Gooseberry lovers tend to choose only the best varieties for planting on their own backyard. Shrub care is not that difficult, but the presence of thorns often becomes a serious problem during the harvesting process. Therefore, we want to draw your attention to the thornless varieties of your favorite crop, in particular, to such a species as the Ural thornless gooseberry. Read about its features, benefits, landing rules and care in our article.
Of course, breeders have not yet managed to develop varieties that are completely devoid of thorns. Gardeners continue to argue about the taste characteristics of thornless varieties. Many are sure that their berries are sweeter than those of other types of their favorite crop. Experts believe that the taste of fruits directly depends on the characteristics of each of the many varieties.
As for the description of the Ural thornless gooseberry bush, its shrubs have an average degree of density, are vigorous and medium spreading. Branches usually grow in a vertical direction. The shoots also have an average thickness and are painted in a grayish-yellow color. Single buds of light brown color with a sharp top appear on them. This is the description of the leaves. It is green in color, has no pubescence on the surface, wrinkled and rather leathery. The leaves are somewhat wavy and three-lobed. The leaf petiole is about 2 cm long. On this best of the thornless varieties, you can see flowers about 12 mm in size. The buds are usually painted in a beautiful raspberry shade.
Large berries appear on the shrub, each of which weighs about 8 grams. If we talk about the description, then they have an oval shape, a matte surface and are emerald green. Covered with thick skin. The pulp of the Ural gooseberry, which belongs to the thornless varieties, is endowed with a pleasant dessert taste.
The rich chemical composition of fruits can be attributed to the features of this type of culture. It includes dry substances in the amount of 12%, sugars – about 8%, P-active substances – 9 mg per 9 grams, ascorbic acid – 234 mg per 0 grams, titratable acidity is 100 %. Also, the advantages of this one of the best varieties of wild rose are considered to be excellent winter hardiness (even in harsh winters, its indicator is 23 points), large-fruitedness, excellent taste of berries, resistance to various diseases, high yield – by the age of 5 years, it can be 100 kg and up to 2 – 1 from each adult plant. The beginning of fruiting of a shrub of the Ural variety should be expected as early as 2-3 years from the moment of planting. The purpose of the fruits of such a culture is universal. They are equally good when consumed fresh and for preparing a variety of preparations for the winter.
Video “Description”
From the video you will learn a description of gooseberry varieties.
Planting of new bushes of the Ural rosehip, as well as Chelyabinsk, and many other thornless varieties, begins in late September – mid-October. For a seedling, they dig a hole measuring 40 by 40 by 40 cm. It is recommended to fill it with 1 kg of complex mineral fertilizer, 1 bucket of rotted manure, 2 – 3 tablespoons of wood ash. This composition must be mixed well. After falling asleep, a seedling is also placed in the hole.
Mulching is carried out a day after planting seedlings and watering. This procedure is very important because it allows you to keep a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil and reduce the amount of weeding. Peat or pine bark is well suited for creating mulch. If the planting procedure was carried out correctly, then in the first year of the life of the shrub, fertilization is not required. In the second year, a mixture of manure and water should be applied in the spring in a ratio of 1:8. In the third year, you will need to make a top dressing made from 6 kg of manure, half a glass of wood ash and 20 grams of superphosphate per square meter of soil. Further, the frequency of top dressing is 1 time in 2 – 3 years. It is mandatory to add a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content to the soil, which will help the plants to fully grow and develop. Such top dressing is made after the disappearance of all the snow available on the site.
Care instructions
Regardless of the varieties, all types of thornless gooseberries do not require special care. As for the rest, compliance with certain rules for our variety will guarantee its normal growth and future rich harvest of delicious berries. Comprehensive care includes the procedure for weeding and loosening the earth. Watering on especially hot days and in the absence of natural precipitation is carried out at the rate of 1 bucket for each bush. This is if the crops are planted recently. For those who are already consistently bearing fruit, 3-4 buckets are required for each bush. Shortly before the start of harvesting, watering must be stopped. If this is not done, the berries are likely to become sour.
Formative pruning allows you to get a rich harvest of your favorite berries. It should be carried out the next year after planting. To do this, you need to cut zero shoots, leaving no more than 5 pieces of the most developed.
As practice shows, most fruits can be collected from 4-6-year-old branches. Old, diseased, drying, small branches are subject to mandatory pruning. Normally, an adult representative of the species should have about 10 – 14 branches, different in age, but not older than 7 years. This will serve as a guarantee of good fruiting.
When the shrub is 10 years old, it needs rejuvenating pruning. She is advised to plan for the end of autumn.
In the course of work, all branches are subject to removal, with the exception of young shoots. In order to increase the frost resistance of the variety, in the fall it is customary to introduce phosphorus-potassium top dressing into the soil. In the case of proper care, any bush gains the ability to produce a crop for up to 30 – 40 years. Remember that gooseberries are endowed with excellent anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic and tonic properties.
Video “Growing”
From the video you will learn how to grow gooseberries in order to get a good harvest.