goods for allergy sufferers in Magnitogorsk

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The statistics are not encouraging: about every third city dweller suffers from allergies. Many of us only take active action during an exacerbation and treat symptoms. Whereas to deal with allergies can be “preventive” methods. The most effective is to install an air cleaner in the apartment.

It is believed that air purifiers are a device exclusively for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. In fact, a high-tech “gadget” is, in fact, necessary for everyone who lives in a big city.

“Autumn is the perfect time to buy an air purifier. After all, an exacerbation of allergies occurs, as a rule, in the spring and summer, and then we are more busy with symptomatic treatment. In the fall, when the peak is passed, you can think about prevention. An air purifier is one of the tools for creating a so-called hypoallergenic household, it removes allergens from the air of living quarters. But even if you do not suffer from allergies, then with the onset of winter you feel that the microclimate in your home is significantly deteriorating. Heating radiators dry and electrify the air, taking into account our environmental situation, frequent ventilation is also not an option. Therefore, air purifiers are bought not only by allergy sufferers, but also by people who simply care about their health. “

It should be noted that today there are many models of household air purifiers on the market. How not to get lost in this abundance?

“To make the right choice, you first need to decide: for what purpose you are purchasing the device. Various filters are used in the manufacture of air purifiers. To date, the most effective are mechanical HEPA filters, electrostatic, photocatalytic and thermodynamic. HEPA filters do an excellent job of cleaning the air from allergens, their main drawback is that they do not remove allergens, but accumulate them. Sooner or later, the filter needs to be cleaned and replaced. In addition, air cleaners based on such filters are quite noisy. Electrostatic and catalytic filters are virtually silent. But they cannot guarantee that 100% of the allergens are destroyed. The most advanced devices are purifiers with thermodynamic filters. Without going into details, I can say with confidence: such devices are absolutely environmentally friendly, destroy 100% of not only allergens, but also viruses and bacteria, do not make noise and do not require additional consumables. “

The choice is made, and you are the proud owner of an air purifier. The next question is: where to install the device so that it works as efficiently as possible?

“The recommendations for the location of the air purifier also depend on the purpose for which you purchased it. To effectively remove tobacco smoke, the appliance should be positioned as close to the ceiling as possible. To combat allergens, the most successful place will be a location near a wall, no higher than 1/3 of the height of the room. I do not recommend installing the air cleaner near windows, doors and heaters, as well as in “closed” places like a niche in the wall. Regardless of the declared performance of the device, it will “clean” only one room, the one in which it is installed. Therefore, the device should be installed, first of all, in the bedroom. Even if, for example, the child spends the whole day in another room. This will be enough to achieve a lasting positive effect. Of course, if possible, you can install air purifiers, for example, in the living room and in the bedroom, this should not be neglected. In such a situation, the presence of two inexpensive devices is much more effective than one expensive one, which is carried from room to room. The device should work constantly, it should not be turned off even in those cases when you leave home for several days. “

Trade and information center “Allergodom”

Address: Karl Marx Ave., 198

Contact number: +7 (3519) 34−06−63, +7 (3519) 29−60−08


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