Good shot: how to relax in front of the camera?

Why do some always turn out to be handsome and beauties in photographs, while others, whatever one may say, with a “passport” facial expression? Finding photogenic is quite real, and without plastic surgery, our expert is sure.

“Photogenicity – the ability to look better in photographs than in life – is not an innate quality, but a whole combination of factors. This is what a person works with in front of the camera, and what you need to learn, ”says blogger, coach Alexandra Bulantsova.

Stop being Pinocchio

“When I see a lens aimed at me, it’s as if I turn to stone, like the hero of a fairy tale who looked into the eyes of the Gorgon Medusa. Even if the camera is held in the hands of a person I know well. Why this is happening, I don’t understand,” says 28-year-old Natalya. And this is not surprising.

“Before the photo shoot and during the process, many people experience stress, this is normal,” says Alexandra Bulantsova. “Usually we live in a relaxed “unconscious” state, our body is on autopilot, and we, of course, do not monitor how we move. And in front of the camera, we begin to control our movements and feel as if the body does not belong to us.

That’s why, if you want your photo to be as natural as possible and as beautiful as possible, it’s worth taking the time to prepare.

Be careful when choosing a photographer, Alexander Bulantsova recommends.

“The photographer and the model work together, and this cannot be achieved if the master does not inspire confidence in you. You should not agree to a photo session if you feel discomfort in something (in communication, for example), otherwise you won’t be able to relax enough. I would advise looking for a photographer with an individual, not a stereotyped approach.”

A person who focuses on quantity and earnings, and not on quality, is very easy to identify. It is enough to carefully study his work and try to arrange a preliminary meeting. If he refuses, it is very likely that he will not create unique photographs for you, Alexandra concludes. Perhaps he is afraid of you or, on the contrary, is too self-confident, which will also not play into your hands.

A good, experienced photographer understands that usually the work itself on the camera takes half an hour or an hour. The rest of the time is spent preparing the model, and that starts long before the day of shooting.

The location is discussed — the place of shooting, image, clothes. Thus, tension is relieved, because the model becomes a co-author of the creative process.

Find a clamp in the body

But sometimes when shooting, we are interfered with by traps that we have set for ourselves. How to bypass them?

“The first thing to do is to define the goal,” recommends Alexandra Bulantsova. Why do you need these photos? How do you want them to look? What image to match? This is important because all of your poses, your entire being must be set to achieve the same goal during the photo session and act as a well-tuned tool.”

Once the goal is determined, you need to properly examine your own body and face in front of the mirror, the coach advises. What poses and angles are most suitable, and in which you feel uncomfortable. You can do this on your own or with the help of a loved one.

“Walk your fingers over all muscle groups, pressing with force. If there is severe pain, most likely you have found a clamp — this is a concentrated portion of energy that accumulates in a separate part of the body when we cannot answer, fight back, stand up for ourselves. That is, the body is ready to fight back, but internally we cannot do this.

The bad news is that blocks don’t form overnight, and it’s impossible to release chronic tension overnight. The good news is that we can consciously direct our attention to tense places and relax them gradually.

Ask yourself questions: why am I tightening my stomach? Why do I raise my shoulders? Why is the throat clamped, and the muscles on the face tense?

Stress Relief Techniques

Special techniques can help relieve stress. It is very important that when performing them, breathing is not superficial. These techniques will only work if they are repeated regularly. If you know that the photo session is in two weeks, great — use this time to prepare and set up.

Make it a rule to do the exercises every day and dedicate at least half an hour to them. Gradually, you will understand what gives the greatest effect and suits you.

Exercise 1. Relax as much as possible in a sitting position and try to exhale and inhale with a groan. One breath out and one breath in. Try to exhale and inhale as long as possible. After a few cycles, even crying may occur, and this is normal — tension is released in such an organic way for us.

Exercise 2. Stand in a pose: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. You have to «concussion of the body.» It is done by quickly bending and straightening the knees. The result should be dog-like breathing. A minute is enough for this exercise.

Exercise 3. Breathing for 10 counts. Sit in a chair with a straight back. Breathe calmly through your mouth and count inhalations and exhalations: 1 — inhale, 2 — exhale, 3 — inhale, 4 — exhale, and so on up to 10. There should be no pauses between inhalations and exhalations, breathing is even and calm.

Focus all your attention on counting, moving your belly and chest, and feeling the air you breathe (track its movement through your airways). It is necessary to perform 3-4 approaches with short breaks.

The day before and on the day of shooting

Get enough sleep before your shooting date. Do not drink alcohol the day before the photo shoot (and on the day of the photo shoot, too), do not go to the solarium and do not do anything that can change your appearance! Against the backdrop of stress, even ordinary manipulations can have an unforeseen effect, Alexandra Bulantsova warns.

The day before the shooting, do not abuse salty and spicy food — it also leads to swelling in the morning, which will take a long time to disappear.

Come to the shooting a little earlier so that you have the opportunity to explore the interior and get used to the surroundings. Less stress, more naturalness.

On set, don’t think about anything other than the purpose of the photo shoot. Forget that you will be photographed now, forget about how you look.

“Keep only the image in your head,” recommends Alexandra Bulantsova. “And tune your entire “instrument” to it. Your whole body should work on this image: if something is relaxed, and something is tense, if only the face is involved in the process, nothing will come of it. Believe me, part of the successful implementation of the idea depends on your imagination, your mood and preparation.

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