Goose marinated in wine and baked in the oven

Cooking a goose in the oven is considered the highest culinary aerobatics – the meat should be moderately fatty, soft and juicy. These indicators can be achieved with the help of a properly selected marinade and observing the baking technology. We present to your attention a recipe for goose marinated in white wine.

Ingredient selection

Frozen meat is also suitable, but it is better to take just chilled, preferably a young bird. The skin of a fresh carcass is dry, not slippery, the same color everywhere, and the fat is white and transparent. The paws of young birds are yellow and covered with thick down, in turn, the paws of old geese are red and almost without down.

It is dry white wine that is required, which, due to its high acidity, softens goose meat well. Other types (semi-dry, semi-sweet, etc.) are not suitable, as they give a characteristic sweetish aftertaste. The quality of the drink should not be below average. Red wines do not pair well with white meat, so this recipe is also not used.


  • goose carcass – 1 piece (2,5-3 kg);
  • dry white wine – 0,7 liters;
  • water – 1-2 glasses;
  • apples – 3-4 pieces;
  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • salt, pepper, other seasonings and spices – to taste.

Goose in white wine recipe

1. Singe the gutted carcass, rinse with water, remove excess internal fat. Cut off the thin parts of the wings (extreme phalanges) so that they do not burn when baking. Cut off the neck, and fill the skin inside the carcass. Wrap the wings behind your back.

2. With a thin knife, make longitudinal punctures under the skin, trying not to touch the meat. Pierce the breast several times, then the legs at their junction with the body. Fat will be rendered through the punctures, as a result the meat will turn out soft and juicy, but not greasy.

3. Mix wine, water, salt, pepper, other spices and juice squeezed from one lemon in a deep container. Pour the carcass with the resulting mixture (it must be completely covered with liquid). If the marinade is not enough, add more water or wine (preferred).

Attention! To avoid oxidation, use stainless steel or food-grade plastic containers; conventional metal ducks are not suitable for pickling.

4. Leave the goose to marinate in wine for 8-12 hours in the refrigerator.

5. Before baking, cut the apples into 4-6 pieces, remove the core and seeds. It is not necessary to remove the skin.

6. Stuff the goose with apples (fill the inside about 2/3), fasten the skin on the belly with toothpicks. For reliability, you can pass the culinary thread through the toothpicks or simply sew up the hole.

7. Preheat oven to 180°C. Put the carcass on a baking sheet with its back on top, pour over the marinade. Bake the goose in the oven for 2-2,5 hours until cooked (the meat is easily pierced with a fork, and the juice released in the thickest part is transparent). Every 30-40 minutes, water the carcass with fat accumulated at the bottom of the baking sheet and turn it over: first on one side, then on the second, then on the back, and finally on the breast. If the breast is blushing too quickly, cover it with foil or reduce the temperature by several tens of degrees.

8. Remove the finished baked goose from the oven, cool slightly and serve hot.

Goose marinated in wine and baked in the oven

Goose marinated in wine and baked in the oven

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