Gooseberry tincture: 3 recipes at home

If the gooseberry crop on the site has exceeded your expectations, and all possible jams and jams from it have already been rolled up, you can proceed to the preparation of pleasant alcoholic drinks using this tasty and healthy berry. In this case, it is worth starting with the simplest option – insisting.

They also cook from gooseberries: liqueurs, liqueurs, wine.

Classic gooseberry tincture

For this not very strong (no more than 17 degrees) drink, good vodka or three-year-old brandy or cognac is perfect. Also, in this case, any variety of ripe gooseberries will be appropriate (although, with increased aesthetic demands, it is better to dwell on its red variety).


  1. Gooseberries – the volume of a three-liter jar

  2. Vodka / brandy – 0,5 l

  3. Sugars – 300 g

Method of preparation

  1. Carefully sort out the berries, sifting out rotten and moldy specimens, separate from the cuttings and wash thoroughly.

  2. Put them in a three-liter bottle on the “shoulders” of the container, then add sugar and alcohol (alcohol should cover a layer of berries; if this does not happen, the dose should be increased).

  3. Close the jar with a tight lid and shake vigorously to dissolve the sugar as soon as possible.

  4. Place the container in a dark, warm place for a month and a half, continuing to shake it about once a week.

  5. After the specified period, filter the drink, bottle it and send it to the cellar or refrigerator for storage.

Strong gooseberry tincture

If you like stronger drinks (from 30 degrees and above), we advise you to stop at this recipe. The basis for the proposed tincture can be a well-purified double-distilled moonshine or undiluted grain (or better, grape) alcohol.


  1. Gooseberries – the volume of a three-liter jar

  2. Alcohol / moonshine – 0,5 l

  3. Sugars – 300 g

Method of preparation

The only, but quite significant difference from the previous recipe for lovers of a strong one, is the ability to fill with alcohol half of the free from berries, tapering to the top of the jar space.

Gooseberry and raspberry tincture

Many alcoholic gourmets consider the combination of the above two berries to be at least noteworthy. At the same time, if your raspberries are sweet enough, you can do without sugar.


  1. Gooseberries (preferably red) – 2 kg

  2. Vodka (40-degree water-alcohol solution) – 1,5 l

  3. Raspberries – 400 g

  4. Sugar (optional) – 300 g

Method of preparation

  1. Put the sorted and washed berries without leaves and cuttings into a three-liter jar.

  2. Shake the vessel well so that the raspberries and gooseberries are mixed.

  3. If desired, add sugar, pour alcohol and close the container tightly.

  4. Leave the jar for 5 weeks in a warm, dark place. At the same time, once a week, the container must be shaken.

  5. Then, strain the drink well, taste it, and in case of insufficient sweetness, add sugar there, carefully dissolving the crystals.

  6. Finally, bottle the tincture, cork tightly and send it to the cellar or refrigerator to wait for the right opportunity.

Relevance: 18.07.2017

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Tinctures, Recipes for tinctures

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