Good remedy for foot fungus
Catching a foot fungus is as easy as shelling pears: every now and then we go barefoot – on the beach, in the pool, in the hotel room. Keeping your feet healthy isn’t all that difficult, however. will tell you how to protect yourself from infection.
The main enemy of the fungus is immunity. It is thanks to the latter that fungal infections of the feet rarely stick to children. Their favorite age is from 30 years and above, when the immune system for most of us begins to malfunction. And then…
On a rest
Must not: Walk barefoot on the asphalt paths near the hotel and next to the pool.
One can: Walking without slippers on the hot sand of the beach, here the risk of catching a foot fungus is minimal. You can also walk barefoot in a hotel room, where, as a rule, a thorough
Protection measures: Apply deodorant or powder to your feet daily. They will not only rid your feet of an unpleasant odor, but will also protect you from fungus, which, as you know, is very fond of moisture. By the way, the powder will save you from the appearance of corns.
In the bath
Must not: in the bathhouse and pool to be without shoes – these are the most “mushroom” places.
One can: Go barefoot into a hot, dry steam room, such as a sauna.
Protection measures: Before going to the bath, apply an antimycotic agent to the skin of the feet. It can be gel or cream. Doctors recommend using them to everyone who leads
In gym
Must not: be without shoes at all. Here, the risk of catching an infection is very high. Even if the building is thoroughly disinfected, no one will do it several times a day.
Protection measures: when changing clothes, do not step on the floor with bare feet, do not go into the shower and sauna without slippers, be sure to wear disposable shoe covers in the solarium. After water procedures, wipe your feet, toes and between them dry, wear only dry shoes and socks.
How do you know if you have caught the fungus and how to cure it?
A humid environment is ideal for the development and growth of fungi.
Looks like
In the presence of a fungus, the nail plate fades and loses its transparency, small yellow, whitish or gray spots appear on it. Diaper rash, redness, inflammation appear between the third and fourth fingers. On the inner arch of the foot, bubbles, peeling often appear, and on the foot itself there are callous thickenings, sometimes cracks, itching invariably appears in the legs. When the stage is advanced, the nails turn yellow and begin to crumble.
How to be treated
Modern medicine knows many ways to get rid of infection. Some varieties of fungus are effectively cured with the help of special varnishes, while others are only able to overcome the course of pills. A properly prescribed course of treatment takes only a few weeks.
Mycosis is an insidious thing, if it is not treated, it will hide and will erode the body from the inside, reducing immunity, causing exacerbation of asthma, gastritis, dermatitis and even fungal allergies. Deliver accurate
Attention! It makes no sense to self-medicate.
In the risk zone
If you’ve already had the fungus, it’s best to double your precautions. In your case, the risk of contracting mycosis is even more likely. Among other things, everyone who has chronic diseases, flat feet, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, wounds and cracks in the feet should beware of the disease.