Gooseberry wine: 7 recipes at home

For wine, you should choose only fully ripe gooseberries of yellow or red varieties.

They also prepare gooseberries: liqueurs, liqueurs, tinctures

Tips before starting

  1. Plucked fruits cannot be stored for more than a day, as they very quickly lose their aroma and become unsuitable for winemaking.

  2. Be sure to make sure that there are no rotten or moldy berries in the raw materials.

  3. All containers and devices that will be involved in the preparation of wine should be sterilized with boiling water and then dried.

Homemade gooseberry wine


  1. Gooseberries – 1,5 kg

  2. Water – 1,5 L

  3. Granulated sugar – 1 kg

Method of preparation

  1. We knead the unwashed gooseberries with our hands and pour it into a container with a wide neck.

  2. We prepare classic sugar syrup and cool it to room temperature.

  3. We mix the prepared syrup with berries, cover the neck with gauze and leave the container for 3-4 days at a temperature of 16-26 degrees. Be sure to stir the mass every day with a wooden spatula.

  4. After the first signs of fermentation appear (hissing, sour smell, abundant foam), we drain the liquid into a clean fermentation container, and squeeze the pulp with gauze. A small sediment is allowed in the resulting wort.

  5. Installing a water seal. Please note that the fermentation tank should be filled no more than 2/3 of the volume.

  6. We leave the must for 20–45 days in a dark place at the temperature indicated in paragraph 3.

  7. As soon as fermentation stops completely, the young wine must be drained from the sediment with a straw into another container.

  8. At this stage, we take a sample and, if desired, you can additionally introduce sugar or add strength to vodka or diluted food alcohol up to 40%, in an amount of 2-15% of the total volume of wine.

  9. If sugar was added at the previous stage, then the water seal should be installed again and the drink should be kept for 7-10 days. It is important that the containers are filled to the top with young wine.

  10. Then we leave the wine in a dark room at a temperature of 10-16 degrees for maturation, for 2-3 months. Every 15-20 days, the drink should be drained from the sediment and poured into a clean container.

  11. The finished wine, after aging, is bottled and sent to the refrigerator or cellar for storage. Under such conditions, it can be stored for no more than a year, after 12 months of storage, the taste and aroma begin to fade.

  12. The strength of homemade gooseberry wine without the addition of strong alcohol is 10-12 degrees.

Gooseberry wine with citrus notes


  1. Ripe gooseberries – 3 kg

  2. Lemon – 2 pcs.

  3. Water – 5 L

  4. Sugar – 10 glasses

Method of preparation

  1. Pre-mashed gooseberries should be mixed with three glasses of granulated sugar and left warm for 30-40 minutes.

  2. As soon as the juice stands out, pour water into the berries and install a water seal. We transfer the container to a warm place for 10 days.

  3. After 10 days, pour boiling water over the lemons and cut into slices. Then mix them with 7 cups of granulated sugar.

  4. Candied lemon is added to the wort, the water seal is installed again and left until the fermentation is complete.

  5. The resulting young wine must be carefully drained from the sediment and filtered through cheesecloth. Then pour the drink into a clean container and leave it for a couple of days in the refrigerator.

  6. After two days, the wine is filtered again and bottled.

  7. Before tasting, it is recommended to keep the wine for 1-2 months in a dark, cool place.

Gooseberry wine with currants


  1. Gooseberries – 3 kg

  2. Red currant – 1 kg

  3. Granulated sugar – 4 kg

  4. Water – 3 L

Method of preparation

  1. From 2 kg of sugar and water we cook classic sugar syrup.

  2. While the syrup is cooling, all the berries must be crushed with a meat grinder or blender.

  3. In a glass container of a suitable volume, mix the berry puree with the cooled sugar syrup.

  4. Cover the neck with gauze and leave for 6-7 days in a warm room. Stir daily with a wooden spatula.

  5. At the end of active fermentation, pour the liquid into a clean container and install a water seal.

  6. After 7 days, the wine will brighten a little, it must be drained from the sediment and bottled.

  7. The young wine is ready, but to enhance its taste, you should leave the drink for 2-3 months in the cellar or refrigerator to stabilize the taste.

Rustic gooseberry wine recipe

When pressed, gooseberries give little juice, so water can be added to the pulp and fermented with yeast for 2-3 days. Then pressed and get the juice of the first fraction. Water (15%) is added to the pomace, insisted for another day, the juice of the second fraction is separated and mixed with the juice of the first fraction, and then sugar is added.

To get good clarified wine

You can apply the method of deep fermentation of the pulp:

  1. Water (1,2 l per 1 kg of sugar), sugar 300 g per 1 kg are added to the crushed berry mass, nitrogen nutrition (0,3-0,4 per 1 kg) and yeast distribution (3%) are added.

  2. The vessel with the wort is closed with a fermentation lock and placed in a warm place at room temperature.

  3. After 12-15 days, the wort is filtered, placed in a clean vessel, sugar is added (130 g per 1 liter), and fermentation is continued.

  4. After the end of fermentation, the wine is removed from the sediment and placed in a cool place for clarification, then sugar is added to taste, kept for another 4-6 weeks, bottled and stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

Old world gooseberry wine

  1. Pour prepared gooseberries into a 10-liter bottle, leaving 15 cm of free space up to the neck of the bottle.

  2. Pour vodka over gooseberries so that it covers the surface of the berries.

  3. Let ripen for 4 months. Then cut 500 g of rye bread into pieces, and cover each piece with thick syrup or honey.

  4. Dry the prepared bread on a sieve and put it in a bottle.

  5. The contents ripen for another 4 months in a dark place, while making sure that there is no violent fermentation. After 4 months, bottle the contents and close.

Classic gooseberry wine recipe

  1. Pour ripe gooseberries into a suitable bowl and chop thoroughly. Cover the resulting pulp with gauze and leave it alone for 3-4 days, so that as much juice as possible is released from it.

  2. Place the pulp in a linen bag and squeeze out the juice. Pour water into the remaining pomace in a ratio of 1:10 to the original volume of gooseberries (for example, 1 liter of water per 10 liters of berries).

  3. Grind the pomace as far as possible, rubbing it with clean hands, and then strain it again and squeeze it through a linen bag.

  4. Thus, from 10 liters of gooseberries, 9 liters of juice should be obtained, which contain about 1 liter of water. In order to get 10 liters of juice from 17 liters of berries, you need to add another 7-8 liters of water.

  5. After that, for each liter of diluted juice, add 250 g of sugar or honey.

  6. Pour the resulting wort into a barrel or bottle, put a water seal and leave it in a room with a temperature of 13-15 ° C until the end of fermentation.

  7. Then remove the drink from the sediment, pour into bottles, cork, wait another month and you can taste.

Alternative gooseberry wine recipe

  1. Mash ripe gooseberries and press or squeeze the juice out of them.

  2. Pour the resulting juice into a bottle or barrel, dilute with the same amount of water and add sugar (250 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice).

  3. Put the dishes with the wort for fermentation under a water lock.

  4. At the end of fermentation, the wine is filtered and bottled. This recipe produces a strong table wine. If it is necessary to make liqueur wine, 1 g of sugar must be added to 375 liter of juice.

General recommendation for all recipes

  1. When pressed, gooseberries give little juice, so water must be added to the pulp and fermented with yeast for 2-3 days.

  2. Then you need to press and get the juice of the first fraction.

  3. Add water (15%) to the pomace, leave for another day, separate the juice of the second fraction and mix it with the juice of the first fraction. Prepare a sweet wort from the juice by adding sugar and mineral additives.

  4. Determine the concentration of sugars and the acidity of the wort, then add the yeast and put on fermentation.

  5. To get a good clarified wine, you can use the method of deep fermentation of the pulp.

  6. To do this, add water (1,2 liters per 1 kg), sugar 300 g per 1 kg, add nitrogen nutrition (0,3–0,4 g per 1 kg) and yeast distribution (3%) to the crushed berry mass.

  7. After that, close the vessel with the wort with a fermentation lock and put it in a warm place at room temperature.

  8. After 12–15 days, strain the wort, place in a clean vessel, add sugar (130 g per 1 liter) and continue fermentation.

  9. After the end of fermentation, remove the wine from the sediment and put in a cool place for clarification.

  10. Then add sugar to taste, stand for another 4-6 weeks, bottle and store in the usual way.

Relevance: 29.06.2018

Tags: Wine and vermouth, Wine recipes

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