Gooseberries of any variety are an excellent berry bush for summer cottages. It is unpretentious in terms of care, it is characterized by early maturity and a good degree of productivity. One of the best universal types of favorite berries can be safely called the Ural emerald gooseberry variety. It appeared thanks to the specialists of the South Ural Research Institute and in 2000 was included in the State Register. About the description of the variety, the features of its planting, cultivation, methods of combating diseases and pests, the harvesting process, we will tell today.
If we talk about the description of the bushes, then they are of medium size, are not spreading. They grow quite a lot of shoots. On the branches along the entire length there are thorns. The leaves are endowed with different sizes, wrinkled, the surface is glossy. They have 5 blades and are painted dark green. Pink and rather large flowers usually bloom early, so bees and bumblebees have an excellent opportunity to pollinate them. Due to the presence of spikes, many gardeners prefer to protect their hands with plastic bottles that are pre-cut on both sides during the harvesting process.
As for the description of the berries, they received large sizes from nature, each weighing about 6 – 5 grams. The berries are oblong in shape, they are characterized by a green color and a sweet and sour taste. The fruits contain sugars in the amount of 9%, organic acids – about 3%, pectins, vitamins, tannins. Such a rich chemical composition makes the berries of this variety very beneficial for human health. In addition to describing bushes and fruits, it is worth mentioning other features of this type of gooseberry. It has an early ripening period and a high or medium yield. It can be from 2 to 2 kg from each adult bush. Since the birthplace of the variety is Western Siberia, it is endowed with good winter hardiness. But cultivation can also be carried out in regions with a warmer climate.
Video “Description”
From the video you will learn the description and characteristics of gooseberry varieties.
For planting such bushes, it is advised to choose open and well-lit areas. Shrubs are not afraid of temperature fluctuations and the presence of wind. The soil is best to choose loose loamy.
You can not plant bushes of this variety on high-rise canopies and in lowlands. Landing should be planned for the end of September – the beginning of October. You should be guided by the weather forecast for this year. In any case, the bushes should be planted at least 3 weeks before the expected onset of frost.
Seedlings, if there is a well-developed mother bush on the site, can really be produced using horizontal layering. Over the summer, they will acquire an excellent root system. And then, with the advent of autumn, they can be separated from the bush and transplanted to the chosen place. Organic fertilizers must be placed in the prepared hole.
You can not plant bushes where groundwater comes close to the surface. It is advised to create a flower bed with a height of up to 50 cm and side dimensions of 70 by 70 and 80 by 80. Large pits will be required only if you are dealing with land in which there are few useful substances.
It is advised to mix the top layer of soil with compost and humus. Don’t forget to add 1 cup of ash. In the case of planting in the spring, it is recommended to add about 500 grams of complex top dressing or up to 200 grams of urea.
Comprehensive care for shrubs of this species includes pruning, moderate watering, weeding and periodic application of organic and mineral dressings.
Top dressing should be carried out in 3 stages. In the spring, you need to use organic matter (manure) and mineral fertilizers (urea). The condition of the bush should be assessed during flowering and ripening of berries. If the shrub grows normally and looks good, has large green leaves, then it does not need fertilizers with a high nitrogen content.
You can make potassium-phosphorus top dressing in the amount of 20 – 100 grams. Autumn top dressing provides for an increase in the degree of winter hardiness of the bush. Here you need to use potash fertilizers and those in which there is phosphorus and trace elements. The calculation is 20 – 100 grams of fertilizer per 10 liters. Frequency – 2 or 3 times.
Pruning and shaping the bush are needed to combat crown thickening and increase yields. Yield rates can remain high on branches up to 8 years old. For older crops, anti-aging pruning is often used. It is necessary to remove old and low-yielding branches. Remaining on the bush should not be more than 8 – 20 pieces. Every year you need to remove a couple of shoots, and it is permissible to start such an adjustment from 4 to 5 years.
Diseases and pests
Although the variety has a strong immunity to diseases, prevention never hurts. Eradication spraying is best scheduled for early spring or late fall. You should use 150 grams of copper sulfate dissolved in 10 liters of water. You can take 300 grams of iron sulfate.
Such spraying is permissible only until the opening of the kidneys. After flowering, it is advised to use Aktara, Arrivo, Mospilan preparations. For prevention, the Ridomil remedy is also perfect. Weeding will help remove weeds where pests can hide. In spring and autumn, deep digging of the soil is necessary. At the same time, the earth must be sprinkled with ash. The removal and burning of dry and damaged branches, the collection and disposal of fallen leaves are also carried out.
The variety belongs to the early ones, so the harvest usually falls at the end of June – the beginning of July. From each bush it is possible to collect 3 – 5 kg of berries. Berries can be stored in a chip band basket up to 5 kg for up to 2 days. Unripe fruits can be collected in containers up to 5 liters and stored for no longer than 5 days. They should not be damaged and be wet.
If transportation is required, a container with solid walls is taken. When harvesting for quick processing, it is permissible to use a large container. Collection is best done in dry weather. Since practice shows that fruits harvested after rain cannot be stored for a long time.
Video “Growing”
From the video you will learn how to grow gooseberries.