Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

Gooseberries are widely used in our country due to high yields, early ripening, nutritional value, therapeutic and dietary properties of berries and a variety of varieties. Gooseberry Yarovaya belongs to the varieties of fast ripening. In addition to early fruiting, this variety is distinguished for resistance to diseases and pests, as well as for undemanding care, cultivation and harvesting.

Description of the gooseberry Yarovaya

Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

Description and photos of gooseberries of the Yarovaya variety will help amateur gardeners decide on the choice of berry crops.

The gooseberry variety Yarovaya is considered very promising, which was obtained at the Belarusian Research Institute of Potato and Horticulture as a result of free pollination of seeds of the Columbus variety and belongs to yellow-fruited varieties. Medium-sized, slightly spreading bushes with a neat crown and almost straight branches reach 1-1,5 m. Gooseberry shoots are erect, with an average degree of coverage with long, thin, double, less often single, spikes. This characteristic feature of the variety favorably distinguishes it from others, making it attractive to many gardeners who do not like this culture because of the problems associated with increased studding of the bushes – during pruning and harvesting berries.

Lemon-yellow gooseberries of the Yarovaya variety have a thin skin and a refreshing sweet-sour taste. The fruits of the shrub are oblong, rounded, practically do not have an edge, in rare cases they are covered with individual hairs. The mass of medium-sized berries is 3 – 4 g. The branches of the gooseberry bushes of the Yarovaya variety are covered with shiny dark green leaves with rounded serrated edges.

The gooseberry variety Yarovaya is a self-fertile crop. She doesn’t need pollinators. Fruit set occurs when pollinated by pollen from their own flowers. But when pollen from flowers of other varieties gets in, a sharp increase in fruiting occurs.

The variety Yarovoy received the greatest distribution in the North-Western, Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatka and Volga regions of the country.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

Gooseberries are a temperate crop. The spring gooseberry variety is characterized by good winter hardiness. Berry crops are grown without shelter for the winter up to 60 ° north latitude. On the territory of the northern European part of Our Country, the Far East, Altai and Siberia, the variety needs additional warming in the winter.

In central Our Country, the Spring gooseberry can tolerate temperatures as low as -25 … -30 ° С. At lower temperatures, the root system of the plant freezes slightly, which is reflected in a decrease in yields. In addition, freezing of the crop is possible due to poor preparation for wintering in the summer-autumn period. This may be due to increased autumn temperatures and excess soil moisture levels.

The productivity of the Yarovaya variety is restored after freezing within 4-5 years. One-year gooseberry growth freezes at a temperature of -33 … -34 ° С. The roots of young plants – at a temperature of -3 … -4 ° С. The Central Chernozem zone is the most favorable for growing the Yarovoy gooseberry variety.

In comparison with other types of gooseberries, the Yarovaya variety is characterized by increased drought resistance and endurance to elevated temperatures. But, being a moisture-loving crop, in conditions of insufficient humidity, gooseberries grow poorly and bear fruit. It is especially important to monitor this indicator in the period from flowering to ripening berries. The recommended amount of precipitation should be 200 mm. In dry years, the bushes must be watered abundantly, this will increase the yield by 20 – 25%. The southern regions are unsuitable for growing the Yarovoy gooseberry variety without additional irrigation.

Excess moisture also does not benefit the root system of plants. Spring gooseberries are not recommended for planting in wetlands and areas with a close location of groundwater.

fruiting, productivity

The gooseberry variety Yarovaya is characterized by high yields – up to 6 kg from 1 bush. Under favorable conditions, the bushes are able to bear fruit for 20 years. Most of the crop is formed on branches aged 3 to 6 years. Like most berry crops, gooseberries need good lighting. The shading of the growing areas leads to the fact that the berries of the variety are smaller, and the total volume of the harvest is reduced.

The vegetation of the variety begins earlier than in other berry crops. The fruiting period is at the end of June – beginning of July. When ripe, the berries stay on the branches for a long time, without crumbling for a long time. But do not delay the harvest. This can lead to a decrease in the content of vitamins and sugar in fruits.

Important! When overripe, the berries are baked in the sun and become watery and tasteless.

Storage of gooseberries of the Yarovaya variety is carried out in a cool room for a period of 3-5 days, in refrigerators – much longer.

The spring gooseberry variety is one of the most transportable crops among berry plants. For transportation over long distances, unripe fruits are used, which are poured into boxes with solid walls. You can not pour berries from one box to another, this can lead to a decrease in product quality.

Yarovaya gooseberry berries contain many micro and macro elements, as well as up to 42% vitamin C. They can be consumed both fresh and after heat treatment in the form of various preparations – compote, jam, jelly, jelly. The benefits of gooseberries are to lower cholesterol levels, strengthen blood vessels, free the body from toxins and salts of heavy metals, as well as normalize the state of hypertension, obesity, anemia

Advantages and disadvantages

Among other types of gooseberries, the Yarovaya variety compares favorably due to the following characteristic features:

  • early ripening;
  • good yield;
  • powdery mildew resistance;
  • thin skin and dessert taste of berries;
  • high level of frost resistance;
  • endurance and shape retention during transportation.

The disadvantages of this variety include:

  • rapid maturation;
  • flouriness of berries in case of delay in harvesting;
  • susceptibility to fungal diseases.

Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

Features of reproduction

Spring gooseberries are propagated by seeds and through vegetation. The first method is used to breed new varieties, because due to free cross-pollination, the variety does not produce homogeneous offspring. In order to preserve the signs, vegetative methods of reproduction are used.

The most common include:

  1. Horizontal strips. Suitable well-developed branches with strong annual growth. Vegetation is carried out in early spring, when the soil has already warmed up and begins to crumble slightly, but before the buds open. Suitable branches of the Yarovaya gooseberry are bent to the ground, fixed with wire staples and left uncovered. In late April – early May, vertical shoots appear on the horizontal layers of the Spring gooseberry, they are spudded and sprinkled with earth. In autumn, by the time the root system is formed at the layering, the branches are separated from the bush, divided by the number of roots and planted for further cultivation in a greenhouse or nursery.
  2. Vertical layers. In autumn or early spring, branches are cut to 1/3 of the length. In the spring, new shoots will appear from the root part. After they reach a height of 15 cm, they are covered with fertile soil. In autumn, rooted shoots are cut off at the very base, after which they are planted in a new place. This method is mainly used when transferring a variety to another site.
  3. By dividing the bush. The period of holding is in the fall, after the leaves fall or in early spring, before the buds open. Old bushes are dug up and divided so that each part has its own root and several young shoots. Old branches are unsuitable for propagation.
  4. Woody cuttings. Gooseberry cuttings Yarovaya are cut, placed in sand and kept at a temperature of 2 – 3 ° C for 1,5 – 2 months. Then they fall asleep with sawdust and leave under the snow cover until spring. In early spring, cuttings are planted for rooting in greenhouses.
  5. Green cuttings. Young shoots of the Yarovaya gooseberry variety, about 20 cm long, are cut in the morning at 10–11 o’clock or in the afternoon at 15–16 o’clock. At this time, the gooseberry branches contain a maximum of dry and biologically active substances, which contributes to better rooting of the cuttings. Prepared shoots are divided into parts with 1 – 2 internodes and a total length of 8 – 10 cm. The cuttings are planted in the early morning and, after the roots appear, they are fed, loosened and treated for pests and diseases. In autumn, rooted cuttings are dug up and planted for growing in a greenhouse.

When propagating gooseberries of the Yarovaya variety with green cuttings, it is possible to achieve the best results: young bushes heal from the negative effects of pests and diseases. At the same time, the characteristic features and characteristics of the variety are preserved unchanged.

Planting and care

Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

Before planting gooseberries of the Yarovaya variety, careful attention must be paid to the choice of a seat. The area should be well lit. Failure to comply with this condition will lead to a reduction in yield and a decrease in the percentage of sugar in the berries. It is recommended to plant bushes along fences or fences. This will protect the landing from wind and bad weather. The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral. In order to prevent stagnant water in case of seasonal flooding of the site, it is recommended to make drainage.

The best time for planting gooseberries is autumn, 3 to 4 weeks before the onset of frost. You can plant seedlings in the spring, but in a very short time – between the convergence of snow and the beginning of sap flow.

For seedlings of the Yarovoy gooseberry variety, pits are dug that are 2 times larger than the volume of the roots. The top fertile layer is removed and mixed with rotted manure. A mixture of superphosphate and potassium sulfate can be added to the recess. The branches of young seedlings are cut to 1/3 of the length and planted in planting holes, deepening by 5–8 cm. The distance between adjacent bushes should be at least 1–1,5 m. A distance of 2–2,5 m must be maintained between rows.

Important! The thickening of gooseberry bushes of the Yarovaya variety leads to a decrease in yield, therefore, it is necessary to thin them out in a timely manner.

Growing rules

After planting in the soil, seedlings need to create favorable conditions for effective growth and high yields. Care for gooseberries of the Yarovaya variety consists of several main stages, at each of which it is recommended that the basic rules of cultivation be observed:

  1. Watering. The spring variety tolerates drought quite well, but for best growth and yield, it is necessary to ensure that the plant receives enough moisture during the growing season. In the period from late July to early August, the formation of future buds occurs. The recommended frequency of watering at this time is 1-2 times a week, 1 bucket per adult gooseberry bush of the Yarovaya variety. You need to water from below around the branches, without affecting the foliage. In sunny weather, wet leaves can get burned, and in cloudy weather, a wet surface can become a source of various diseases.

    Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

  2. Top dressing. It is carried out twice a year: in the spring, as well as during planting, organic fertilizer is applied to the soil in the form of horse humus or humus. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers, such as urea, will also benefit. In summer, during the active growth of gooseberries, it is recommended to add mineral supplements obtained from the following components:
  • 70 g double superphosphate;
  • 100 g of wood ash;
  • 30 g of potassium sulfate.

    Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

  1. Pruning. With its proper implementation, it is possible not only to increase the size of the fruit and the overall yield, but also to save the Yarovaya gooseberry from diseases. Pruning is carried out in early spring in April, before the appearance of buds, or in late autumn, after harvesting – before the first frost. The branches are cut near the soil itself, taking special care, since the root system of the bushes is very close to the surface. In the first years, perennial branches are cut by half: this will create the basis of the bush. After 3 years, the bushes of the Yarovaya variety are thinned out in order to eliminate thickening. Weak, dried, old and improperly growing shoots are removed completely. Branches with berries that tend to the very ground are also removed. To rejuvenate the bushes, every year it is necessary to remove several of the oldest shoots. A properly formed crown of a bush should contain 15 – 20 branches of 2 – 3 pieces. every age.

    Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

  2. Rodent protection. To combat rodents in the fall in the garden, it is necessary to dig up tree trunks and aisles. This will destroy existing mouse burrows. During this period, a layer of soil is raked from the base of the gooseberry bush, the lower section of the trunk is tied from the root collar to the first branches with spruce branches so that the needles are directed downwards. This will repel pests. For the same purpose, you can use sedge or reeds. After tying, the trunk circle is again sprinkled with soil. Straw attracts mice, so it is not used. In the spring, the bushes are freed from the protective structure. In winter, the snow near the landings is trampled down to prevent the penetration of rodents to the trunk and roots.

    Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

  3. Preparation for winter. Before the first frost, the landing site must be put in order – collect all the fallen leaves, remove weeds, cut off old and damaged branches. The soil is loosened, mulched and fertilized – ash, compost, potassium phosphate. Plants are not covered for the winter, since the Yarovaya gooseberry variety is characterized by good frost resistance.

    Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

Advice! So that the branches do not lie on the ground under the weight of the berries, stakes are driven under them and horizontal slats are fixed. Shoots with a large number of fruits are tied up, protecting the branches from possible breaks.

Pests and diseases

Like many other berry crops, the Yarovaya gooseberry is susceptible to the negative effects of pests and various diseases.

Of the pests, the greatest damage to the Yarovoy gooseberry variety is caused by:

  1. Gooseberries – a gray moth-like butterfly lays up to 200 eggs, from which light green caterpillars are born, damaging and destroying seeds and pulp of berries.

    Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

  2. Glassmaker – a small butterfly that lays eggs in cracks at the base of the buds of young shoots, from which caterpillars emerge, biting into the buds and branches, which gradually wither and dry.

    Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

  3. yellow sawfly – a small butterfly that lays eggs during the flowering period of the gooseberry. Voracious larvae destroy all foliage, which leads to the death of the crop of the current and next year.

    Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

  4. Spider mite – an insect less than 1 cm in size lives on the underside of the leaves, which become speckled, turn yellow, warp, dry out and fall off.

    Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

  5. gooseberry aphid – sucks the juice from the plant, damaging the leaf petioles, blades and tops of young branches. The leaves curl and fall off, the shoots bend and stop growing.

    Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

To control pests, gooseberry bushes of the Yarovaya variety are sprayed with the following compositions:

  • Bordeaux liquid 1 – 3%;
  • copper sulfate – 3%;
  • ash.

The same means are recommended to till the soil around the bushes in order to prevent the spread of various diseases. The main ones include:

  1. Spheroteka – American powdery mildew. A fungal disease that affects all parts of the shrub, first with a white mealy, and then with a dense coating. The leaves dry up and fall off, the berries crack.

    Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

  2. septoriosis – white leaf spot – first brown, and then white. Foliage massively falls off, the volume and quality of the crop are reduced.

    Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

  3. Antraknoz – a marsupial mushroom that appears in areas with a humid climate. Small dark spots appear on the lower old leaves, which then merge. The disease can lead to almost complete exposure of bushes in the second half of summer, the death of shoots and a decrease in yield.

    Gooseberry Yarovoy (Yarovoy): characteristics and description of the variety

Unlike other berry crops, the Yarovaya gooseberry is practically not susceptible to viral diseases, with the exception of one transmitted by aphids, as well as by vaccination. Translucent yellow stripes appear along the leaf veins. The leaves are wrinkled and deformed. In the case of a severe virus infection, a general inhibition of the growth, development and fruiting of the plant occurs. Timely measures taken will help save the gooseberry from death and prevent the occurrence of similar situations in the future.


Gooseberry Yarovaya is unpretentious in care and can take root in any area, thanks to frost resistance and the ability to resist major diseases and pests. The minimum investment of time and effort will soon pay off with high yields and excellent taste of the first spring berries harvested from your site.

Reviews of the gooseberry Yarovaya

Svetlana, 38 years old, Minsk:
I wanted to find a variety with sweet berries. Spring bought on the advice of the seller. In the spring I received the first harvest, I did not even expect it to be so fast. On June 25, the berries are fully ripe, sweet, yellow. The color is pleasing to the eye. The rest of my varieties still ripen and ripen!
Natalya Romanovna, 56 years old, Volgograd:
Spring is my favorite early variety. The branches are so densely covered with berries that one cannot do without props. For 5 years, they have never been subjected to any diseases and pests. I love gooseberry jam very much, every year I stock it in large quantities.
🌿 The earliest variety of Yarovaya gooseberry. Yellow gooseberry of superearly term of maturing. 🌿

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