Gooseberry Masheka: reviews, planting and care

Gooseberries are known for their unusual taste. The shrub usually grows in areas with a temperate climate. Breeders are engaged in work on the development of new varieties adapted to different climatic zones. Gooseberry Masheka is considered one of the best varieties among berry bushes.

Gooseberry Masheka: reviews, planting and care

Description of gooseberry Masheka

Gooseberry variety Masheka was created by Belarusian hybridizers. In 1997, it was included in the lists of the State Register of the Federation after a successful implementation in the central territory of Our Country. In addition to the qualities that characterize the variety as a fruit and berry crop, it has an attractive appearance. The Masheka variety is often called decorative because of the sprawling bushes and structural features.

  • Bush and shoots. Masheka is a medium-sized variety, whose bush grows up to 80 cm. Thick and dense shoots are light green in color, they grow obliquely. The branching of the bush is described as medium. At the same time, the branches are equidistant from each other, which creates a characteristic spreading. Shoots tend to form a large number of thorns, which is taken as a lack of variety;
  • Leaves. The leaf petiole is long, located on the shoot at an acute angle, has a light green color without fluff. The leaf plates of the plant are flat, with small notches along the edges;
  • Fruit. Brick-red, oval berries that turn dark brown when fully ripe. The shape of the fruit is an elongated oval. Veins appear over the entire surface of the berry. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour.

The Masheka variety is high-yielding, frost-resistant, self-fertile, which is an undoubted advantage when planting a crop in small summer cottages with a limited territory.

Gooseberries of the Masheka variety are planted on the territory of the central region of Our Country. It can fruit in harsher areas with extra cover.

Drought resistance, winter resistance

The gooseberry variety Masheka is not resistant to droughts. For full growth and timely fruit formation, it needs regular watering.

At the same time, the culture shows high winter hardiness. The shrub is able to withstand temperatures down to -30 °C, and with additional shelter tolerates temperatures down to -35 °C.

fruiting, productivity

The main advantage of the Masheka variety is its high yield. More than 6 kg of berries are harvested from one adult bush. Fruiting occurs in mid-August, but may shift towards the end of summer, in accordance with the climate of the region.

The average size of a gooseberry berry is 3,5 g. Some fruits are enlarged up to 5 g. The shape of the fruit is oval, their flesh is juicy, with a sweet and sour taste. The tasting evaluation of the Masheka berry is 4 points. Gooseberries are suitable for making jams, jams, as well as fresh consumption.

Gooseberry Masheka: reviews, planting and care

The berries fit snugly to the handle, are not prone to shedding after ripening. During late summer ripening, they do not bake in the sun and do not crack. The peel of the berry is thin, but dense, which allows you to store and transport the fruits of the Masheka variety without loss.

Advantages and disadvantages

The gooseberry of the Masheka variety has characteristic features, but when choosing for planting on the site, not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages of the culture are taken into account.



High and stable fruiting.

Active formation of root shoots, which makes it difficult to care for.

Winter hardiness, frost resistance.

Intolerance to high humidity.



Resistance to diseases and pests is above average.


The advantage of the Masheka variety is the taste of the fruit. They have a persistent taste of gooseberries, while they have a moderate degree of acidity. Berries are useful for beriberi, metabolic disorders, are a source of natural vitamin C.

Features of reproduction

Gooseberry Masheka is propagated in the spring by dropping the shoots, separating the cuttings or dividing the mother bush into parts in the fall. With the growth of an adult bush, the division of the root system is considered a highly effective method.

Spring digging is successful, the gooseberry quickly takes root, provided that the air humidity is at a comfortable level for the culture.

Planting and care

Gooseberries are planted in spring or autumn. When planting in autumn, the plant is buried from August to October, so that the roots have time to adapt before frost.

  1. Placement. Preference when choosing a place is given to open sunny areas with low groundwater, the absence of through winds. If you plant a shrub in the lowlands with stagnant moisture, then you can lose the bush without waiting for fruiting.
  2. Saplings. Planting material is inspected before planting, dried parts of the root system are removed, soaked in a root growth biostimulator for 12 hours.
  3. soil. Gooseberries of the Masheka variety do not grow on sandy soils, therefore the earth is fertilized in advance with mineral-organic mixtures.

For seedlings, they dig a suitable hole with dimensions of 50 by 50 cm. A distance is left between the bushes – from 1,5 to 2 m.

Gooseberry Masheka: reviews, planting and care

The hole is filled with a nutrient mixture of organic matter and minerals by a third, then a gooseberry bush is placed with a clod of earth from seedlings. Then they fall asleep with prepared soil, rammed. A near-trunk circle is formed around the planting, which is additionally mulched.

Growing rules

After planting gooseberries, certain care rules are established. With regular agrotechnical procedures, the Masheka variety begins to bear fruit steadily in the 2nd or 3rd year of existence.

  • Watering. Gooseberry variety Masheka loves abundant watering. The shrub is watered in spring and summer. With heavy rainfall, watering is suspended. Regular moisture stagnation can provoke the formation of rot on the roots, so the event is carried out according to a strictly established scheme, avoiding intense waterlogging;
  • Trimming. The growth of basal shoots, which is called the lack of the Masheka variety, leads to a partial thickening of the gooseberry. Pruning is necessary. Annually, the root shoots are pruned, leaving 3-4 of the strongest and strongest. In autumn, damaged branches are removed, young shoots are cut off, which do not have time to compact before the onset of frost;

    Gooseberry Masheka: reviews, planting and care

  • Garter. Support is necessary only for young bushes that are not strong enough. As the gooseberry grows, the support is installed along the edges of the near-trunk circle, enclosing the bushes around the perimeter. When branching, the lower branches are laid on a nylon rope stretched between the support posts. This prevents them from being on the ground and facilitates harvesting;

    Gooseberry Masheka: reviews, planting and care

  • Feeding. When planting, a certain amount of mineral-organic top dressing is introduced, this is enough for 3 years from the moment of planting. In autumn, the soil is fertilized with organic matter, and in spring ammonium nitrate is added to the soil. Foliar top dressing is carried out before flowering and fruit formation;
  • Rodent protection and winterization. A layer of mulch made from pine needles, spruce branches or pressed sawdust helps protect the trunks from rodents, as well as protect them from freezing.

    Gooseberry Masheka: reviews, planting and care

To protect against frost, the trunk circle is spudded, the branches are bent to the ground, covered with agrofibre with additional tying and pressed down with oppression.

Advice! Fertilizers are applied under the root only after the soil is moistened.

Pests and diseases

The Masheka variety shows resistance to diseases, but when the soil is waterlogged and the air humidity is high, it can be affected by a fungus. Gooseberries begin to show symptoms of septoria or powdery mildew.

The best preventive measure when caring for gooseberries is the annual watering of the bushes with boiling water after the snowdrifts melt. To protect against pests, spring treatment with insecticides is carried out.


Gooseberry Masheka is valued for its recognizable taste of berries, high fruiting rates and attractive appearance. This variety is grown in the Central part of the country, but with additional shelter, the culture bears fruit in colder areas.

Gooseberry Masheka: reviews, planting and careGooseberry Masheka: reviews, planting and care


Vybornova Inna Igorevna, 43 years old, Obinsk
I chose a gooseberry variety for a summer residence for a very long time: according to the description and photo, I liked the Mashek variety. The seedlings had to be planted in the spring, but they took root well and began to bear fruit already in the second year of existence. The advantage of gooseberries of this variety is the size of the berries, their taste and the ability to use them in any way. I cook jam from them, make frosts, assorted compotes.
Tigunov Yury Mikhailovich, 56 years old, Novosibirsk
Our family loves gooseberries. On the site we grow several varieties of bushes. We love the Masheka variety very much, the main part of the crop is eaten fresh by children and grandchildren. Berries are harvested by the end of summer. For the winter, I cover gooseberry bushes with burlap, sprinkle with snow and form snowdrifts around. The Masheka variety has been growing with me for 10 years, during this time it has never frozen and gives a harvest every year. The only difficulty of care for us is the regular pruning of gooseberry bushes: when the buds have not yet appeared, then in the summer for thinning and in the fall before preparing for winter.
Common gooseberry Masheka. Brief overview, description of the characteristics of ribes uva crispa Masheka

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