Gooseberry Kurshu Dzintars (Kursu Dzintars): variety description, photo, reviews

Gooseberry Kursu Dzintars belongs to the Latvian selection. Obtained from crossing varieties of Stern Razhiga and Pellervo. Refers to mid-early yellow-fruited varieties. In 1997, included in the State Register of varieties tested in the Republic of Belarus. Not included in the register of breeding achievements. The plant is intended for cultivation on personal plots.

Description of the gooseberry variety Kursu Dzintars

Gooseberry Curshu Dzintars forms a compact, highly ornamental shrub. Spreading of branches is average, shoots are straight, thin. The spikes are numerous, located one at a time on the shoot, but there are double and triple ones. The spikes are low, very sharp, brown.

Gooseberry Kurshu Dzintars (Kursu Dzintars): variety description, photo, reviews

In the description of the variety and photo of the gooseberry Curshu Dzintars, you can see that the berries grow one-sized, medium-sized, with an average weight of 2,7 g. The shape of the berries is oval, the color is amber-yellow with pronounced veins, there is no pubescence. The skin is shiny, thin.

The leaves of the gooseberry Kursu Dzintars are medium in size, rounded, green in color, with 3 or 5 lobes. The wrinkling of the leaves is weakly expressed, the color is green, matte or with a slight sheen.

The gooseberry variety Kursu Dzintars is partially self-fertile, which means that fertilization with its own pollen is about 20%.

Advice! To increase the yield of Kursu Dzintars, it is necessary to plant a culture of other varieties with a similar flowering period nearby.

With cross-pollination, in addition to yield, the taste and size of berries improves.

Gooseberries with pronounced thorns, like Kursu Dzintars, are well adapted to the cold, therefore they are suitable for growing in regions with different climates.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

In terms of frost resistance, the gooseberry Kursu Dzintars belongs to the 4th climatic zone. Without shelter, it can withstand temperatures down to -32 in winter.оC. The gooseberry variety Kursu Dzintars can tolerate short periods of drought.

fruiting, productivity

The gooseberry Kursu Dzintars begins to bloom in the second decade of May. The ripening period of berries is the end of July – the beginning of August. It has a stable yield, from one bush they collect an average of 4-6 kg of sweet fragrant berries. The yield of Kursu Dzintars is increased by proper care.

Berries are not prone to shedding, ripen on a branch. The fruits of this variety tolerate transportation and storage well. The purpose of the berries is dessert. Gooseberries Kursu Dzintars are eaten fresh and harvested in various ways. Compotes, preserves, jam and marmalade are made from fruits, they are used in the preparation of fillings for pies.

Advantages and disadvantages 

The gooseberry Kursu Dzintars is characterized by a stable yield. Without reducing fruiting, the bush can grow in one place for several decades.

Other advantages of the variety:

  • decorative, slightly sprawling bush;
  • high winter hardiness;
  • berries ripen at the same time;
  • pleasant sweet taste of fruits;
  • the plant is unpretentious in cultivation;
  • resistant to some typical culture diseases.

The disadvantages or features of the variety include numerous spikes on the shoots and the medium-sized size of the berries.

Features of reproduction

Gooseberry Curshu Dzintars takes root well after vegetative propagation.

Gooseberry Kurshu Dzintars (Kursu Dzintars): variety description, photo, reviews

Suitable breeding methods


One of the fastest and most effective ways to reproduce:

  1. The allotted shoot is pressed to the soil horizontally or in an arcuate manner.
  2. With the arcuate method, the shoot is bent only in one place in the middle. In this case, only one, but stronger shoot grows.

There is also a vertical layering method, which is more suitable for old bushes:

  1. To do this, the old branches are completely cut off in the fall.
  2. During the season, new shoots grow, during this time the bush is spudded with fertile soil several times, then the rooted shoots are planted.


Gooseberry Kursu Dzintars can be propagated by green, lignified or combined cuttings.

Division of the bush

The method is suitable for propagating bushes no older than 5 years. At the same time, the fruit bush is dug out completely and divided into independent parts.

Gooseberries take root well with various propagation methods due to their ability to quickly build up the missing parts.

Planting and care

Gooseberry seedlings Kursu Dzintars are planted both in spring and autumn. The most suitable autumn months are September-October.

Advice! During the autumn planting, gooseberries must be planted 2 weeks before the first frost.

A place for growing gooseberries is chosen sunny, taking into account the growth of bushes and their group planting. When planting a crop near a fence or walls of structures, it is necessary to retreat at least 1 m. Gooseberries are a moisture-loving crop, but lowlands and wetlands are not suitable for growing. Preferred soils are fertile, with good breathability.

The planting pit is prepared on the soil treated from weeds. The size of the pit should be 2 times the volume of the root system of the seedling. The soil taken out of the pit is mixed with organic or mineral fertilizer.

Before planting, the roots of the seedling are freed from the earthy clod and straightened in different directions. The seedling in the planting pit is placed on a previously prepared earthen hill, covered with prepared soil, the root neck is not deepened. For watering after planting, you will need two full buckets of water, which are poured around the bush in several steps.

If there are shoots on the seedling, they are cut to the first bud so that all the forces of the plant go to rooting. The soil around the planting is mulched with dried grass, compost or peat.

Growing rules

The Curshu Dzintars bush grows compact, but in order for the berries not to become small, it must be constantly cut. The shrub should always consist of branches of different ages.

Gooseberry Kurshu Dzintars (Kursu Dzintars): variety description, photo, reviews

In the photo of the gooseberry Curshu Dzintars, you can see that when pruning, some of the shoots older than 7 years are removed, as well as weakly fruiting and dry branches. Young shoots are left in the amount of 5-6 pieces. The pruning tool must be sharp and clean. Shoots are cut to the ground, leaving no stumps.

Important! In a dry summer, gooseberries need up to 2-3 additional waterings, but without waterlogging, especially in the area of ​​​​the root collar.

If fertilizers were applied during planting, then the following top dressings are used only in the 3rd year of cultivation. To do this, at the end of spring, any complex mineral fertilizers or about one bucket of well-rotted manure are applied under the bush. Fertilizer is not used at the end of summer, so as not to provoke the growth of new shoots that cannot mature and endure the winter.

After planting, a young shrub is tied to a peg to set the vertical direction of growth and protect the branches from breakage in case of strong winds.

In autumn, the bush is not tightly tied, the earth is spudded around. For the winter, a young plant is covered with spruce branches or non-woven covering material. In winter, the bush is covered with snow, under which the Kursu Dzintars gooseberry will endure frosty weather well.

Pests and diseases

Gooseberry Kursu Dzintars has a high resistance to powdery mildew, medium to anthracnose. Other common shrub diseases are septoria and rust. To combat diseases, solutions of copper sulfate and Bordeaux liquid are used.

Gooseberry pests:

  • pale and yellow sawflies;
  • flamethrower;
  • shield;
  • runaway aphid.

In order to protect the gooseberry from pests wintering in the soil, fallen leaves and other plant debris are carefully removed in the fall. The earth around the bush is dug up, sprayed with insecticides. In the spring, during maintenance work, additional spraying on the leaves is carried out in the garden.


Gooseberry Kursu Dzintars is a medium-early ripening variety acclimatized for cold regions. Brilliant amber berries look decorative on a compact bush. Gooseberries Kursu Dzintars are suitable for dessert use, as well as various types of processing.

🌿 Curshu dzintars gooseberry variety. 🌿

Reviews about gooseberries Kursu Dzintars

Irina Lebedeva, 48 years old, Penza
Gooseberries are one of the favorite crops on the site. Variety Kursu Dzintars is distinguished by sweet, honey berries. The bush looks decorative, the berries are of a pleasant yellow hue, with a thin skin. A variety of early ripening, in early August you can already taste vitamin berries. The bush began to bear fruit in the 2nd year. The shoots are strongly thorned, and the spines are very sharp, but this allows the variety to tolerate frost well.
Sergey Potapov, 56 years old, Taganrog
Gooseberry Curshu Dzintars is a yellow-fruited variety that has reliably settled on my site. I like it more than other varieties with light berries. This sweet gooseberry makes a decent wine. Moreover, his yield is stable from year to year, he did not notice shedding. The berry is a dessert variety, it is pleasant to use it fresh, and this gooseberry also makes beautiful jam. The variety is moderately resistant to diseases, frost-resistant.

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