Gordon’s (Gordons)

Gordon’s (Gordon’s) takes first place in the ranking of gins. The brand is officially recognized as the most popular in the world. According to statistics, 11 bottles of Gordon’s are bought every minute in the UK. The recipe has not changed since its invention in the second half of the XNUMXth century. The brand is owned by British alcohol producer and distributor Diageo.

Historical information

The company’s founder, Scotsman Alexander Gordon, built a distillery in south London in 1769. The place was not chosen by chance – the Southwark area had the cleanest water in the city. The entrepreneur was the first to start producing a truly high-quality drink. Gin of that time was a distillate obtained by distillation of barley mash, where an infusion of juniper berries and sugar were added to beat off the smell and taste of fusel oils.

Alexander Gordon

Gordon developed his gin recipe based on neutral grain alcohol and a selection of spices. Gordon’s was the first to introduce the London Dry Gin style. The businessman managed to raise the reputation of the drink, and the brand became known far beyond the UK. The first “exporters” of the distillery’s products were the sailors of the Royal Navy and Merchant Navy.

In 1898, the company merged with another gin manufacturer and was renamed Tanqueray Gordon & C, and the distillery moved to central London. By that time, the last member of the Gordon family had passed away. In 1904, the first green glass bottle was released, in which gin is sold in the UK.

The company experimented with ingredients and released gins with the addition of mint, cloves and lovage. In 1924, a series of ready-made cocktails based on lemon and orange was released. Drinks were very popular at the parties of the time. In 1925, the company received a patent, giving the right to be considered the official supplier of the royal court.

After the repeal of Prohibition in the United States, the company opened production in Linden, New Jersey. In the American market, Gordon’s led the popularity ratings, and in the 60s was recognized as the best-selling brand in the world. In 1998, production was moved to the Cameron Bridge Distillery in Fife, Scotland.

Production features

The manufacturer keeps the exact recipe for Gordon’s a secret. The basis of the drink is a neutral grain alcohol, which is infused with a mixture of herbal ingredients, consisting of juniper berries, coriander, orange, lemon peel, angelica root, licorice and iris. The manufacturing process takes ten days.

The company produces gin in two designs. Green bottles are sold in the domestic market. Transparent tableware and an export label were developed at the beginning of the XNUMXth century in connection with the start of deliveries to Australia. Since then, this design has been used to sell products outside the UK. The fortress depends on the country of delivery.

Gordon’s (Gordons)

Gordon’s (Gordons)


The brand has won many awards in international competitions. Among the latest achievements are gold medals at competitions:

  • International Wine & Spirit Competition, Лондон – 2017;
  • International Spirits Challenge, Лондон – 2017;
  • San Francisco World Spirits Competition, San Francisco – 2017, 2018.

Interesting Facts

  1. Gordon’s was Ernest Hemingway’s favorite drink. The famous writer claimed that gin is the best cure for all diseases.
  2. Juniper for the production of gin is grown in Tuscany. The berries are subject to strict selection, only 10% of the total amount of raw materials is approved.

Types of Gin Gordons

Gordon’s London Dry Gin, 40%

The drink is transparent in color with the aroma of juniper berries and citrus fruits. The taste of gin is soft, without alcohol aggression. The taste reveals hints of lemon peel, oranges, coriander and cardamom. When mixed with tonic, nutty bitterness is added.

Gordon’s Premium Pink, 37,5%

Gin of a soft pink shade with a rich fruity aroma was created on the basis of an 1880 recipe. Natural extracts of fruits and berries are added to the composition. In the flavor bouquet, tart juniper notes are mixed with sweet and sour berry tones: strawberries, raspberries and red currants are felt.

Gordon’s (Gordons)

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