Gorgeous Core and Blast Off Belly Fat: 2 program short workouts for belly from Suzanne Bowen

Thinking that it’s time to pump up the stomach? Then try programs 10-minute workouts from Suzanne Bowen, with the help of which you will be able to fully work the core muscles.

General description Gorgeous Core and Blast Off Belly Fat

Suzanne Bowen offers you 2 programs for the great belly: a Gorgeous Core and Blast Off Belly Fat. These exercises will help you build a solid flat stomach, toned strong back and good posture. These videos contain the most effective exercises that are specifically designed to engage even hard-to-reach core muscles. Suzanne uses in her program of Pilates exercises, classical exercises for abs and static strap. These sessions will appeal to those who are looking for short exercises for the abdominal muscles, as well as those who want to purposefully work on your stomach.

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Program Gorgeous Core

Gorgeous Core includes 6 short segments. Total program duration is 60 minutes:

  • Lean, Long & Strong (12 min). The combination of isometric exercises and exercises from Pilates that focus on the deep abdominal muscles. For example, raising the shoulders, pulsing movements, exercises of positions of the table.
  • Classic Abwork (12 min). A set of classic exercises for the press. The key here is total control, not the number of repetitions and speed. You are waiting for the twisting, climbing shoulders, bike.
  • Sleek Physique (12 minutes). This segment will work your body muscles on all sides. You will perform a plank on hands and forearms, side and back straps.
  • Metabolism Bootcamp (12 minutes). The lesson is designed for weight loss and muscle tone. In this segment work all the major muscle groups, so you can burn calories and fat. Can use light dumbbells needed (Suzanne doesn’t use them). You’ll perform lunges, squats and exercises on balance.
  • ABsolute Challenge (7 minutes). A short training session, which includes the most effective exercises for belly and back that will help you to make your abs firmer and chiseled. For example, crunches, Bicycle, front V-shaped strap on the forearms.
  • Total Core Fast Blast (5 minutes). Training the core muscles. Includes the position of the table, the strap on the hands, bridge.

The Program Blast Off Belly Fat

The program Blast Off Belly Fat lasts 50 minutes and includes 5 diverse segments of the abdomen and the muscular system.

  • Flat Belly Fast (10 minutes). This segment Suzanne Bowen included an effective isometric exercises and classic side plank. You will effectively work the muscle corset.
  • Pilates Perfect Abs (10 minutes). Suzanne is an expert in the field of Pilates, so she could not ignore the exercises from this area of fitness. You will be working on the abdominal muscles of the abdomen, including the deep.
  • Belly Fat Blaster (10 minutes). Work on the stomach would not be complete without exercises for fat loss. This segment will help you speed up the pulse and start the process of burning calories.
  • Six Pack Abs (10 minutes): In this quarter you will find traditional exercises to create a six pack. Suzanne Bowen offers crunches, reverse crunches, Bicycle and other similar exercises.
  • Ab Ripper (10 minutes). The final segment is a whole mixture of different exercises focusing on the abdominal muscles. You will perform standing exercises, lying on your back and the strap.

Select one or more segments or follow the program completely to quickly reach its goal. For both systems you will not need additional equipment, just a Mat. Programs are suitable for all skill levels and will be useful to anyone who wants to pump his stomach. However, remember that without a calorie deficit even with a regular exercise program to lose weight in the belly.

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The pros and cons of the program


1. These classes are created to improve one of the main problem areas – the abdomen. You will work on strengthening core muscles and fat burning.

2. The program is divided into a short workout, so you can choose the individual segments, or to do a full complex at your discretion.

3. Suzanne Bowen offers a comprehensive approach to eliminate belly: standard crunches, planks to strengthen all the core muscles, cardio exercise to burn fat on the abdomen.

4. Programs are suitable for all levels of training from beginner to advanced.

5. You do not need any additional equipment except a Mat.


1. We should not overestimate the effectiveness of training to specific problem areas: exercises for the stomach do not play a decisive role in its elimination. The body is losing weight from diet and exercise, and with the problem areas the fat goes last.

To lose weight locally impossible. You should not have any illusions that the program Suzanne Bowen will magically make your abs flat. However, Gorgeous Core will definitely help you to strengthen core muscles and make a few confident steps toward the dream of a slim belly. See also: step-by-Step instructions on how to remove the stomach and inflate the press at home.

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