Goose meat for Saint Martin! Is it worth it – Dietetics – Articles |

November 11 is not only the day of St. Martin’s Croissant, but also of goose meat. Goose meat is not very popular, which is certainly dictated by its price and availability. On this one day of the year, however, it is worth trying the goose dishes, even during the diet.

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Worth eating goose meat?

Goose meat is not a popular meat, in Poland we eat relatively little of it, despite the fact that it is the Polish varieties that are characterized by excellent muscle parameters and high nutritional value. Every year from November 11 to Christmas, Germany eats around 25. tons of goose meat. Importantly, the vast majority of this pool comes from Poland. About 90 percent goes to Germany. goose meat produced in Poland, which is approx. 20 thousand. tone. Employees of the University of Wrocław, together with the National Research Institute of Animal Production, carried out a study of the nutritional and technological values ​​of two native varieties of goose – Kartul and Suwałki. The results put goose meat in a very good light:

  1. The studied geese were highly muscled with a relatively low amount of fat.
  2. The processed Kartuzy goose meat was very tender and juicy. What’s more, it contained a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which are recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases. These fats also have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
  3. All the geese tested had a high protein content.
  4. The meat contains a large amount of minerals, i.e. potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron, and vitamins, i.e. vitamin A, vitamin E and B vitamins.

Polish goose is conquering Europe and losing weight!

The European market is currently being conquered by the white Koluda goose, also known as the wrapped goose. It is valued for its taste and low amount of fat with a large proportion of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The content of conjugated linoleic acid – CLA is an often emphasized value of goose meat. It has been proven that this acid improves immunity, promotes weight loss and has anti-cancer properties. The ‘oatmeal’ goose is perfect on a slimming diet. This poultry variety provides about 99-137 kcal / 100 g (carcass), while a chicken carcass is about 158 ​​kcal / 100 g.

Not every type of poultry meat has dietary properties. These include mainly chicken and turkey breast meat and oat goose meat. Meat from other geese and ducks are the most fatty varieties of poultry.

– emphasizes the dietitian Karolina Łąkowska

So you cannot put every goose in one bag, and when shopping, pay attention to the species. We can deceive ourselves by buying a traditional goose, the calorific value of which can reach even 340 kcal, and the fat content is 32 g in 100 g. Of course, we can eat such a treat once in a while, but during the diet it should not become everyday life.

How to prepare goose meat?

Goose meat is prepared in the same way as other poultry. Roasted and stuffed goose is popular. However, amateurs of goose use it literally for everything – salads, galantines, stews, etc. .. Fruits such as plums, pears, apricots and fruit sauces, for example cranberry, are also perfect for goose meat.

Do you like goose meat?

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