Good news on UK COVID-19 vaccine. «Works perfectly»
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The world has high hopes for the COVID-19 vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca (AZD1222). This is one of the most promising preparations of this type. The vaccine is still being tested, but an independent study by Bristol University researchers shows good news: ‘it works great and builds strong immunity to viruses’.

  1. Scientists wanted to check if the vaccine was properly designed and, therefore, properly “trains” the immune system to fight SARS-CoV-2
  2. Dr. David Matthews: The vaccine does all we expected and that’s good news for our fight against COVID-19
  3. Professor of Vaccinology: This is a great example of a cross-disciplinary collaboration that uses new technology to investigate what exactly a vaccine does when it enters a human cell
  4. For more up-to-date information on the coronavirus epidemic, visit the TvoiLokony home page

“Good news in our fight against COVID-19”

The vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford uses fragments of other viruses to trigger an immune response against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (the so-called vector vaccine).

This particular preparation is based on a modified adenovirus (adenovirus itself cannot reproduce and does not cause disease, it is only a vector, i.e. a kind of genetic taxi, capable of transferring a fragment of genetic material). Let us remind you that adenoviruses are responsible for upper respiratory tract infections, and they enter the body through droplets, similar to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

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Currently, the preparation is in the third, most advanced phase of clinical trials. Thousands of people from many countries around the world take part in it. Scientists from the University of Bristol decided to test the vaccine in their laboratory. Researchers wanted to check whether the vaccine was properly designed and, therefore, properly “train” the immune system to fight SARS-CoV-2.

High-tech experiments have shown that this is what is happening – the vaccine prepares the human immune system to recognize the coronavirus and fight it. “ Until now, technology has not been able to provide such clarity, but we now know that the vaccine is doing what we expected, and that’s good news for our fight against COVID-19, ” said Dr. David Matthews, lead researcher.

“ This is a great example of interdisciplinary collaboration using new technology to investigate what exactly a vaccine does when it enters a human cell, ” commented Sarah Gilbert, professor of vaccinology at the University of Oxford development of new vaccines as well as their subsequent use).

UK COVID-19 vaccine and Phase XNUMX clinical trials

Scientists from the University of Bristol shared the optimistic news shortly after it was announced that a volunteer who participated in clinical trials of AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford had died in Brazil.

The unfortunate incident was reported on October 21. The Brazilian health authority did not provide further details, citing medical confidentiality. There has been information that the deceased research participant did not receive a dose of the vaccine, but a placebo.

The University of Oxford made a statement on this matter. “After careful investigation of this case in Brazil, we have no concerns about the safety of clinical trials; both the Brazilian regulator and an independent commission recommended the continuation of the tests, »the university said.

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Let us recall that the ongoing third phase of clinical trials on the vaccine developed by the British-Swedish company and the British university was suspended in September. The reason was the detection of a serious illness in one of the participants. After a few days, the research was resumed in Great Britain by the decision of an independent panel of experts. South Africa, Brazil and India are now also being pursued.

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