35-year-old Maria Kravchenko is sure that what helps maintain passion in a relationship cannot be bought for any money.
35-year-old Maria Kravchenko has long and hopelessly happy in a relationship with Konstantin Zolotarev, producer of the TNT TV channel. And if on stage she is a star and an actress, then at home she is a simple girl who needs comfort and tranquility.
“Next to Kostya, I want to be just a woman, and not that omnipotent one who earns money, solves the problems of her parents and, in general, everything and everywhere,” Maria said.
Zolotarev earns more than his wife, and Maria is quite happy with this. However, she is in no hurry to abuse Constantine’s generosity.
“I’m realist. I have a notebook where I write down how much I earn and how much I spend. Separate column – “Large purchases”: real estate, cars. Separate – “Shopping”. I’m not one of those who buys a bag with their last money, and then sits hungry. I understand when I can afford it and when I can’t, ”said Kravchenko.
But the main secret of family life is that it is impossible to buy. “I’ll tell you this, in family life, good sex is the shortest way to a woman’s heart. Money can’t buy it. It is either there or not. And I am for it to be “, – said Maria in an interview with the publication
By the way, fans are still waiting for Kravchenko to officially marry Konstantin – they have been living together for many years and are raising their daughter Victoria, but they have not reached the registry office.
Konstantin, of course, made an offer to Maria, and especially for this he flew to Cuba to shoot the film “Women against Men” (moreover, having survived an emergency landing in Spain).
Maria Kravchenko is still not married
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“Eight in the morning. I could not sleep for a long time – I had bed bugs. A knock on the door. I thought it was my Conchita – the maid who cleaned my house. I jump up, open the door, there is my Kostya with flowers and a ring, falls on one knee, says: “Will you marry me?” Do you know what I answered? “Well, maybe someday yes.” And he: “Are you ofigela ?!” And we never got married, ”Masha said in the show“ Petya likes to drink ”.
Photo Shoot: @ 3ojioto, @ kravacomedy / Instagram, Андрей Калмыков / Healthy Food Near Me