Goodnight! Secrets of good sleep

The older we get, the more often we are visited by insomnia. It takes strength, badly affects health, mood and appearance. Both men and women are at risk. How to restore a full night’s rest without pills? Here are some practical recommendations from doctors and psychiatrists researching sleep problems.

After a sleepless night, we do not look well, we feel a breakdown and grumbling, like all seven dwarfs put together. With age, forced nighttime wakefulness and dull mornings become more frequent as the years change not only the body, but also sleep patterns. Women are especially susceptible to this during menopause, when hot flashes and other symptoms prevent normal sleep.

age problem

“In adulthood, there is a trend towards shorter hours of sleep,” says Dr. Karen Carlson, director of the Women’s Health Association of Massachusetts General Hospital. There are changes in the regulation of circadian (daily) rhythms of the body. This internal clock helps the body respond to the alternation of daylight and darkness. As rhythms shift with age, it can be difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Everyone can have trouble sleeping from time to time, but when insomnia becomes regular, it becomes a problem. In addition to feeling tired and in a bad mood, it can lead to serious health problems such as obesity, heart disease and type XNUMX diabetes.

In some cases, doctors prescribe medication to regulate sleep, but the drugs have side effects such as changes in appetite, dizziness, drowsiness, gastrointestinal discomfort, dry mouth, headaches, and strange dreams. Harvard experts say that drugs can and should be taken if needed, but only when prescribed and under the supervision of a competent physician. In addition to pills, there are simple and affordable ways for almost everyone to correct the quality of sleep.

calm walk

To improve sleep quality, University of Pennsylvania psychology professor Seth Gillihan recommends walking outdoors. He cites a recent study that involved adults who averaged about seven hours of sleep per night. They were divided into two groups – the first was given the task to walk at least 2000 steps a day, the activity in the second group did not increase. Both groups were given fitness gadgets with an accurate pedometer. At the end of the experiment, the researchers compared participants’ feedback on the quality and duration of their sleep.

The first results of the study showed that the inclusion of a walk in the daily schedule leads to better sleep. However, this concerned only women and only quality, while the duration of sleep remained the same. Further, more sophisticated studies found that walking had a beneficial effect on both women and men when the person took more steps than their own daily allowance.

In other words, if physical activity exceeds the usual level for us, we have a chance to sleep well.

At the same time, it is also important that for such an effect, calm activity is needed that does not require strong tension. That is, an evening run or a thorough power load is not suitable for this purpose. This can be reassuring for those whose physical abilities are limited, and this is a good motivation for people who are too lazy to move a lot, says Seth Gillihan.

Why Walking Improves Sleep Quality Scientists have not yet found a definite answer, but Dr. Gillian offers several explanations. Thus, the natural light available during walks helps the body regulate circadian biorhythms. Exercise helps reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being. In addition, comfortable socialization, if the walk is not done alone, improves mood. All of these factors help support healthy sleep.

7 tips for good sleep

Harvard scientists offer simple advice for those who suffer from insomnia.

1. Exercise

Physical activity can help those who have trouble sleeping. It promotes the production of melatonin, the “sleep hormone”. According to a study in the journal Sleep, post-menopausal women fell asleep faster if they exercised at least 3,5 hours a week. It is important to consider that evening classes can backfire and interfere with restful sleep, so Dr. Carlson and her colleagues consider the morning hours to be the ideal time for physical activity. And for the evening, a quiet walk is just right.

2. Only use the bed for sleep and sex.

Sleep researchers do not recommend using the bed as an “office”: for telephone conversations and correspondence. Late TV viewing is also undesirable. “The space of the bed should encourage sleep, not wakefulness,” notes Karen Carlson. And this space should be as comfortable as possible: ideally, darkened and cool. This promotes good sleep.

3. Have a bedtime ritual

As children, we were put to bed with a whole range of daily activities, including, for example, reading a bedtime story. It is also useful for adults to develop a ritual for good sleep that will prepare the body for rest. “This is a signal for the body and mind, saying that it is time to tune in to sleep. Drink a glass of warm milk. Take a bath. Listen to soothing music to relax,” recommends Dr. Carlson.

4. Eat in moderation

Going to bed with an empty stomach is just as bad as having a full one. Experts recommend eating at least two to three hours before bedtime. But if hunger strikes, it is better to eat an apple with a piece of cheese or a couple of whole grain crackers so that the body can calmly wait for breakfast.

5. Avoid alcohol and caffeine

Wine and chocolate are the wrong snack before bed. The latter contains stimulating caffeine, and alcohol, contrary to popular belief, does not help, but significantly reduces sleep time. For the same reason, you should not eat citrus fruits at night or eat spicy – it increases blood circulation and accelerates the heart rate.

6. Try to relax

Unpaid bills, to-do lists, and complex conversations are best left for tomorrow. Dr. Carlson reminds us that stress is a stimulating factor, it activates the hormones of the “fight or flight” mechanism, which is incompatible with restful sleep. Therefore, in the evening it is important to give yourself time to exhale and perhaps do some relaxation practices to reduce anxiety levels. For example, you can simply breathe deeply, consciously and slowly inhaling and exhaling.

7. Check your health

The need to move your legs, snoring, and burning sensation in your stomach, chest, or throat can be symptoms of, for example, restless leg syndrome or gastroesophageal reflux. If such manifestations interfere with normal sleep, it’s time to see a doctor and check your health.

Improving the quality of life is often in our hands. Taking care of a good night’s rest can be quite enjoyable. A sound sleep and a good morning mood help to meet the events of the day in a more stable state, solve problems more successfully and feel much happier.

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