheese plate, but also in desserts, salads and sauces.

History of occurrence

Gorgonzola cheese received its nobility and taste thanks to the shepherd in love, who, having forgotten about his duties, ran on a date to his beloved. The next day, he mixed the immature cheese mass with fresh milk. A few weeks later, blue streaks began to appear in the head of the cheese, which added to the cheese not only a specific taste, but also a refined look.

In his book Cheese Alphabet, Stephen Jenkins suggested that a shepherd could cook another Strakkino cheese at that time. Strakkino in Italian means “tired.”

Gorgonzola got its first name thanks to its “great-grandfather” and was called “green strakkino”. The starting point of the popularity of Gorgonzola cheese was the twentieth century. Exports at that time exceeded 10 thousand tons. And already the whole world could feel the taste and usefulness of this product.

At the same time, the British preferred soft, sweetish and slightly spicy gorgonzola, while the French and Germans preferred double-curdled hard cheese.

New recipe was developed in the middle of the twentieth century. A penicillin fungus was opened, which was added to the cheese. This method was more affordable and less expensive. And most importantly hygienic.

At this time, there are 30 cheese makers who make genuine cheese, following the old recipe.

Manufacturing method

Over time, recipes and cooking methods have changed and improved. It remains unchanged only the use of exclusively whole cow milk.

The milk is salted, rennet is added and cured at a temperature of 26-27 degrees. Spores of penicillium roqueforti or penicillium glaucum are added. Since these mushrooms are aerobes, they need constant access of oxygen. The curd dough is sent in a form wrapped in natural fabric so that the serum can be completely removed. For full effect, the form is sometimes turned over. After complete removal of the whey, the cheese heads are covered with sea salt and sent to a warm room. To ripen soft gorgonzola, it takes up to 50 days, spicy – from 3 to 4 months.

There are two types of cheese:

  • Gorgonzola dolce is a younger cheese, with few veins of mildew, the taste is sweetish, cottage cheese, with a thin nutty note;
  • gorgonzola picante is a hard cheese with more pronounced streaks of blue mold, has a spicy taste and enhanced aroma.

The nutritional value

The chemical composition per 100 g of the finished product
Caloric value351 kcal
Proteins22 g
Carbohydrates2,37 g
Fats28,80 g
Cholesterol73 mg
Fibre0 g
Sodium1400 mg
potassium254 mg
Calorie classification as a percentage
Vitamin composition
Calcium424 mg
Phosphorus362 mg
Vitamin A196 mg
Vitamin V126 mg
Vitamin V2390 mg
Vitamin V6171 mg
Vitamin V120,8 mg
Vitamin PP198 mg

Useful Properties

Gorgonzola has a number of useful properties:

  1. Scientists have discovered peptides that have an antithrombotic factor. They have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, normalize blood pressure.
  2. Because of the easily digestible proteins, which are formed as a result of the breakdown of milk proteins, many athletes add it to their diet.
  3. Gorgonzola, like most blue cheeses, is a strong aphrodisiac.
  4. The abundance of calcium, which is quickly absorbed by the body, helps the growth of bones, as well as their strengthening. What is indispensable for children and the elderly.
  5. Colonies of mold fungi not only add a special taste, but also enhance the protective functions of the immune system.
  6. Vitamins A, PP and group B have a positive effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails, strengthen the nervous system.
  7. It has antioxidant properties.

How to choose the “right cheese”

There are often cases when manufacturers neglect the rules for storing products. In order not to be mistaken with the choice, always pay attention to the color of the cheese. Too yellow color indicates improper storage, namely that the cheese lay.

The cheese should be creamy and soft. After clicking there should be a trace.

How to cook and what to apply

The blue cheese itself is an independent snack that can be served before the main course. It will make a wonderful dessert in combination with nuts, dried fruits, honey and chocolate. And Gorgonzola sauces will give new taste sensations. Ideal with fortified dessert wines (sherry, madeira).

It is advisable to get the cheese from the refrigerator for an hour before use. This will help restore all taste and smell.

Onion Salad with Gorgonzola

Salad will be a great snack and just decorate the table.


  • lettuce – 1 pc;
  • oil (olive or sunflower) – 3 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice – 2 tablespoons;
  • shallots – 1 pcs;
  • mustard – 1 teaspoon;
  • chives – 1 bunch;
  • gorgonzola.

For preparation it is necessary:

Rinse lettuce, dry with a paper towel, tear into small pieces. Finely chop the shallots, add mustard, lemon juice and oil. Salt and pepper to taste. Cut the chives into slices 3-5 cm long. Add the onion and dressing to the salad. Crumble the cheese and sprinkle it on the dish.

Cheese Gorgonzola Sauce


  • gorgonzola – 110 g;
  • butter – 60 g;
  • cream – 230 ml.

Cut butter and cheese into cubes, knead with a spatula to get a homogeneous mass. Add cream, mix. This sauce is suitable for all dishes and becomes their perfect complement.

Product storage

Gorgonzola cheese must be well wrapped, otherwise there is a risk that mold will move to other products. For storage it is better to use food film or foil. Suitable storage temperature in the area from -4 to 6 degrees. Also, do not chop the cheese in advance, it starts to dry.

Contraindications and possible harm

It is not recommended to eat people with intolerance to penicillins, overweight and therapeutic diet, which eliminates the use of fat.

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