Gooseberry  yellow

Yellow varieties of gooseberries are distinguished by their unusual fruit color and good taste. yellow is a proven variety that is valued for its productivity and unpretentiousness.

History of breeding varieties

Gooseberry yellow obtained at the All- Research Institute of Horticulture. I.V. Michurin by breeder K.D. Sergeeva. The gooseberry was bred by cloning the old variety.

In 1963, the variety was sent for testing, according to the results of which, in 1974, it was included in the State Register. yellow is recommended for cultivation in the Ural and North-West regions.

Description of the bush and berries

Features of the variety yellow:

  • medium-sized, slightly sprawling shrub;
  • height from 1 to 2 m;
  • straight branches;
  • the average number of thorns, most of which are at the bottom of the shoots;
  • green, leathery leaves with slightly curved tips.

Description of yellow berries:

  • large size;
  • weight 5-7 g;
  • oval shape;
  • yellow color of the pulp;
  • transparent skin with a waxy coating.

Due to the dense skin, the berries hang on the bushes for a long time and do not crack. They have tender flesh and sweet and sour taste.


The main characteristics of the variety yellow:




3,5-4 kg per bush

Drought tolerance


Winter hardiness

up to -28 °С

Disease and pest resistance


Ripening period




Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the yellow variety:

  • high commercial and taste qualities of berries;
  • resistance to diseases, drought and frost;
  • good precocity;
  • universal use of fruits.

The disadvantages of yellow gooseberries include:

  • the presence of sharp spikes;
  • sour taste of berries.

Gooseberry  yellow

Growing conditions

For the successful cultivation of gooseberries, the following conditions are necessary:

  • good natural lighting;
  • lack of drafts;
  • a site located on a hill or a gentle slope;
  • light, fertile soil.

The yield and taste of the fruit depends on the illumination of the site. In the shade, the shrub develops slowly, and the fruits take a long time to gain sugar.

It is best to plant gooseberries in an elevated place or in the middle of a slope. Moisture and cold air often accumulate in the lowlands, which negatively affects the growth of the crop.

Gooseberries prefer fertile soil: loam, sandstone or sandy soil. When planting in clay soil, coarse sand and compost are introduced.

Features of landing

Gooseberries are planted in late autumn (September-October) or early spring (April-May). Work is carried out in dry and warm weather.

One- or two-year-old seedlings with several shoots and a healthy root system are suitable for planting. Planting material is purchased from nurseries or trusted suppliers. It is not recommended to use seedlings with traces of decay, cracks and other defects.

The order of planting gooseberries:

  1. The soil under the gooseberry is dug up, cleaned of vegetable and other debris.
  2. Then they dig a planting hole with a diameter of 40 cm and a depth of 50 cm. The hole is left for 3-4 weeks to shrink. When working in the spring, it is better to prepare the pit in the fall.
  3. In clay soil, sand or gravel is poured to the bottom to create a drainage layer. 10 kg of humus, 50 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added to fertile soil.
  4. The gooseberry is placed in a hole, and its roots are covered with earth.
  5. The soil is compacted, and the plant is abundantly watered with warm water.

After planting, the shoots are cut off and 5-6 buds are left on each. The soil is mulched with humus to retain moisture.

When planting several bushes, 1-1,5 m is left between them. If the gooseberry is planted in rows, at least 3 m is kept between them.

Gooseberry  yellow

Care instructions

The growth and fruiting of the yellow variety depends on care. The bush needs feeding and pruning. In cold regions, gooseberries are prepared for winter.


A slightly sprawling shrub of the yellow variety is able to grow without additional support. Its branches often bow to the ground under the weight of berries. Due to the support, the process of harvesting and caring for the bush is simplified.

Therefore, it is recommended to install a wooden plank support around the bush. You can use metal pipes and stretch a wire between them.

Additional fertilizing

When fertilizing the planting pit, the yellow gooseberry does not need to be fed for the next 3-4 years.

Adult bushes are fed according to the following scheme:

  • in early spring;
  • when flowering;
  • 3 weeks after flowering.

For the first feeding, a natural solution is prepared, consisting of mullein or bird droppings. The bush is watered under the root after the snow melts until the buds open. Fertilizer saturates the soil with nitrogen, which is necessary for the growth of shoots.

During the flowering period, a complex fertilizer based on phosphorus and potassium is prepared. 10 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium sulfate are added to 30 liters of water.

After the flowering of the gooseberry, potassium-phosphorus top dressing is repeated. Fertilizers can be applied dry to the soil around the shrub.

Pruning of bushes

Gooseberries are cut before or after sap flow. It is best to choose the autumn period, since gooseberries wake up early after winter. Pruning is done annually.

Important! Be sure to eliminate dry, broken and frozen branches. If the shoots thicken the bush and bear few fruits, then they are also cut out.

Branches older than 8 years become unproductive, so they must be removed. Such shoots are identified by the dark brown color of the bark.

Gooseberry  yellow


If you have a yellow bush, you can get seedlings on your own. Gooseberry propagation methods:

  • Cuttings. In the fall, the required number of shoots 20 cm long is cut off. The cuttings are kept for 2 hours in a Fitosporin solution, then they are placed in the cellar for the winter. In February, gooseberries are rooted in containers with earth. When the seedlings have roots, they are transferred to a permanent place.
  • Layers. In the spring, strong shoots are chosen from the gooseberry, which are lowered and attached to the ground. In the middle part, the branches are spudded and mulched with humus. In autumn, the layers are separated from the shrub and planted in a new place.
  • By dividing the bush. When transplanting a gooseberry, its rhizome can be divided into several parts. Leave a few healthy roots for each seedling. Places of cuts are sprinkled with charcoal.

Preparation for winter

Variety yellow has a high winter hardiness. In late autumn, abundant winter watering is carried out, which helps protect the gooseberries from freezing.

Young bushes need protection for the winter. Their shoots are sprinkled with earth, a layer of humus 10 cm thick is poured on top. Spruce branches are tied to the branches. In winter, after snow falls, a snowdrift is thrown over the shrub.

Gooseberry  yellow

Pest and disease control

The main diseases that gooseberries are susceptible to are shown in the table:



Control measures


Mučnistaâ rosa

A loose whitish coating appears on the shoots.

Gradually, the plaque darkens and covers the leaves, branches and fruits.

All affected parts are cut and burned.

Gooseberries are treated with Bordeaux liquid, solutions of Topaz or Fundazol preparations.

  1. In early spring, pour boiling water over gooseberries to kill fungal spores.
  2. In early spring and late autumn, carry out preventive spraying with copper-based preparations.


White spots appear on the leaves, which grow and change color to brown.

In the later stages, the leaves dry up and fall off.

Treatment of gooseberries with Bordeaux liquid.

  1. Soil treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Preventive spraying with chemicals.


The appearance of orange spots on the leaves.

Over time, the leaves curl and fall off.

  1. Rationing of watering and pruning of the bush to reduce the level of humidity.
  2. Disinfection of garden tools.
  3. Preventive sprays.

The most common gooseberry pests are shown in the table:


Signs of defeat

Control measures



Aphid larvae feed on the juice of gooseberry leaves.

As a result, there is a deformation of the leaves at the tops of the shoots.

Plantings are sprayed with Fufanon or Aktara insecticides.

  1. In early spring, the soil is watered with boiling water.
  2. Preventive spraying with insecticides.

spider mite

The pest lives on the lower part of the leaves, gradually entangling them with cobwebs.

Leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off.

Spraying gooseberries with infusion of wormwood or tobacco.

Preventive treatments before flowering or after harvest.

Sawfly caterpillars, moths, moths

They eat leaves, shoots and ovaries.

Caterpillars are harvested by hand. The shrub is sprayed with an infusion of wood ash or tobacco dust.

  1. Treatment of plantings with insecticides in early spring and late autumn.
  2. Digging the soil under the gooseberry, where pests often overwinter.

Gooseberry  yellow


Gooseberry yellow is able to endure the harsh conditions of the Urals and Siberia. The variety is resistant to diseases and brings a stable high yield.


Valentina, 38 years old, Kazan
Gooseberry yellow has been growing on the site for more than 10 years. The bush is very strong and productive. The variety is liked by tasty and large berries. The gooseberry is unpretentious, tolerates drought and frosty winters without problems, and is not picky about watering. The berries do not crumble in the heat, which is often observed in other varieties.
Anna, 24 years old Moscow
Gooseberry variety yellow was advised to buy by a neighbor. The bush turned out to be very fruitful, many ovaries are formed on the branches. The berries are large, after ripening they become yellow. The pulp is very sweet, even when unripe, contains few seeds. Gooseberries can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.
Mikhail, 67 years old, Chelyabinsk
Of all the varieties of gooseberries growing in the country, yellow is the earliest. The bush reaches a height of 1 m. The shoots are prickly, which makes it difficult to harvest. Berries have a wonderful sweet taste, suitable for compotes and jams. Gooseberry yellow is resistant to diseases, even without preventive treatments.
Gooseberry Yellow. Ribes grossularia. Landing 2016

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