Gordon Ramsay’s culinary life hacks that are worth a lot

The creator of “Hell’s Kitchen”, showman, talented chef Gordon Ramsay reveals some secrets that will make it easier for every housewife to work in the kitchen.

Salt in scrambled eggs

Scrambled eggs should be salted at the very end of cooking. Salting it too early will make the egg texture rubbery and tough because the salt wicks moisture out of the eggs.

Fresh greens

If too many greens are purchased, the question of how to properly preserve their freshness is an acute issue. It is worth putting it in a container of water, and for a week, enjoy the freshness and appetizing of the leaves.


Perfect steak

Before adding meat to the pan, it must be heated properly so that it starts to smoke a little. Season the steak with salt and pepper, grease it with oil and place in a hot skillet and fry it for 2,5 minutes on each side.

Chili seeds

To remove stinging seeds from chili peppers, roll them between your palms before cutting off the top. Then just shake all the seeds out of the pepper and cut up without any problem.

Aromatic olive oil

Any plant stem can be used to add flavor to the olive oil. Wash them, dry and cover with warm olive oil, cover and leave to infuse.

Ripening fruit

With unripe fruits, the ripening process can be accelerated. Place the fruit in a paper banana bag and leave the bag in a dark place. A banana will help nearby fruits ripen faster.


Vanilla pods can be used to make flavored sugar that can then be used for baked goods or hot drinks.

Baked potatoes

To achieve a crispy crust in potatoes, you first need to boil them until half cooked, then roll in flour and bring in the oven.

Delicious pineapple

It’s easy to pick a ripe delicious pineapple on the market. Just pluck out one of his pieces of paper. If it comes off easily from the fruit, the pineapple is sweet and ripe.

Loose rice

To prevent the rice from sticking together during cooking, it is recommended to rinse it in a colander under running cold water before cooking.

Chopping onions

To prevent the onion from causing tears, do not remove the root during the peeling and slicing process, but only prune it after you have chopped the vegetable.

Chopping garlic

To finely chop the garlic, add a little salt: it will break down the fibers of the garlic and will be much easier to cut.

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