At the Institute of Horticulture, under the leadership of Ivan Michurin, in the last century, scientists received a new variety – this is the Black Negus gooseberry. The aim of the study was to develop a crop resistant to external factors and pests with high palatability.

Description of gooseberry Black Negus

The shrub is very powerful, reaches a height of 1,5-2 m, but by the age of 10 it can grow even higher. The plant is spreading, up to 3 m wide. According to the description of the variety and photo, the Black Negus gooseberry has strong and very strong arched shoots. The branches grow upward, slightly deviate to the side. On the shoots in the internodes there are thorns, reaching a length of 2 cm, and slightly bent down. There are single, double or triple thorns on the plant.

Gooseberry Black Negus: variety description, planting and care

Gooseberry Black Negus: variety description, planting and care

According to the description and photo, the Black Negus gooseberry is the owner of large three-blade and five-blade leaf plates with a light fluff of a bright green hue and rounded teeth. Their upper surface is duller, with weak wrinkles. The petiole of the leaves is thin, long and uncolored. One or two flowers form an inflorescence.

The berries of the gooseberry Black Negus are distinguished by an elongated shape, similar to a pear. They are small in size, each weighing 2-2,5 g. Young berries have a delicate, medium-thick skin without pubescence, a green tint. A bluish waxy coating is visible on the fruits.

The fully ripe berry of the variety has a dark purple, closer to black, color. Venation in ripe fruits is not visible. Gooseberry Black Negus tastes sweet and sour, similar to grape. The aroma of the berry is strongly pronounced, specific. Gooseberry fruits after ripening remain on the branches for a long time, without crumbling, do not crack in bad weather and heat.

Important! Both the pulp and juice of gooseberries turn red as they ripen.

The recommended region for cultivation is the middle zone of Our Country.

Gooseberry Black Negus: variety description, planting and care

Drought resistance, frost resistance

According to the description of the gooseberry variety, Negus tolerates low temperatures well in winter and spring. The plant safely withstands frosts down to -25 ° C. After studies conducted in 1964-1966 in the Non-Chernozem Zone, the culture was recognized as one of the winter-hardy, which makes it possible to grow gooseberries not only in central Our Country, but also in regions with a colder climate.

The plant is drought-resistant, but the neglect of the rules of agricultural technology adversely affects the yield of the variety.

fruiting, productivity

With proper planting and care, gooseberries are able to begin to bear fruit in the second year after transferring the seedling to the ground. The ripening period of berries is average: it is possible to harvest from the last week of July or in August.

The fruits are located from the beginning to the end of the branch, not prone to premature shedding and cracking. From one adult shrub you can collect up to 7-8 kg of berries.

The harvested crop has a high transportability: up to 25 days. Berries are suitable for sale. They are also used in cooking: jams and jams are made from them. The variety is well suited for wine and compotes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The variety has been popular for several decades. When purchasing a seedling, gardeners focus on the benefits of the Black Negus gooseberry:

  • high palatability, rated at 4,7 points, which expands the scope of their application in cooking;
  • the presence of medicinal properties in the plant and a large number of useful substances in it;
  • high frost resistance;
  • regular fruiting for 15-18 years;
  • the ability of berries to maintain their properties and appearance during long-term transportation;
  • resistance to powdery mildew and various diseases;
  • high yield variety.

The main drawback of the Black Negus gooseberry is the presence of sharp thorns that prevent harvesting and caring for the plant. But gardeners also use this feature to their advantage, planting shrubs as a hedge along the fence.

Features of reproduction

The gooseberry variety Black Negus propagates like other chokeberry representatives of the culture by standard methods:

  • Layers. One of the young shoots is bent to the ground and sprinkled with soil. After some time, the formation of the root system occurs on the branch in the region of bud formation. This method is considered to be the most effective.

    Gooseberry Black Negus: variety description, planting and care

  • Shoots. For propagation, branches close to the base of the plant are cut off, which are then rooted. This cultivation method is suitable for shrubs no more than 9 years old.
  • branches. A well-formed branch is determined in a shrub, then it is separated from the mother bush with part of the root system, then transplanted to another place.

    Gooseberry Black Negus: variety description, planting and care

  • By division. This method of reproduction allows you to rejuvenate the shrub. It is dug up and divided into two parts. The most viable part is transferred to a new location.

The choice of propagation method depends on the shrub: it is preferable to divide old bushes, shoots and layering are safely separated from young plants, which take root well, subject to the rules of agricultural technology.

Planting and care

The gooseberry variety Negus loves the sun’s rays, so it is recommended that he select a place with good lighting or in partial shade on the site. It is necessary to place the shrub on a hillock or a flat area. A variety planted in a lowland does not grow well. With an excess of moisture, the plant is affected by root rot.

The variety is undemanding to the composition of the soil, but the highest yields are achieved when the plant is grown on loamy or sandy lands. Gooseberries grow well on neutral soils.

14 days before planting, they dig up the earth, remove all weeds and debris. During work, it is necessary to introduce humus or compost into the soil. Potassium and nitrogen fertilizers are used as fertilizers.

Before planting a seedling of the Black Negus gooseberry, they dig a hole 0,5 m deep and wide. If it is necessary to plant several bushes between plants, it is necessary to retreat 1,5 m.

Important! With the predominance of clay soil in the area, a bucket of sand is brought into the pit.

Gooseberry seedling Black Negus must be with a strong root system. 24 hours before planting, it is soaked in an aqueous solution with the addition of organic fertilizers. To do this, add 5 tablespoons of Sodium Humate to 4 liters of water. Alternatively, it is possible to treat the plant with a Zircon solution (0,25 ml of the substance per 1000 ml of water).

Gooseberry Black Negus: variety description, planting and care

It is recommended to place a seedling of the Black Negus variety in a pit straight or with a slight slope. All roots should be straightened, the root neck is deepened by 5-6 cm.

It is necessary to fill the seedling with earth in parts, each layer should be compacted and watered. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to mulch the plant with a mixture of peat, sand and humus. This will avoid rapid evaporation of moisture and prevent the formation of a crust on the surface of the well. In winter, mulching serves to prevent freezing of the root system. All shoots must be cut, leaving branches up to 10 cm tall with 5-6 buds.

Growing rules

For the gooseberry variety Black Negus, it is important to comply with the rules of agricultural technology. Neglect of the rules of care adversely affects the yield of the plant and its growth.

The variety is demanding on watering: in dry months it is necessary to moisten the soil 3-5 times. It is important to provide the shrub with enough water during flowering and ovary formation.

Important! It is not recommended to water the plant by sprinkling with cold water.

When fertilizing the soil during planting for the next three years, it is not necessary to feed the shrub. In subsequent years, in spring and autumn, it is recommended to add compost, humus and nitrogen fertilizers to the soil around the Black Negus gooseberry variety.

As an organic fertilizer, a mullein infusion diluted in water 1:5 has a beneficial effect on the culture; as a replacement, it is possible to use bird droppings diluted in a ratio of 1:12 with water.

Photos and reviews of the Black Negus gooseberry confirm that the variety is prone to thickening, which requires annual pruning. Neglect of this procedure leads to a decrease in yield, ripe berries are difficult to collect from the branches.

The best time for pruning is autumn, when sap flow slows down. In the spring, the plant dissolves foliage very early, so it is not recommended to remove the shoots after the snow melts.

All weak, up to 20 cm in length, branches are pruned. Cut out with a pruner and dry, broken and diseased shoots. On the shrub of the gooseberry variety Black Negus, only strong, up to 50 cm long branches should remain.

Gooseberry Black Negus: variety description, planting and care

Important! Horizontally located shoots should be removed during further planning of plant propagation by layering.

In order to make the Black Negus gooseberry shrub more compact, it is recommended to build wooden supports for it.

As the plant grows older, the aging phase begins, therefore, during pruning, 6-8-year-old shoots are removed. The shrub in return will form new branches from the root collar. In a 4-6-year-old bush, the total number of shoots, together with lateral ones, does not exceed 30 pieces.

Due to frost resistance, the variety does not need to be covered for the winter. Be sure to carefully shed the gooseberries in the fall, mulch the soil around the bush.

Pests and diseases

Despite the presence of good immunity of the Black Negus gooseberry variety, regular preventive measures are recommended. To do this, the bush is treated with a solution of parasites and fungi. To prepare it, add 10/1 tsp to 3 liters of boiling water. boric acid and a pinch of potassium permanganate, mix everything thoroughly. Easy to apply with a spray bottle.


Gooseberry Black Negus is a variety known not only for its unusual berries, but also for its immunity to powdery mildew. The culture is unpretentious in care, perfectly tolerates low temperatures and bears fruit for 16-18 years, which is an undoubted advantage of this variety.


Kanshina Margarita Evgenievna, 63 years old, Astrakhan
Gooseberry sapling Black Negus received as a gift from a neighbor. I planted it in August, and it took root well before the onset of frost. The first berries appeared in the third year after planting. There was no special care for the plant: watered, fed and mulched. I am very satisfied with the variety, I will propagate by layering.
Zuev Andrey Ivanovich, 47 years old, Murmansk
Gooseberries Black Negus have been grown in the family for 10 years. The berries of the variety are large, almost black in color, very sweet. From one bush we collect up to 7-8 kg of crop. Gooseberries make excellent jam and dessert wine, berries can be frozen and used for compote.

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