Gooseberry Chernomor: characteristics and description of the variety

Gooseberry Chernomor is a time-tested variety with a high yield of black berries. Resistant to frost and powdery mildew, the culture is very popular among gardeners, due to the absence of difficulties in growing. However, in order to achieve maximum performance, before cultivating a shrub, it is worth studying its characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, planting and care features.

Gooseberry Chernomor: characteristics and description of the variety

Description of the gooseberry Chernomor

Gooseberry Chernomor (description and photos are given below) refers to medium-late varieties. For the dark color of the berries, the culture also received the name “northern grape” or “garden date”. The Chernomor shrub by K. D. Sergeeva was bred at the I. V. Michurin Scientific Center on the basis of the Brazilian, Date, Green Bottle, Mauer Seedling varieties.

Gooseberry Chernomor: characteristics and description of the variety

The Chernomor variety is distinguished by the following characteristics:

  1. The shape of the bush is not very sprawling, with a dense crown.
  2. Gooseberry shoots are upright, hairless, light green in color (they may lighten as they age). They reach a height of 1,5 m.
  3. The degree of thorniness of the branches is weak. Spines sparse, thin, single, directed downwards.
  4. The leaf plate of Chernomor is small, convex, shiny, saturated green, divided into 5 lobes. The central part of the sheet rises above the edges.
  5. Gooseberry inflorescences consist of 2-3 elongated flowers, medium in size, pale green in color with a pink border.
  6. The fruits of Chernomor are small (about 3 g), oval in shape, dark red or black (depending on the degree of maturity).

The gooseberry variety is self-pollinated, intended for cultivation in the Central region of Our Country, in Ukraine.

Advice! To achieve maximum yield, experienced gardeners recommend planting other gooseberry varieties next to the crop with the same flowering time (from late April to mid-May).

Drought resistance, frost resistance

Gooseberry Chernomor has good drought resistance, can easily endure a long-term lack of moisture. The shrub compensates for the lack of liquid due to the ability of the deep penetration of the root system into the soil.

The Chernomor variety perfectly withstands cold winters, due to which, in practice, it is successfully cultivated throughout the Federation.

fruiting, productivity

The fruits of the gooseberry Chernomor (shown in the photo) are characterized by:

  • harmonious, sweet and sour taste (taster score – 4,3);
  • good yield (up to 10 t/ha or up to 4 kg per bush);
  • strong skin (suitable for mechanized harvesting);
  • early ripening (first and second decades of July);
  • good transportability and keeping quality.

Gooseberry Chernomor: characteristics and description of the variety

The chemical composition of the berries of the Chernomor variety in terms of sugar content is within 8,4-12,2%, and in terms of acidity ─ 1,7-2,5%. The amount of ascorbic acid per 100 g of gooseberries is 29,3 mg.

Jams, jams, jellies, juices, marmalades, wine are made from the fruits of this variety, and they also make delicious sauces, casseroles, kvass, kissels. Gooseberries are also suitable for fresh consumption. The shrub is of great value as an early honey plant.

Important! With prolonged exposure to the sun, after ripening, Chernomor berries are baked.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gardeners consider the advantages of the variety:

  • precociousness;
  • good taste of berries;
  • versatility of fruits;
  • high transportability;
  • resistance to powdery mildew;
  • resistance to drought and frost;
  • undemanding to soils;
  • small studding;
  • ease of breeding.

The disadvantages of the gooseberry Chernomor are the average size of the berries and the tendency to thicken the bush.

Features of reproduction

To propagate the crop, gardeners use 2 methods: horizontal layering or cuttings.

A high percentage of survival rate of cuttings is a characteristic feature of the Chernomor gooseberry variety. The method of grafting is more efficient, because it makes it possible to get more sprouts in one planting. To do this, 2-year-old shoots of a shrub are cut into pieces about 12-15 cm long and planted in a substrate prepared from sand, garden soil and peat.

Advice! Before planting cuttings of this gooseberry variety, it is advisable to treat them with root formation stimulants.

The digging of branches is carried out in several stages:

  • place a healthy shoot in a small groove;
  • pinned with a bracket;
  • sprinkle with earth;
  • moisten the soil.

In autumn, rooted gooseberry layers are transplanted to a permanent place.

Planting and care

Chernomor gooseberry prefers sunny, draft-protected areas.

Attention! Shaded places with groundwater close to the surface are not suitable for planting crops.

Gooseberry Chernomor: characteristics and description of the variety

The soil for planting sprouts of the Chernomor variety is chosen light, permeable. Forest-steppe soils, medium or light loams are ideal. Regardless of the type of soil, fertilizers are added to each planting hole (about 40 g of potassium sulfate and 30 g of superphosphate).

The gooseberry planting itself is carried out in early spring, between the melting of snow and the beginning of the movement of vegetable juices, or in the fall, a month before the onset of the first frost.

When choosing planting material for the Chernomor variety, they carefully inspect it for damage, putrefactive processes or diseases. Experienced gardeners recommend purchasing two-year-old seedlings with an open root system. Alternatively, you can buy gooseberry seedlings in a pot. Then you should focus on the length of the shoots with leaves of 40-50 cm, the white color of the roots and their large number.

After purchasing the seedlings of the Chernomor variety, the tips of the roots and branches are shortened (5-6 buds are left), after which the root system of the plants is treated with growth stimulants. To do this, the shoots are immersed for ¼ hours in a solution.

Chernomor gooseberry planting is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Holes are prepared with a size of 30x40x40 cm. The distance between the planting pits in a row should be up to 1,2 m, the row spacing should be about 2 m.
  2. Pour some fertile soil into the hole, form a hill out of it.
  3. A gooseberry seedling is placed in the central part of the pit.
  4. Straighten the root system, sprinkle it with earth, slightly compact.
  5. Water the soil, mulch with a layer of sawdust or peat.
  6. After 3 days, repeat the procedure of watering and mulching.

Gooseberry Chernomor: characteristics and description of the variety

Important! The root neck of a shrub of this variety can be buried no more than 5 cm.

Growing rules

The gooseberry variety Chernomor does not cause difficulties in cultivation, but requires the timely implementation of a number of agrotechnical measures.

Watering the shrub is carried out several times per season:

  • before flowering;
  • after the formation of the ovary;
  • before the ripening of berries;
  • after harvest;
  • in preparation for wintering.
Important! In order to avoid the development of diseases, it is possible to pour water only under the root, avoiding moisture on the leaves.

The gooseberry of the Chernomor variety begins to need pruning only in the second year of cultivation. According to the rules, only 4 skeletal branches are left, located opposite each other. Branches of the second or third order are thinned out annually, in the autumn or spring. They do this to facilitate the harvesting of gooseberries and to provide the possibility of airing the bush.

All the necessary fertilizers are laid in the hole even when planting Chernomor gooseberry seedlings, so top dressing is applied only for the 4th year of growing the variety. To do this, add to the soil:

  • superphosphate (150 g);
  • potassium sulfate (40 g);
  • wood ash (200 g);
  • organic matter (up to 10 kg).

Repeat this procedure every 3 years. In between, the soil under the shrub is loosened and mulched with peat or humus (10 kg per 1 plant). In the spring, urea is applied: in early May – 15 g, after flowering – 10 g.

In order to protect the tall Chernomor from wind damage and ensure its vertical growth, for the first few years the shrub is tied to a trellis or peg.

In preparation for wintering, the area planted with gooseberries is weeded, dry leaves and vegetation are removed, and then the aisles are dug up to a depth of 18 cm.

In order to shelter for the winter, the culture is wrapped with agrospan, and with the advent of winter, it is sprinkled with snow.

Pests and diseases

The gooseberry variety Chernomor has a strong immunity to major diseases. However, for preventive purposes in the spring it is treated with a solution of Karbofos or ash.

To protect the crop from pests during the growing season of Chernomor, 3-4 sprays are carried out with Fufanon, Tsiperus or Samurai.


Gooseberry Chernomor – resistant to diseases and temperature extremes, unpretentious shrub in the care. And strict observance of simple agrotechnical requirements is the key to obtaining an abundant harvest of large berries with high taste.


Alexandra Reznik, 44 years old, Lugansk.
For me, the gooseberry variety Chernomor is number one. It is resistant to diseases, has few thorns (and those are soft), gives large yields of tasty, sweet berries, and has a pleasant wine aroma. In appearance, it is also very beautiful (with glossy leaves and bright flowers), it can decorate any garden plot. The only drawback is that you cannot keep the gooseberry crop for a long time after ripening on the bushes. Part of the berries, especially after heavy rains, may crack.
Irina Kosareva, 35 years old, Voronezh.
I love berries, especially gooseberries. I have been growing different varieties of it for the seventh year now. One of my favorites is Chernomor. Maybe there are more interesting varieties in terms of taste or fruit size, but in terms of resistance to bad weather or diseases, Chernomor is one of the best. Seedlings take root quickly and easily. It can be grown as ordinary gooseberry bushes or given a standard form. And dark-colored berries are not only pleasing to the eye, but also give a beautiful color to jams, jams or juices.
Overview of the gooseberry Chernomor.

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