Good morning!

Good morning! Sunny or gloomy, starting with an annoying and so hateful alarm clock or with the most tender kiss, 6 am or almost noon… “Larks” and “owls”, let’s talk about how the day begins. Yes, it’s breakfast! We will not discuss the importance of this type of meal – nutritionists, trainers and hosts of various health programs have already discussed everything a hundred times inside and out. We’ll just discuss how a gastronomic day can begin.

Доброе утро!

Have you ever noticed that the definition that is suitable for breakfast, it is quite possible to broadcast for the whole day: a dense breakfast will help to adequately withstand the day with a busy schedule, refined-will set up to do everything with special grace, fast-will give acceleration (at least in order to have time to do everything and eat normally faster), etc.? You will see – this is not an amazing coincidence, but a scientific approach.

In the first part of the day, a third of the daily diet should be eaten – this is like “Our Father” for all who are not strangers to proper nutrition. Even those who “can’t get more than a cup of coffee in the morning” know this. They just don’t try hard enough! Yes, the preparation of even a simple breakfast takes time – the very 5-15 minutes that you can still sleep. But any adult understands that for an extra 5 minutes you will not get enough sleep. But bright colors and pleasant smells help you wake up better than any alarm clock! Agree, the brain reacts much more positively to the sunny yolk, the aroma of cinnamon and the tinkling of the toaster than to such usual “no hunting” and “no time” in the morning.

Is a proper breakfast too time-consuming? We will leave the manual coffee grinders and the long monotonous stirring of the dough for pancakes to caring grandmothers. Surely there is a place in your kitchen for helpers who are ready to try every morning, no matter how much it starts. For example, such as

Доброе утро!

It is they who, pleasantly gurgling, will boil water for super-tonic green tea for everyone who knows how the abbreviation of healthy lifestyle stands for, and for those who are in the process of working on weight loss. They will make the best wholegrain toast in the world for athletes and their sympathetic citizens. And, of course, they will brew an incomparably fragrant and invigorating awakening coffee for everyone.

Do you know that there are phenomena for which breakfast is basically the main meal of the day? Are you one of them?” Or, on the contrary, do you think breakfast is not so important? Then one question, and your opinion can turn into more than a pleasant surprise, which may well not only bring your culinary skills toa new level, but also become the subject of special interest for lovers of stylish life. 

Even if you personally do not like to eat properly at breakfast, someone in your family probably does not mind seeing something significantly delicious on the table in the morning. And if for you breakfast is not the main meal at all, then maybe this is the main time of gathering in the kitchen of all the household? Because most likely the next time you will see each other only for dinner, and before that there is still a whole day, which may turn out differently for everyone. So don’t miss the opportunity to influence how it starts!

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